Black Sky

Chapter 64

Chapter 63 Kidnapper

Although Shao Heng was tied up…oh no, he was invited away, but the dispatch of security forces would not be affected.

The security forces originally belonged to the military department. After the completion of the security building, it was composed of 200,000 elite troops transferred from the military. In the subsequent independent development, it gradually grew. The scale has doubled several times, and it has become a force exclusively belonging to the security building.

Normally, the security forces are divided into two branches, which are used for interplanetary diplomacy to maintain stability and maintain the balance between the military headquarters and the general government. Six detachment team leaders are responsible for different teams such as stability maintenance and rescue. The commander-in-chief of the entire security force is assumed by the highest level of the security building, the Executive Chiefs Alliance.

As a member of the Executive Chiefs Alliance, Chu Si is the only one who has woken up. He has exclusive access to all the highest authority of the current security building, and naturally also includes the highest dispatch authority of the security forces.

However, the number of security forces at the moment is really limited. It is impossible to send all the people on the White Wolf ship to leave an empty nest base camp, and it is also impossible to leave most of them behind and only send a few teams out.

Under this circumstance, Chus had to put some vague doubts about the military department for the time being, and let Zilder Feng hold a joint meeting with the military department and the general government to integrate a mixed force and collectively dispatch collective rescues.

“Then the chief executive meeting will be held here, you sit down.”

Zild Feng turned his head to say something to the correspondent. Truss had already pointed his finger at the main seat, “Sit down there.”

“Ah?” Zild Feng was taken aback, a little dazed: “But that should be the main seat, how can I sit?”

Chus perfunctorily said: “You look good, you sit down.”

“…” Zild Feng: “Sir, with all due respect, your remarks are ironic.”

Chu Si sighed, “Let you sit in the main seat, I have my own reason. When you have a meeting for a while, you will be business as usual, how the meeting you held before is still held now. Before, you were the representative of the security building, but this time it is still. Right when I haven’t woken up, nothing has changed. Understand?”

Of course Zilder Feng understood the meaning behind his words when he said this, but he didn’t quite understand why Trus had such thoughts.

This mallet was someone who wanted to ask if he had something to say, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was stepped on one foot by the deputy commanders on both sides.

Zild Feng: “…”

Truss glanced at the two of them approvingly, and said to Zilder von: “Let’s start the meeting first.” After that, he walked to the monitor screen area, found an empty seat and sat down, next to the monitor. The sitting posture stretched instantly, like an upright coffin board.

A sound-proof glass layer rises between the monitoring screen area and the conference table, sealing all the sounds over there.

Chus buckled his headset, elbows his head on the armrest of the chair, and listened to the meeting over there.

He spoke very little, and he was like a practical observer throughout the whole process. Hearing Zild Fong continued to carry forward the spirit of “a great mallet” and blocked the military and the general government from breathing, it was even more so. The corners of his mouth curled up happy to see him gloating.

One of the two lieutenant generals currently in charge of the military is called Benson Joyce and the other is He Xiuwen. Not young, about the same as Zild Feng, but looks very majestic, not a style at all. Probably because Zild Feng has always been in charge of propaganda, so he needs to be… lively.

Truth met the two lieutenants when he was very young.

That time it was because Jiang Qi had to stay in a closed park for four months to test a certain research result. He was really worried about leaving Truth alone at home for so long, so he made an application and put Truth together. Brought into the park.

During the day, he stayed in Jiang Qi’s temporary residence, and three meals were specially delivered. Sometimes Jiang Qi had time to come back to eat, sometimes it was too late. But after Jiang Qi came back in the evening, he could always lead him out for a walk.

For Chus, who had a somewhat closed personality at that time, living in the city was no different from living in the park. He even liked the quiet and undisturbed atmosphere of the park.

The two lieutenants met during a walk. They were talking by the lake on the west side of the park with their cigarettes in between. At first glance they were quite harmonious, but after a few words, they quarreled. The more noisy they got, the more noisy they were. Fierce, if you put it on the young man, I’m afraid you can directly scuffle into the lake.

Truth couldn’t remember the specific content of the noise, anyway, under that intense emotion, the ten characters that popped out could account for eight of the ten characters, and he couldn’t hear it. Jiang Qi patted the top of his head and said, “Son, stay and wait for a while.” He rolled up his sleeves and walked over there.

At first, Chu Si thought that Jiang Qi’s appearance was about to go up and fight, and he became interested, and stared at him silently with his slick eyes.

As a result, Jiang Qi, who was not formal, stopped two steps away from the two people, and then began to persuade him to fight with his mouth. This person said it was persuading to fight, but with every persuasion, the two lieutenants quarreled more fiercely, and spit on each other’s faces.

And whenever the two of them wanted to die, Jiang Qi spoke up. With a word, the two of them squeezed again.

What kind of persuasion, it is simply to watch the cockfight.

At that time, Chu Si watched by the side for almost five minutes, and couldn’t help but walk towards Jiang Qi, trying to drag him away. I always felt that the quarrel continued according to that posture, and it was probably Jiang Qi who was the one who was beaten up in the end.

Later, the two lieutenant generals finally stopped arguing. They stuck their backs on the tree and stared at each other to breathe. Then Jiang Qi said with a smile, “It’s almost done. This has to be a four-kilometer load. I’m tired.” Right?”

The two lieutenants rolled their eyes coldly at each other, then turned to Jiang Qi and nodded, and said, “Are you taking your son for a walk?”

“Yeah, you guys are arguing too fiercely, and my son is almost scared to cry. I have to persuade me whatever I want.” Jiang Qi joked.

Truth glared at him with an expressionless face up at the time, thinking it was a great insult to himself.

Those two lieutenants were the ones who had completely regained their momentum, pulling their angry faces, and squeezing out a smile as kindly as possible at Chus, but the final result was very crippling.

These two violent tempers left a deep impression on Truss. Later, when he entered the Security Building, he heard that the two Lieutenant Generals Benson Joyce and He Xiuwen of the military had a very stiff relationship. Three sentences If you don’t talk together, you will have a fight.

They all say that they have bad tempers, political opinions, and ideological attitudes. From the hair to the toes, there is nothing that can barely get along.

Earlier, Chus actually felt a little strange. After all, even people like him and Sae Young could barely find a place to get along. It was really rare that they couldn’t get along from the beginning to the end, from the big to the small.

On weekdays, there are other people serving as peacekeepers between the two. At this moment, they are the only lieutenants who wake up in the military headquarters. It is conceivable that the atmosphere at the military headquarters is so sad every day.

During this short meeting, both of them turned their faces three times.

Fortunately, there was no peace and old age, and both of them converged a little bit. Although the atmosphere was stiff, they continued the meeting. The people at the General Administration and the Security Building turned one eye and closed one eye and took it okay.

When the head of the man was finally involved, Truss finally opened his mouth and instructed Zilder von Lion to open his mouth, bringing the awake soldiers of the army and the police of the general government more than half, together with The security forces sent out a rescue team of nearly 5,000 people, and the command authority was temporarily taken over by the security forces with a star map of the dragon pillar.

Truth divided the rescue team into groups of fifty and divided them into 100 groups. The rescue divisions previously divided by Zilder von and the others were refined according to the current rescue team size, and the estimated time was reduced to three. God, this leaves much more room for Truth.

Maybe it was because the rescue time was shortened by a lot, maybe it was because Sae Young tied Shao Heng out to make trouble. The tension caused by the countdown dissipated most of the time, and Chu Si’s mood could be considered relaxed. .

While he was in a good mood, he took out the communicator and sent a message to comfort Captain Shao Heng: “What did the kidnapper do to you?”

After sending the message, he took Roger and a line of guards out of the command center and abducted to the warehouse where the Black Swan aircraft was placed.

When he entered the door, the communicator in his hand shook, and Shao Heng’s message came back: “Mr. kidnapper threatened me and threw me into space without cooperating. I had to become his accomplice. Besides, sir, you actually know how to use it. Send me a message on a private channel? Also, Mr. kidnapper is now trying to forcibly seize my communicator.”

This robber…

Chus held the communicator and turned his finger around, and replied, “Tell the kidnapper, and wait for him to come back and give him a new communicator.”

This time the message was answered almost in seconds, “He kidnapped me, there is actually a reward???”

Chus pretended not to see it.

The harsh sound of metal rubbing sounded, and the static effect on the aircraft had all disappeared. Roger and the others forcedly opened the hatch, and a smell of tobacco came out of it.

“This is how many smoke guns are in it.” Roger raised his hand and waved, whispering.

The guards’ weapons were all in their hands, and as soon as the hatch opened, they lined up and got in next to the door.

The communicator shook again, and Shao Heng’s message came again: “No, doesn’t the kidnapper have a communicator? It was put on the verification platform when he passed the security gate.”

Truth thought for a while, and continued to play dead.

After another moment, the communicator suddenly shook again.

Chu Si thought it was Shao Heng’s message, but when he looked down, he realized that it was actually a holographic communication request.

He was stunned for a moment, thinking that something had happened, so he accepted the request and made the holographic screen smaller. As a result, the screen shook, and it was Sae Young’s face that appeared in front of him.

“What happened?” Truth glanced around and said in an unusually business-like tone.

Roger glanced at his communicator, then turned his face back, not paying much attention.

Sae Young lazily said: “It’s nothing, just make sure that your left hand can be used freely. In the next period of time, there will be many such communication requests. Sir, you’d better adapt in advance.”

While talking, a guard poked his head out of the black swan, pulled off the mask on his face and said, “Sir, Captain, there is no one in this aircraft.”

“No one?” Chus frowned. “How is it possible?”

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