Black Sky

Chapter 43

Chapter 42 Bastard

“Why?” Chu Si felt his expression change, and asked, “What’s wrong with this kid?”

His gaze also fell on the little boy. The little boy’s hair was very dark, and it should have been a long time since he had trimmed his sideburns. The tips of his hair also covered his neck, because he was crying. It’s too powerful, the eyebrows and nose are all wrinkled, and the hands half cover his face, so I can’t see the original appearance.

The light of the finger lamp seemed to make the boy very uncomfortable. He raised his face and cried, and at the same time he shrank twice towards the place where there was no light. Because of the small ball, this kind of action was a little weird and painful. of.

In the words of the people in the training camp, Chief Chu’s conscience in this life is only reflected in dealing with the little ghosts, especially the little ones who seem to have been raised particularly miserably.

It’s the little mop, and so is this kid.

So he simply raised his hand to block Sae Young’s fingerlight, so as not to dazzle the little boy’s face.

Saer didn’t care about his movement, he only glanced at his gaze slightly, then raised his hand and stretched it toward the boy’s neck, as if to loosen the lock of hair, “On this kid’s neck—”

Perhaps his aura was too oppressive, and before his fingers touched a piece of hair, the boy hid towards Chus.

Sae Young laughed coldly and glanced at him condescendingly.

Chus glanced at the little guy who was pestering his leg, raised his eyebrows, and squatted down and patted him on the back.

With such a shot, the little **** seemed to really become dependent, treating him as a good person, rubbing his eyes and knocking his head on his arm. After a while, Chus felt wet on his arm.

Chu Si snorted, this **** can really cry.

There is no joy or anger on Saer Young’s face. He doesn’t have a natural softheartedness to this kind of child like Truss, but he really makes him care about such a peasant, and he has no such interest.

While the **** was crying and deeply involved, and his dependence was strong, Chu Si tried to touch the hair on the side of his neck.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his fingers touched that piece of skin, the **** lying on his arm suddenly struggled violently, pushed Chus a few steps back and returned to the corner, standing in the shadows.

He was still rubbing his eyes with one hand, but he glanced at Chus quietly in the gap between the movements. Although the eye was half-concealed and collected quickly, the guard he contained was still clearly captured by Chus.

A **** who is less than five years old…

Truss suddenly became a little bit dumbfounded by this little movement. He tilted his head and whispered to Sae Young, “Forget it, this kid cries and I have a headache. If you want to run, let him run, and wait until he runs away a little bit before following. See where it came from.”

His voice was as small as a whisper, almost covered by the sobbing and sobbing of the little boy, but Sae Young, who was close at hand, could still hear him clearly. He shrugged, it didn’t matter much, it was a tacit understanding. Truth’s proposal.

Sure enough, just a few seconds after saying this, the little boy squinted his wet eyes, turned and headed into the lane.

Truth and Sae Young didn’t catch up immediately, but simply took their arms and leaned against a wall by themselves, letting the little kid pedal.

The laneway was very dark. When the boy turned around, he was covered with light on his back. After running for a certain distance, the hand that originally covered his eyes was finally released. He cried for a second, and his face was broken and wrinkled. This will Er has suddenly recovered to a blank expression.

This scene, which turned his face faster than a book, was naturally not appreciated by Truth and Sae Young at the entrance of the alley.

They waited for a while, the little shadow had already sprinted to the end of the alley, turned left and disappeared behind the wall.

“Behind the alley is another shopping street, in the direction that the kid ran—”

While listening to his footsteps and counting the distance, Chus wiped away the tears from his sleeve, only to speak when he touched the armband.

He frowned and looked down. A circle of transistor-like bombs was originally inserted into the armband, and each socket was filled with one, and there was nothing left.

Suddenly there was a vacancy at this moment.

Below the empty mouth, the wet marks on the sleeves of the shirt were hanging brightly.

Chus: “…”

He looked up complicatedly, and Sae Young cast his gaze over his armband and suddenly laughed, jokingly: “Our commander I, a famous name, was planted in the hands of a boy who was less than five years old. ”

He patted Truss on the shoulder, and raised his hand to point to the end of the alley: “Go, take revenge for you.”

Truth: “…” Fuck you.

A genuine bomb fell into the hands of an **** who was not well-developed, and the ghost knew what trouble would be. The two completely abandoned their previous plan, and chased after each other.

This laneway can be reached in the blink of an eye for two big tall men. When they ran to the corner and turned left, they just saw the little boy running to the opposite street and smashing down an underground passage.

It seems that the action is quite smooth, and there is no panic crying bag at all.

Truth’s fingerlight had been turned on again, and when he scanned the area, he even saw the little boy glance back at them before running into the ground.

Maybe it was because the light shining on the face was too white and the facial features were distorted, and the little boy’s expression appeared colder than ordinary people.

Chus raised his foot and chased him, crossing the street in three or two steps and heading straight for the underground passage.

“Over there.” The two quickly stepped down the steps, and Chus pointed towards the right passage.

The distance had been narrowed from a hundred meters to less than ten meters, they strode into the right passage and saw the little cub crawling into a side door.

This underground passage has existed for a long time, and it was there when Chu Si lived here with Jiang Qi. The interior has been refurbished several times, and the facilities have been continuously upgraded. Only this side door, which opened halfway through the passage, has been left.

Going down this side door is the underground refuge of Emerald Harbor.

Refuges were built in various cities after a hundred years of interstellar chaos. Each refuge is divided into different functional areas, with an area equivalent to the size of the entire city’s first-level central area, with six floors above and below.

The top of each refuge is divided into four doors, east, west, south, and north, but there are hundreds of passages leading to these four doors, connecting schools, hospitals and other public places and various blocks.

The evacuation time for the planet explosion was too short, otherwise it would be a good choice to evacuate into these shelters.

Truth and Saer Young pushed open the side door and got in, but when they entered the passage they found something wrong—

The whole passage is narrow and deep. They can hear the running footsteps of the little boy, echoing through the whole passage, but they can’t see the little boy wherever the lights can shine. Silhouette.

How fast can a child under five run?

Chu Si and Sae Young frowned and followed the passage along the way. There were no forks or other exits. The entire passage zigzags underground like a sewer pipe, but there is no shadow of that kid.

They turned seven turns, and finally saw the head of the passage.

The kid’s reverberating footsteps also stopped abruptly, and Chus pointed the light to the end of the passage, and saw that the end of the passage was facing the closed door of the underground refuge. There was a clearing in front of the door with a large crowd on the ground. Crowded silhouettes.

That’s right, a large area of…people.

For a moment, Chus stepped quickly.

Those people seemed to find someone coming in the passage, pushing left and right like a pile of corals.

“Here is someone!”

“Someone woke up again!”

“Is it a resident? Isn’t it the last call?”

Some of them climbed to their feet, and some were still sitting. They raised their hands and said, “Who are you?” while covering the light.

In the chaos, Truth heard several clear sounds of gun loading.

“Don’t be impulsive.” Truss flashed his empty hands at them, and said, “We followed a little cub…children, have you seen a child so tall? He ran towards this.”

He didn’t dare to raise bombs at these people, for fear of causing panic.

It stands to reason that the child ran in, and even if he turned to another passage, this place was also a must.

As a result, those people looked at each other and said blankly: “No, only you two.”

Truth: “How is it possible?”

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