Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 103 - Go to

After Ying Hai hung up the phone and walked back towards Fang Bing, he heard the sound from the mobile phone.

“Fang Bing, is there a charging treasure, your phone is running out of electricity.” Wang Hao’s voice came from the phone.

“The charging treasure is in my bag.” Fang Bing’s words hadn’t been finished, so Yinghai interrupted.

“Where are your bags, I’ll get them.” Ying Hai said quickly.

He didn’t talk about it anymore, because Fang Bing removed the backpack from his back and hurriedly recharged his mobile phone.

“Mr. Wang, I send you an invitation on behalf of Hua Guo. I hope you can join the rescue team. We need your drone to search.” There is no embarrassment on Ying Hai’s face, but he is facing the phone. He said sincerely.

Wang Hao in Yanjing Villa was stunned. After a moment of pondering, he said a word,

“it is good.”

Has his own understanding of the natural disaster Wang Hao. In this world, there are certain things he will not do, but there are some things he will do without turning back.

“How many drones you can control and how much range you can cover.” Ying Hai asked the most important range.

“The range I can control now is about 10 kilometers, but if I am on site, I can use drones to lay the local area network. Five hundred drones can be laid to cover a straight line with a distance of 500 kilometers and a width of 1 kilometers. Signal local area network. “Wang Hao did not hesitate to say what he could do. In the face of the natural disasters here, he could only do his best.

Yinghai’s eyes lit up and understood Wang Hao’s meaning. The drone was used as a bridge to connect the drones in series.

“Which city are you in now.”


“I will report to the superiors here, arrange the flight and save the flight immediately, and there will be a special person to contact you.” Ying Hai quickly said that he used satellite phones to report to the superiors about drone-related matters. It was specifically about Wang Hao.

After learning of the situation, he immediately walked aside and took a black mobile phone. The shape is just not unsightly. The design can be seen everywhere for rigorous and practical purposes.

A disaster area where such signals and networks have collapsed, Huaguo naturally has its own emergency mechanism.

“Leadership, the situation has been verified.”

“Win the sea, where is the person you said, we will take it immediately, if it is really as the other party said, it will be of great help to our disaster relief work.”

The voice of a powerful middle-aged man rang on Ying Hai’s phone.

After Wang Hao hung up the phone, he immediately rapped on the graphics workstation and wrote the code. He was writing a drone local area network.

Using the wireless capabilities on the drone, like the spider web, laying the drone’s LAN outward to control the drone.

In the area where Fang Bing is located, Wang Hao has used drones to search for everything that can be searched.

Wang Hao tapped the code. After thinking about it, he immediately called Lan Wei in the past. He held the phone between his head and shoulder and continued to tap the code.

“Come to my villa, hurry.” Wang Hao said no nonsense, and said directly.

“Okay, I’m going here.” Lan Wei didn’t say much. He didn’t get along with the teacher on the first day, knowing that this must have happened.

“Who.” Guo Yu, standing in front of Lan Wei, said with some doubt.

“Hero, let me go to his house, I have to leave immediately, donate money for me.” Lantian from the wallet

—– This is a gorgeous dividing line–

Fiction netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

—- This is a gorgeous dividing line —

Took out two thousand yuan and handed it to Guo Yu.

“Okay.” Guo Yu did not ask anything, but silently took over the money that Lan Wei handed over. She knew that Lan Wei’s family was not good. The money was saved little by little by Lan Wei’s part-time income. Because most of the money that Lan Wei usually earns from part-time work, most of it will be sent home.

What she appreciates is Lan Wei’s body, everything depends on her own traits. She usually reduces the pressure of the other party as much as possible. Before knowing Lan Wei, she may also buy some expensive bags, but know Lan Wei after that.

Especially after getting along with Lan Wei, she didn’t care much anymore. Except for some skin care products and cosmetics, as for the substance, according to her sister from small to large, she almost came to the realm of desirelessness.

Bell Bell

Wang Hao just looked at the code shortly afterwards. It was an unfamiliar call, and he answered it immediately.

“Hello, is this Wang Hao?”


“I am the logistics headquarters of the disaster area, according to the instructions of the superior leadership, arrange you to the disaster area as soon as possible.”

“I can do it at any time. There are two people here, ten servers. In addition, the drone needs to be shipped from the Gancheng factory, and it has been loaded.” Wang Hao does not have a drone on hand, and needs to be shipped from the Tianbing drone factory. .

“We will coordinate the drone immediately, please report it to us and arrange for someone to pick you up in the past.”

“Not used to pick me up, I now drive to the airport.” Wang Hao responded quickly.

Wang Hao hung up the phone, immediately packed up, put ten servers into a Mercedes-Benz, contacted Lan Wei and met on the way, then headed towards the airport together.

Arrived at the airport and verified their identities. From the emergency, they drove directly into the airport and ran into a plane that had already taken off.

Wang Hao is not idle on the plane ~ ~ This is a large civilian aircraft with a seat in it. There are also a few people sitting in it. He has no time to greet other people, but takes out his notebook and writes immediately Code.

“Lan Wei, you write a positioning and distance execution script.” Wang Hao said to Lan Wei,

Lan Wei nodded gently, he also knew what Wang Hao called him for, and gave him a hand, immediately took out a laptop computer Wang Hao prepared for him, and quickly beat it in the computer.

Wang Hao’s attainment in computer science naturally made Lan Wei learn a lot. The specialty of Lan Wei Bao was computer.

The people in the first class looked at Wang Hao and the blue sky somewhat curiously, but the two were immersed in the code and ignored the others.

Actually had a cameraman, instinctively took out the camera and took a picture.

After Wang Hao got off the plane, he got on the arranged vehicle, and even his server was moved by a dedicated person for the first time.

“Hello, Wang Hao, I am Lin Zhi who is responsible for picking you up.”

After Wang Hao got in the car, a soldier sitting on the cab said.

“Hello, is the truck behind him a drone?” Wang Hao nodded gently and glanced at the big truck that was behind him.

“Yes, I just loaded the car.” Lin Zhi nodded, although he was a little curious about what these drones are going to do. If you want to search for people, the drones can’t fly far.

But the superior seemed to solemnly arrange for him to pick up these two people and go to a place that was very affected by the disaster. It was a county with hundreds of thousands of people. It was one of the most severely affected.

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