Black Sky

Chapter 58

Chapter 57 alarm

Truth wanted to help, but seeing Zild Feng’s verification end, the electronic voice had begun to report Roger’s identity information, but Roger didn’t have much identity authority to say except for the captain of the guard. There is so little time left for him to do any complicated actions, so he can only use the simplest and rude way.

Use his identity and authority to make some specialization?

However, the security building has a special function, and it attaches great importance to security, credibility, etc., and officials are very sensitive to this from top to bottom. If nothing else, nobody really specializes in this aspect, after all, even they can’t save this program themselves.

It’s okay for Chu Si to not say a word. Once Sae Young is given special treatment, it will make Sae Young arouse everyone’s attention and suspicion. Isn’t it the typical place where there is no silver three hundred taels!

As for bypassing in other ways, it is even more impossible.

There are solid metal walls on both sides of this passage. As long as you go forward, the verification door is inevitable. If you look back, there is only one way to jump into the stars.

Whether it can be trivial, the main thing is that Sae Young jumped out of the spaceship with his front foot, and he should be put on a wanted order on his back foot. Maybe he would buy one and get one free. At that time, the spread of the wanted order will be wider than that of many years ago-the whole universe will be paid at a high price and will be effective for a long time.

How exciting.

Truth didn’t show any expression on his face, but he quickly passed various unreliable plans in his mind. Just when he felt that the situation was a bit sad, Sae Young, who was half a step behind him, suddenly posted Come here.

A low voice pressed against his ears, running down the ear sockets: “Sir, let me use the communicator.”

Truth asked if you could **** stop talking like that. Before he could make a move, a hand had been silently touched from the back of his waist and reached into his trouser pocket.

Chus: “You…”

The electronic sound in the front was still reporting data, overshadowing Sae Young’s voice, and Shao Heng happened to be explaining something to the security forces at the back, and he probably didn’t notice this. The bones on the side of Chus’s face moved slightly, and then returned to normal again, letting that hand fumble for a while and took the communicator away.

Sae Young’s voice sounded calm and unhurried, but it didn’t mean that he was confident that he could solve his identity problem in such a short period of time. Truth knew him too well. This person didn’t worry or panic just because he didn’t know how to write the word “tension” in his life. Maybe he thought it was exciting and interesting.

Truth couldn’t help but sneer at this thought.

Sae Young finds stimulus and does not care about the consequences, he is not happy to go crazy together. So he glanced at the approaching security verification door, turned his head and said casually, “That’s right, Shao Heng.”

When he spoke, his expression was calm and casual, and Sae Young casually put on the spectacles on the bridge of his nose and gave him a touch of inorganic coldness, which would definitely not make people think of any other purpose.

“Huh?” Shao Heng turned to look at him, “What’s the matter, sir?”

With that said, he made a time-out gesture to the security team behind him, and raised his foot and walked towards Chus a few steps. Sae Young raised his eyebrows at Chuss, and moved sideways, so that there was one more person ahead of him.

Chu Si rushed to Shao Heng and said, “Is there any news from Elder Shao?”

Shao Heng lowered his eyes: “I haven’t been able to contact yet. Only a part of the military can participate in the organization. The rest are either not awake or have not found a precise location. It is estimated that something went wrong during the collapse. The old man and his hospital were not in the dragon column circle of the base, maybe they were taken by the circle next door.”

The electronic tone of the verification door sounded again: “Identity verification, Truth, DNA scan results, biological DNA and intelligent mechanical electronic DNA, sequence determination conforms to database information, authorization is certified as the highest executive authority of the security building, the highest leadership authority of the 5th guard, The highest dispatch authority of the security forces, the highest control authority of the White Wolfship…”

For the first time, Chu Si felt that the long-winded electronic sound was very popular. The long list of chaotic titles and permissions turned out to be a starting point at critical moments, at least to delay time, in addition to making the ears callous and thick-skinned.

He wanted to look back and see how Saer Young was preparing, but the old fellow Zild Von was standing behind the verification door, looking at him without turning, listening to the long list of authority levels, his eyes were Very envious.

This kind of gaze Chus has seen from one thousand to eight hundred. Ever since he was promoted from the executive officer of Office No. 5 to the highest executive officer, Old Man Feng has always looked at him like that, naked and without shy. This is also thanks to the boss being Chu Si, who can understand that look as a sign of rebellion and seizure of power by another person who loves to extend and expand.

Truth was stared too closely by him, and turning his head to look at Sae Young seemed a little deliberate, so he had to keep his eyes level and walk through the safety gate.

He walked out of the safety gate and stood next to Old Man Feng. Old Man Feng and Roger were planning to take the steps to lead the way. When they saw him waiting for others, they withdrew their steps again and waited there.

“Oh, I’m such a big face!” Shao Heng said casually. When walking on the road to the security gate, he couldn’t help saying: “Hey-sir, don’t stare at me like this, I can walk fast. I can’t help but step on the beat.”

Truth was actually waiting for Sae Young, but in order to avoid being too straightforward, his eyes fell on Shao Heng, and the rest of the light glanced at Sae Young’s movements.

“Eh, Mr. Yang, the communicator has to be placed on the transmission platform next to it.” Roger’s gaze crossed Shao Heng and fell on Sae Young, and he couldn’t help but reminded him aloud.

Saer Young looked like he was sending a message, raised his eyelids when he heard the sound, and then he cooperated. He held the communicator and raised his hand without delay, saying “Okay, I don’t need it now.” , And then dropped the communicator on the transmission platform.

Chus frowned slightly. He didn’t know what Sae Young was using his communicator for. The first reaction was to temporarily create an identity data and insert it into the database, replacing the original “Sae Young”. “If you don’t compare it like this, naturally there will be no problems.”

But in such a short period of time, has it time to compile a relatively complete identity data? What a joke.

Although Chu Si is not as proficient as Sae Young in this respect, he still knows how troublesome such a process is. It takes a lot of effort to insert it into the security building database, and it is impossible to go smoothly in this blink of an eye. Get it done.

When Shao Heng walked out of the security verification door, the communicator on the transmission platform just entered the closed scanning area. In the darkness of the scanning area, the communicator was adjusted to the darkest screen with a faint light, and a progress bar was briefly displayed. Simply horizontally on the screen, the progress prompt at the bottom reads: 97% of the database signal interception process.

Whether it is fabricating a new identity or replacing an old identity, it is a dream. In such a short period of time, the only feasible method is to cut off the signal connection between the security verification door and the database. This is not that troublesome. Make a simple interference, block the signal at the moment of inquiring about the identity information, and then temporarily skip the review.

Sae Young raised his foot and entered the security verification door.

The progress bar on the communicator screen in the dark jumped: 98%.

Electronic sound: “Identity verification——”

The progress bar jumped again: 99%

Shao Heng walked to Chu Si, opened his mouth and just about to say something, the blue light in the security door instantly turned red. Before everyone reacted, the alarm sounded.

“What’s the matter?!” Zild Feng blurted out, and everyone’s eyes suddenly fell on Sae Young.

Chus’s eyebrows jumped.

Hearing the sound of the security door alarm sounded and then stopped abruptly, the electronic tone paused for a second: “Warning, the database related identity information cannot be connected. It is recommended to review it again or enter new data.”

Old man Feng’s expression has not yet relaxed, and Roger has already breathed a sigh of relief.

Shao Heng stared at Sae Young for two seconds, then turned his head and patted his heart, “Scare me, this security verification door is really shocking.”

“People inside our building pass through this door all the year round. I almost forgot that there was this kind of stranger warning.” Roger said, and raised his hand to Sae Young, “Don’t Mr. Yang. I’m nervous, just because your identity data is not in our database, which is a good thing, and it would be great fun if you are in it.”

Shao Heng smiled: “No, apart from the serious DNA of the security building personnel in our database, there are only those from the Space Prison.”

Old man Feng slowly closed his mouth and let out a sigh of relief, “I almost thought…”

“Why?” The two deputy commanders who were at the same level next to him joked, “Could the growth officer bring back someone whose DNA belongs to the space prison database? You can really worry about it!”

Zild Feng waved his hand: “Impossible, impossible, of course impossible, I just didn’t react to this for a while.” This person flattered and didn’t reflect his current position for a while. Being framed very high, he subconsciously added another sentence, “Mr. Yang is very solemn and capable at first sight.”

Suzhen? Capable?

It’s so blind to see this kind of temperament in Sae Young.

After listening to them, Chu Si turned his face silently: It’s better to conceal the identity of Sae Young, otherwise… After knowing the truth, these people may be able to line up and hang in front of his office.

That picture… just thinking about it is a bit unbearable.

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