Black Sky

Chapter 37

Chapter 36 Reason

Even Trus himself felt a little inappropriate to say this, because there was a questioning meaning in the question.

Who are you asking? Sae Young? Even if he was aware of the problem very early, what obligation did he have to say? He doesn’t even need to have a reason. If he doesn’t want to say or has nothing to do with him, he can throw it back.

He can even imagine how Sae Young would react when he heard such words, how he would pull a smile at the corner of his mouth, how he would use a procrastinating and casual tone…

Anyway, it’s too ridiculous, it will only make people feel worse.

So Chus lowered his gaze, and before Sae Young could speak, he lined his exclusive arm with the back of his hand and said, “Excuse me, please don’t block it like this. Next time, please don’t pick me from feeling uncomfortable. It’s time to send it in front of you, after all, I am an unreasonable person.”

When he said this, Chus’s tone was extremely calm, and he even took on the usual nonsense tone, which was regarded as exposing the question just now.

Maybe it was because the conversation was buried too quickly, maybe it was something else, until Truth bypassed Sae Young, left the door and walked in front of Carlos and the gang of wanderers, Sahe didn’t say anything to mock him.

That’s a lot of face, Chu Sixin said.

He didn’t look back at Sae’s expression, but randomly picked out a few wanderers who looked simpler and unfettered their shackles.

But I don’t know if it was an illusion. He always felt that Saer was looking at him, his eyes should be on his back, which made him very uncomfortable. For a moment, he wanted to look back and check, but since what he said before was no longer in line with his style, he didn’t want to do anything out of style.

When Didi’s electronic unlocking sound was activated, Carlos Black, including the rangers, couldn’t react.

“Do you really understand?” Carlos Black said in surprise.

Chuss complexion was as usual, and he seemed unaffected by the incidents just now. He shook the shackles that he had removed from his hands. The metal collided and clinked, making his voice calm and elegant: “I Having said that, if you explain one sentence, I will untie one. Most of the time I am very trustworthy.”

Carlos looked at him suspiciously.

Truth and him looked at each other for two seconds, and the shackles in his hand moved, and said, “Your Excellency seems to be very dissatisfied. If that’s the case, let’s handcuff them again.”

Carlos repeatedly said: “No! What am I not satisfied?! Why do you see that I am not satisfied! Hey! You—”

When he repented, Truth had already handcuffed someone again. Carlos was so anxious that he almost cracked his throat, and yelled a few times: “Satisfied, satisfied, satisfied, I’ve never been so satisfied with my damn, don’t cuff!

Truth then straightened up and stopped.

Carlos looked at him hard for a long time, and sighed: “I heard the chief of the plague call you shortly, your military department? Looks like a general.”

From time to time, they will do some information transactions with the military department, which can be regarded as relatively familiar. Asking this is probably to attract some favor.

Chus raised his eyebrows: “It doesn’t count in the narrow sense, I’m in the security building.”

Carlos looked at him up and down, with a sore expression on his face: “Aren’t your planet’s security buildings all a bunch of old guys who talk and do things want to think about it for a day? What about your style?”

Truth: “I also saw the King of Wanderers of this style for the first time.”

“…” Carlos sighed, “I don’t like to chat with young people like you who open their mouths and ridicule and block people. Try to say this in front of me a hundred years ago? I’m just too old. I have common knowledge with you.”

Carlos Black’s heyday was a hundred years ago. At that time, he was about the same age as Chus and Sae Young. It was in the golden age, but now, he is nearly 170 years old.

Even in the general life span of the early 200s, it is already in its twilight years.

Although he opened his mouth and shut his mouth and always liked to talk about “older” and sell his veteran qualifications, he didn’t think he was getting old in his heart. He was still tall and his muscles were still thick, and he could carry a cannon with his fists. , Dark brown hair and beard are as thick as ten years ago, twenty years ago, or even fifty or sixty years ago.

It’s too early to get old.

When Carlos said “I am getting older”, it is often when he wants to negotiate something with the other party.

Trus also noticed it. He sighed half-truth as he listened to Carlos, lifted his chin and said, “Don’t pant, why don’t you just say it?”

Carlos laughed, “Hey, refreshing! I like young people like you, and don’t detour. That’s it… Your current situation is actually not much better than our group of prisoners. This may not sound good, but this is the truth. , The planet collapsed to fragments, you only occupy a small part of it, it is still a wasteland. Lack of living materials, lack of manpower, lack of a stable environment. I guess—”

When he squinted, he raised his eyebrows more vigorously, like a falcon, but he looked like a wanderer leader than before. He paused, and then continued: “You must now want to know some news. For example, is the government okay, does the military have a response strategy, how many people have already woken up, and how long will you have to wander before your heads? Did the people on the planet hear the wind, and did they take any action?”

The more Carlos said, the softer his voice, but there was a different kind of oppressiveness.

He has stepped on every sentence, and this is indeed what Truth and the others want to know now. And besides that, Truss has one more question: what is going on with his time.

Each of these problems is enough to upset people, and each one is related to whether they can get rid of their current wandering situation as soon as possible.

Chus fiddled with the shackles in his hand, thought for a moment, and raised his eyes to look at him: “You have news, you want to make a deal?”

Carlos Black didn’t go around the corner: “I’ll give you the news, you have removed all of our shackles and returned the aircraft.”

“You give me news, I will unchain you, or return the aircraft.” Chus said, adding an accent to the word “or.”

Carlos: “…how can your young heart be so dark?”

Chu Stan said: “I just hope your Excellency will know that you are being arrested now and you don’t have the right to speak loudly.”

Truss originally thought Carlos would struggle again, who knew he just thought for a moment, then nodded and said: “Okay, I’m too lazy to wrestle, don’t you? Then I will choose to remove the shackles. I must go to the prisoners first. Leave in position, we can talk about other things.”

Truth nodded and said, “Yes. Then, let me hear from you first.”

Ten minutes later, Carlos Black finally finished talking and said to Chus: “That’s it, and I recorded some specific things at the time. In my aircraft, it has fallen into your hands anyway. , You can check it yourself.”

Chu Si nodded readily and straightened up.

Carlos Black’s aircraft was parked on the back platform. When Truss was about to turn around, he took a look at what Sae Young was doing without saying a word for a long time. However, when he turned his head, he found that the place where Saer was standing was empty. There are no more people.

Truth was taken aback.

Carlos Black seemed to see his question through the back of his head and interjected: “When I said that the City of Silver should have begun to take action, the plague went out.”


Chus opened the door of the meeting room and walked to the railing and looked down. He could not find Sae, only Le Pen and the others who were carrying something out.

“Hey, I’m all done, do we have to remove all the shackles?” Carlos exclaimed.

“Yes.” Truth said this, but didn’t approach the Rangers under the eyes of the Wanderers, but stepped onto the platform and got into Carlos’s aircraft.

This is one of the only aircraft that has no chip removed and can be used normally.

The aircraft is actually equivalent to the homes of these homeless people. The space inside is not small. It has everything a normal apartment should have. In addition, it also has weapons and ammunition depots, medical cabins, and cockpits that are not available in normal apartments.

Chus glanced at the general layout inside, then picked through the weapons and ammunition warehouse, and found the smart walking miniature bomb.

It is said that it is a miniature bomb for intelligent walking, in fact, it is more like a miniature bomb on the back of an intelligent robot, which is a good tool for sneak attacks.

Chus carried one, entered the shackles’ electronic key and the unlocking instruction, and then threw the robot into the conference room. He sat in the cab, flipped the start lever, and planned to go away.

In the conference room, a group of Rangers were figuring out how to fight back when Truth came to unlock, but before they figured out the idea, they watched the miniature bullets roll over.

Carlos Black: “I—fuck!”

Truss sat in the seat, put on the headset, closed the door of the aircraft, and flew the aircraft down from the high-rise platform in silence. After choosing to find the landing point automatically, he took out the communicator and connected to Tang’s channel. .

“What’s the matter, sir? We put all the aircraft in the underground warehouse, and the chip was locked with an encryption box, and we will give it to you later.” Tang seemed very excited, “We moved their weapons and ammunition, so we don’t have to worry about it here. What’s the matter, they can’t launch a counterattack. And sir, there is a lot of fresh food! My saliva drips when I harvest it! God knows how terrible the nutrient is!”

Chus held the corner of his mouth: “Okay, where did you move your things? I will go now. The gang of wanderers on the east tower have been unlocked by me. You run and lock the exit gate below. Now, temporarily restrict their range of activities to the east tower, and I will talk to them when I look back…We may have to make a big move.”

Tang Yi was stunned: “What’s the big movement? To be honest, when I hear something similar now, I can’t help but think of that…Mr. Yang.”

Hearing him mention Sae Young, Chus stopped tapping his finger on the armrest, and then continued to tap again after a while: “He suddenly left the conference room just now. He said he didn’t know what he was doing. He might think of something. It might just go straight away.”

“Gone? What went?” Tang said.

Truth remembered what Carlos said. Sae Young left after listening to the movements of the planets, especially the Silver City. Perhaps he obtained some information he wanted from it, and went on to do what he should do.

The aircraft slowly landed on the ground and stopped behind a wall near the center fort. After stopping firmly, Chus pressed the button and opened the aircraft door, but the person did not immediately leave the cockpit.

He rushed to Tang said: “It happens that we have harvested a batch of very practical aircraft, just pick any one that didn’t pick up the chip and leave. After all, he didn’t have a reason to stay here.”

When he said this, he suddenly felt an itching on his back, and then the back of the chair was pressed down by something.

Chu Si frowned and turned his head violently. Mr. Yang, who was said to be “already gone”, was lying on the back of his chair. He raised his hand and beckoned: “You just said who didn’t stay here. Reason?”

This posture was a little closer, and Chus’s heart jumped suddenly, and he sat back upright at the beginning like a conditioned reflex, leaving Sae Young with a back of his head.

He frowned and was about to speak, when Sae Young grabbed his finger and hooked his chin to make him look back, “Don’t turn away, what you just said…it’s not me? Who said me? No reason to leave?”

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