Black Sky

Chapter 84

Chapter 83 Old video

After reading the content of the message, Chu Si clicked on the screen a few times. Then he pressed his thumb to a certain place and paused for a while, then released his hand and raised his eyes to look at the holographic screen.

During the time he was processing the message, Sae Young had already released the video.

First, there was a black screen for about a few seconds, and only a few human voices could be heard in Xixi Suosuo’s voice. After a while, the front of the camera flashed brightly, and the picture became a normal image.

In the previous paragraph, it looked like someone had started the photography and swept away the cloth of the clothes, and finally succeeded in sneaking the next shot.

The place in the lens is like a mixture of a conference room and a laboratory. There is an oval conference table, but no one sits around the table properly, but sits on the side of the table in twos and threes, and some people sit. On the desktop, some leaned against the edge of the table, and some sat on a chair, sandwiched between those people.

At first glance, the atmosphere is more like some kind of casual chat party.

But where those people’s eyes are concentrated, there is a huge instrument, which looks a bit like the mechanical treatment instrument that Truth once lay down, but the actual ports are much more than the treatment instrument.

Watching the video, Chus frowned, and he knew what it was—this was the thing drawn in the draft icon, which was the experimental cabin used for those time experiments.

The experiment chamber cover in the video is raised high, and has not been activated yet. On the metal platform like a bed, a woman is sitting on it.

To be precise, she did not sit voluntarily. Her legs were fixed on the platform by several metal buckles, and her hands and wrists were also buckled. Although the upper body was sitting upright, there were also several metal hoops around her. Circle, the top circle is around the neck.

The dark brown long curly hair is a bit messy, but it does not hinder her unique temperament. Her eyes are large and bright, and under the light, they seem to be covered with a layer of inorganic glass, which is very clear. This makes her look very pure, and when her gaze falls on someone, she will feel a sense of shrinking in her life.

She just looked at the people in the room so quietly, it was obvious that the eyes of the people she looked at would be avoided for a moment.

Next to her stood a person who seemed to be hosting this “chat-meeting”. He was a thin and tall man, a little old, with silver-gray hair and heavy statutory lines at the corners of his mouth. He looked very serious and rigid when he was stern and smiling. When I got up, there was a hint of shrewdness again.

He smiled at the woman and said, “Miss Este Cabel–”

The man’s tone was very polite, and at first it seemed that they were at a dinner party. After he said the name, he turned to face everyone, and said: “This Miss Esther Kabel must be known to everyone, so I don’t need to introduce it anymore.”

In the conference room of the command center, Zilder Feng and the others were shocked when they heard the name.

“Este Kabel?!” Shao Heng repeated the name, “Isn’t this the legendary scientific research expert? He was born in a military combat team, and he was trained in special training camps for several years. Her outstanding ability in intelligent machinery and dimensional technology was transferred to the research institute. At a young age, she suffered a crushing damage to all organs due to an experimental error, and unfortunately died…Some of her designs were later used as irreplaceable foundations. On the high-end intelligent systems of many government organizations, such as the upgraded system later added to the space prison, high-end transmission pads, mechanical treatment equipment, and so on.”

As a fan of military mechanical weapons, he always has an infinite liking for experts in this field. This Esther Kabel happens to be on the list of experts he admires and admires.

Truth had heard him regret the early death of this expert.

However, even if they are not fans of mechanical weapons, as high-level officials of government organizations, everyone present still has knowledge of such experts. Obviously everyone has heard of Esther Kabel’s name and knows something about her. Deeds and ultimately regrettable death at a young age.

But the scene in the video looks different from what they heard.

“Miss Carbell was previously found to have played some tricks that were not loyal to the experimental group. Fortunately, it was restored in time, and it did not have any substantial impact on the existing results.” The gray-haired man continued, “I miss Miss Carbell. I must understand how many people have spent so many years in exchange for the results today. The manpower and material resources invested in this are unparalleled. Any destructive means should be tortured by conscience.”

Esther Cabel, who was sitting on the metal platform, snorted, his expression showing unspeakable contempt and sarcasm. Such an expression made her face suddenly become vivid, indescribably beautiful. But this kind of laughter was exchanged for an electric current that suddenly passed on the metal ring of the neck.

Esther Cabel lowered his eyes and gritted his teeth, and the voice in his throat disappeared.

Because of the man’s words, the faces of the onlookers were a little bit angry and contemptuous, but when they saw her pain, they were a little bit intolerable.

“What we are doing is a great undertaking that is related to the planet and even the interstellar. Being born as a human being is a supremely glorious thing. Human beings have all the virtues bestowed by God and the skills they have cultivated to transform the world into what is now prosperous. It looks like a miracle. The only shortcoming is that you can’t break through the time limit.” The gray-haired man paused and continued: “Just imagine, when you accidentally make some mistakes, just go back. If you take a step back, you can correct everything. Then everything in the world will be infinitely close to perfection. We can no longer be so careful, for fear that a certain decision and a development will cause irreversible consequences, and even lead to the end of the entire planet. The lessons for the wanderers are still there, who wants to follow in that footstep? No one.”

“If we have an eraser, then everything becomes easier and simpler. We can be bolder. All miraculous inventions and creations originate from a bold idea. We can have more opportunities to try. There is more room for perfection. Those outstanding and great people can survive for a long time in the world, and ordinary citizens can also enjoy endless fun without worrying about waiting for death that does not know what day will come. That will It is the most subversive and most tempting revolution, and it will become the most magnificent epic.”

“Such a possibility is now in our hands. It’s only a few steps away. Why not be firmer?” The man said, looking at Este Capel, and turning her up and down with an incomprehensible look. I looked it over, then sighed, and said in a tired voice: “We never thought that someone who betrayed the ideal would have you. Really… I never thought that there would be you. You have been to the abandoned stars where the Wanderers once lived, and you have seen a large area in the southwest of the Silver City irreversibly abandoned due to excessive radiation, and there is less and less viable area visible to the naked eye of the Wild Saturn. This world is too vast Now, the sea of ​​stars is too big, and there are so few places to live. We walk so cautiously, but still make some mistakes. Is it really unforgivable? If we can come back, why not? You tell me, Is there any reason to say no.”

Esther Kabel opened his mouth and said something subconsciously, but he couldn’t make a sound. So he froze for a while, and then looked down with frowned eyebrows, as if he wanted to look at his neck.

Then she smiled indifferently, shook her head, and closed her eyes as if she was too lazy to say anything.

“What did she just say?” Zild von Leng asked suddenly.

Several of the people here have received special training and are extremely sensitive to lip language. Truth replied without even thinking about it: “She said,’If time doesn’t make sense anymore.'”

After Truth’s words fell, there was still silence in the conference room. The same is true in the video. After a few seconds of silence, the gray-haired man took a breath and lowered his eyes. “All subversive progress is always accompanied by bloodshed and sacrifice. This is sorrow, pain, and inevitable. The cornerstone of the experiment. To the present stage of the experiment, there must be someone who takes that step first. Miss Carbell, for what you did before, we choose to forgive, and hope you can forgive what we will do. Honestly, You are a very, very good girl. As your former research team leader, I am really proud of you. So… good luck to you.”

Esther Cabel lowered his head, seeming to have blocked everyone and all voices.

The gray-haired man raised his hand and pressed the start button of the experiment chamber, and when he heard a buzzing sound, the metal ring on Esther Carbell’s body was attracted by the magnetic force and attracted her to the metal table. She lay flat there, without making a sound or moving, the transparent cover came down and closed tightly in the sound of the sound, like a coffin that had been prepared, and finally closed the lid.

Various ports are automatically linked to her body, and a spider web is woven in the transparent cover.

The other two experiment assistants adjusted the parameters of the instrument next to them. The expressions of the onlookers became tense, and they held their breath, seeming to expect the expected results of the experiment.

The experimental cabin suddenly opened up the energy field under the gaze of everyone, and the entire instrument began to tremble slightly.

A few seconds later, there was a weird malfunction sound from the experiment cabin, and a large amount of blood was splashed on the transparent cover, and the tremor stopped abruptly.

The gray-haired man closed his eyes and whispered, “The experiment failed.”

When the blood spilled, several people in the conference room of the command center also subconsciously closed their eyes. Chus held up the table, arched his shoulders and lowered his head. After a while, he raised his head and glanced at Sae Young.

This is what Este Kabel has experienced, and it is also what Sae Young has experienced.

Someone in the video suddenly spotted the videographer secretly, so after the experiment failed, the video went dark suddenly amidst the noise and shaking. It should have been forcibly closed for recording.

“My… God…” Shao Heng wiped his face and lowered his head to relax for a while. He moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t say anything.

Sae Young took the video back a bit, and before Esther Carbell was forced to lie down by the magnetic force, the moment the gray-haired man pressed the start button, he said, “Here, watch her. Talking.”

When everyone was reminded by him, they suddenly raised their heads and stared at the screen.

The picture was deliberately slowed down by Sae Young several times, so everyone could clearly see that the corners of Esther Capel’s mouth were slightly tilted, as if a smile appeared, then his lips moved a few times, and he did say what.

But because of her lowered head, the angle problem made her lips difficult to recognize.

“Can you tell what she’s talking about?” the deputy commanders asked.

“I think this sentence is likely to be the reason why the military department re-searched it. In addition, if it is not wrong, the sender of the previous mail should also be her.” Sae Young followed the process. Came to replay more than ten times.

Everyone is still at a loss. Chu Si didn’t continue to guess that sentence. Instead, he turned to look at Old Man Shao and asked, “Old man, after reading this, what do you want to say? Are you sure you have to wait?”

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