Black Sky

Chapter 94

Chapter 93 Parents

“Where is my old man?” Shao Heng finally caught a gap and asked.

Old man Shao, as always, strained his unsmiling face, and rushed towards Shao Heng across the screen: “I need to look at these cockpits here to avoid problems midway.”

“Are you alone?” Shao Heng couldn’t imagine what changes would happen after the so-called grid plate program was officially launched. Almost all people over there would enter the cockpit. The only one who was really outside was Mr. Shao, and he was a little worried. , “Should I take a group of people over?”

The old man shook his head, “This time you stay well.”

When Shao Heng was still very young, the old man always educates him with the standards of a soldier, teaches him how to bear all the responsibilities that he should bear, and sometimes even takes the initiative to bear the responsibilities that did not belong to him. It sounds like a Virgin, but this is a soldier.

Shao Heng was used to this a long time ago, so whenever he proposed something to take on his own initiative, even if he would take a lot of risks, Mr. Shao would not stop him, he would only exhort him: “Be cautious.”

This is the first time the old man changes his words.

He said: “You don’t need your younger generation to intervene for the time being.”

He said, “Stay well.”

These elders, who are serious, funny, and humorous, play various roles in those peaceful years-guides, supervisors, friends, teachers, positive, negative, likable, and fearful. , But there are always times when they will lose all affiliation status and become a pure father who can stop all wind and rain.

Shao Heng was quiet for a moment, and then said: “Then can your communicator restart?”

Now that Sae Young has reopened the video, it should be possible.

“I was afraid that the signal magnetic field would affect the debugging of the device here. It can be turned on now, and it can be turned on before it starts.” Old Shao said.

“Let’s open it, in case something happens—bah!” Halfway through, Shao Heng slapped his mouth with care, “Let’s open it anyway, I can rest assured.”

The group conversation across the screen was cut short before it could continue.

Because Cabell and Kim left the White Wolfship, they were sent to the space-time track by the training camp team. And Sae Young should also leave that underground space.

Although the fathers always took things in their arms and prevented the younger generation from interfering, when the screen went black, Chu Si and Shao Heng turned their heads and threw the “don’t intervene” admonition into space!

Fools really don’t interfere!

Zilder von was recruited by Chus, leaving the two deputy commanders to continue playing Tai Chi in the tripartite federation. He ran out and asked Chus for his credit: “Sir, I will tell you! Just now, I mentioned “30 minutes” intentionally or unintentionally. Don’t worry! The topic is very normal. Only people who understand will be particularly sensitive to this word. Then, did you know, Lieutenant General Joyce He Xiuwen glanced at me at the same time ! What does this mean you understand!”

Of course Truth understood.

Those who know the “30 minutes of preparation time” can only be Jiang Qi and the others. King mentioned that Admiral Medela buried an undercover in the opposing camp. Judging from the previous and current performances, it is almost certain that He Xiuwen and Joyce should be the people who Medela intervened.

It’s just that the current military department is headed by He Xiuwen and Joyce. Generally speaking, they don’t need to continue to hold back and pretend to be in the same camp with the other side. They can completely remove the mask and pull the entire military department to Jiang Qi’s side. .

Since they are still deliberately hiding, it can only explain one thing-the de facto power of the military is someone else.

Higher ranks than them, except for Medela, there are only two generals Merton and Xiao.

Truth immediately realized that Merton and Xiao had probably woken up early, but for some reason, they had not directly appeared in the military department. But they were always staring at the words and deeds of He Xiuwen and Joyce.

In this situation, whoever controls more disposable forces can gain the upper hand.

However, Merton and Xiao have a natural advantage-the large forces in the City of Silver are on their side, encircling the outer layer of the rescue area with enthusiasm. Once the situation changes, they will never stand idly by.

So even if all the soldiers who woke up in the military were held by He Xiuwen and Joyce, they were still at a disadvantage.

Under such circumstances, who would refuse support from friendly forces?

Will not.

Truth glanced at the timer in the command center, and there were 7 minutes left before 30 minutes of preparation time.

“Shao Heng.”


“What is the limit for the simultaneous driving of the aircraft equipped by the security forces?” Chus asked.

Shao Heng calculated, “50 frames, one more person is difficult to take care of, but it is easy to go wrong.”

“Then we are not too weak.” Truth said, “One person drives 50 single-man combat aircraft simultaneously, more than two thousand people is one hundred thousand, and we can make up an army that can be used as elephants.”

“It’s right to lie on the grass!” Shao Heng’s eyes lit up immediately, “Fuck you can play like this!”

If it is a two-thousand-man combat team, it will not necessarily make the opponent glance more when driving out, saying that the support team is really a bit big, it is like a drop in the bucket.

But one hundred thousand is different!

Truss nodded and said to Zild von: “All the guards stay on the White Wolf ship to be responsible for safety, and the right to dispatch on the ship is transferred to you.”

Zild Feng Yi was taken aback: “How about you, sir?”

“Go out and bluff people.” Truss patted him on the shoulder. “People who are strong and upright can’t do it. Shouldn’t the blessed middle-aged and old people carry artillery? Do it honestly until you retire.”

After speaking, he turned to Shao Heng and said, “All the security forces are assembled.”


“Roger, prepare all the gates on the ship.”


Two minutes later, he put on his black protective gloves and got into the combat aircraft. Behind him, dozens of aircraft piloted by him have been lined up with sharp knives. Buzzing sound.

The internal communication network of the aircraft has been turned on, and Trus’s voice calmly rang in the public channel: “Open the invisible cover, each jump point has been marked, and the B area is thrown to the military department. They should still take care of those places. Let’s go. Seal A and C.”

No matter how many troops He Xiuwen and Joyce can hold, the Security Building plans to take two pieces alone. Blocked on three sides, the wall of fire alone should be able to resist for a period of time.

Truth didn’t want to beat the opponent in a whimsical battle. After all, no matter how hard they were, they would be no more than a hundred thousand army. The opponent was the City of Silver.

They jumped out at an absolute disadvantage, just to buy as much time as possible for the grid program. For them, as long as they insist on 58 minutes and 12 seconds, it is a victory.

4 minutes left.

“set off!”

With an order, more than a hundred gates of the White Wolf ship were opened at the same time, and the black-pressed combat aircraft flowed out like clouds and fog, with the sound of thunder, like the most magnificent ocean tide on Mila Island.

The one hundred thousand army gathered in the invisible cover at the moment it flowed into the sea of ​​stars, and suddenly appeared and disappeared quietly, like ghosts marching in the vast sea of ​​stars.

Chu Si and Shao Heng each led 50,000 aircraft and went straight to the two enclosed battle zones.

While constantly communicating with each other’s position and traveling state, while staring at the remaining time that is diminishing like quicksand.

Truth took the mighty team and jumped twice in a row to reach the A area. While staring at the strategic star chart, his peripheral light glanced at the star sea outside the side porthole.

The vast and boundless space is not always dark. There are countless distant or close planets with bright or dim light, and occasionally some even more strange scenes can be seen, but because it is too large, people don’t care. Wherever it is floating, there will be an instinctive sense of loneliness.

Probably because the home star they once leaned against has almost died out.

If there is a piece of land behind you that you can go back to at any time, perhaps when you look at this piece of star sea, it will become a purer surprise and sigh.

1 minute remaining.

Truss lowered his eyes, took out the communicator, and dialed the communication channel he was once so familiar with.

The last time he sent out a test signal in the temporary base in the forest, he could not remember the mood he was in. He just remembered that he had been sitting in front of the screen and waited for a long time…

But this time, almost immediately after the communication request was sent, the other party was already connected, and the holographic screen was still on.

Chu Si put the communicator on the table beside him, sitting in the driver’s seat, moving his fingers while looking at Jiang Qi on the screen. He thought for a while, and said: “The last time there was no response to the signal, I just wanted to try again.”

On the other side of the screen, Jiang Qi was already sitting in the single cabin, and there were faint figures of other single cabins beside him.

He smiled at the screen, his accustomed expression that was not serious, with a trace of emotion and dissatisfaction, just like when he reunited in the apartment.

“Son, time is running out…”


The remaining time is 32 seconds.

“I seem to have said something to you last time, but it was a pity that I didn’t call you that time.” Jiang Qi looked at Chu Si from head to toe across the screen, and said with a smile, “At the beginning The little devil who stepped on my face has grown so big unknowingly. Time flies so fast…I am very happy to see you the way you are now.”

The bar outside the wall of the orphanage was cool and slippery, and whether the lights in the alley were warm or cold, Chu Si still remembered clearly.

It seemed to have fallen to the ground, and then stood up, decades have passed.

But Jiang Qi still has no change, just as he stood in the alley while wearing a coat and chilling air.

As if he laughed a little more jokingly, he would say the words of the year again: “Should you say thank you to me?”

The remaining time is 13 seconds.

Truth: “When you stepped on your face, you asked me to thank you. I still owe it.”

Jiang Qi sneered: “You can really pinch the head and tail. Why do you say thank you between father and son, you might as well call me again, I haven’t heard it for a long, long time.”

“I never called you a few times before.”

“Not a few seconds left, don’t be shy son.”

Truth replied “um”, “Dad.”

Jiang Qi raised his eyebrows and smiled.

The remaining time is 2 seconds.

The screen started to become choppy.

In the last gap, Chu Si saw Jiang Qi saying something to him, then turned to look at the people next to him, and smiled gently.

The voice of that sentence could not be heard, and it was scattered in the distant light-years, but Chu Si was able to discern the shape of his mouth.

Jiang Qi said, “Goodbye, son.”

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