Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 1040 - special material


Linglong was in space, and after breaking free of his cage, he instantly turned into a violent war intention, but this war intention has just appeared.

Instantly conveyed the quartet, even Anshan Iron and Steel was also taken aback by this momentum.

But instantly he was furious, because he felt the momentum of the imperial guardian, which made his eyes sink instantly.

“An Rui, did the Yanhuang Alliance do anything for you?”

Angang immediately contacted Anrui, and when contacted, his face was slightly relieved.

“I originally wanted to try it out, but I didn’t expect that there is a race called the War Clan in the Yanhuang Alliance, which is very powerful and even has two close ancestors.”

After receiving news from his father and emperor, An Rui shook his head and said.

“How do you know?”

Angang’s eyes flashed slightly. If it was the ancestor level, they also had a lot of Hengyuan Empire, but the ancestor level, it was completely the fighting power of the bottom of the Hengyuan Empire.

Although the battleship of the starship is extremely strong in the universe, but after the individual’s strength reaches a certain level, it will also affect the existence of the battle.

And the ancestor level, at present, it can be done.

“The Yanhuang Alliance has six major tribes. The mechanical tribe is one of them. There is also a manufacturing tribe, a third-hand tribe, and in addition, there are the Tianyan tribe, Yuan tribe, war tribe, and Yanhuang tribe.”

An Rui uses her unique contact method of Hengyuan galaxy to communicate with her father and emperor, and the knowledge of the Yanhuang Alliance has made her really see a little.

That is the strength of Yanhuang Alliance is extremely strong, not weak at all.

“What about strength?”

Angang’s eyes were wrinkled, and he looked at the two men who were fighting frantically in the universe, and there was a hint of hesitation on his face.

“The Tianyan tribe is nothing, but the strength of the war tribe is very strong. The strength of the source tribe is not seen. However, the elders in the space, as well as their opponents, are all sent by the patriarch of the source tribe in the cage of ideas. As for those in space, as for the Yanhuangs, they live on earth stars, and we have no way to detect them. “

An Rui said that she came here to understand the situation. In the face of Zhanzu and Yuanzu, she really had a feeling of powerlessness.

Especially the two people who appeared in the war tribe, as well as the patriarch of the source clan, can send people with their intentions into space without any pressure, which is too horrible.

“Are you sure that the Protoss is dependent on civilization?”

Angang asked the question he was most concerned about, that is, the tendency of civilization. If it was not the Protoss’ surrender to civilization, he would be happy to accept it, but if it was a surrendered civilization, this strength would make him afraid.

“Unlike, Yuan Xing was once destroyed and killed by the Protoss. Even the Yuan Clan was actually the original aborigine of the Yuan Xing, and the Yuan Patriarch’s patriarch, with the clan resistance, was able to survive. According to my understanding, Yuan Xing’s There is no one-size-fits-all population, forming the current source race. “

An Rui shook her head, but she had a judgment about the tendency of Yanhuang Alliance.

“Well, arrange the Yanhuang Alliance to enter the defensive line. This section of the line will be handed over to them. The original defense fleet will form an emergency army.”

Angang received a sigh of relief after receiving a reply. If this kind of powerful civilization is an enemy of the Protoss, he would still be happy to accept it.

“it is good.”

An Rui’s eyes nodded softly, and the Hengyuan Empire established this galaxy’s core defense line. Naturally, it does not accept waste. As long as it is civilized, it must accept the task of defense. The difference is that it has its own independence, or there is no independent right to listen to arrangements.

“The Protoss will not run this time, I want to see if you can resist the War Clan wearing the killing mecha and equipped with the magic gun.”

Wang Hao watched the Yanhuang Alliance arrange the fleet to enter the defense line slowly, and at the same time, he also began to arm, and his eyes showed a strong sense of war.

Before the protoss was powerful, and the Yanhuang Alliance faced such a prosperous protoss, it was also powerless to resist it. After all, there are still many protoss.

Once caught in the encirclement circle, it is faced with a horrifying encirclement attack.

But now it is different. After entering the core defense line of Hengyuan, the defensive pressure of the Yanhuang League is much less.

Big head, or the defense of Hengyuan Empire, they are only a small part.

“The Protoss is definitely uncomfortable. The configuration of the killing mecha and killing the sharp gun is too terrifying. The more killing is the terrifying, the only regret is that this material is too rare, even if it integrates the resources of all civilizations, it is only found. Some such materials. “

Dragon’s face showed a touch of excitement, but also had unspeakable regrets.

“Well, it is indeed less.”

Wang Hao shook his head with regret, and the killing mecha and the killing gun were all weapons that he researched after he discovered a material.

And this kind of material is very weird, with a very high hardness. Not to mention, this material can actually attract blood, make the material harder, and at the same time, it can increase elasticity and softness.

At that time, after discovering this characteristic, he came up with the idea of ​​making this material into a weapon. This is the origin of the magic gun and the **** killing mech.

Because the blood of the Protoss is the best nutrient for killing the armor and killing the rifle. The more you kill, the more you can experience the horrifying characteristics of this material.

Later, Wang Hao specifically asked about the origin of this material, but he didn’t get the result ~ ~ I only listened to the civilization that said that this came with a meteorite.

Wang Hao looked

Other civilizations are very disappointed because he did not find this material. In the end, there was no way to use this material. He only made a hundred sets of such mechas.

While wearing the killing mech and the person holding the sharp gun, the natural target is the war tribe.

The horror of warfare ascending while fighting, combined with these two, is the real killer.

“Inform Ling Ling to come over and take away the killing mech and killing the rifle.”

The words of Wang Hao just started, but the entire Haohan Research Center suddenly heard a huge alarm.

This made his eyes stunned, and it instantly reflected, immediately started to call up the data, and after a glance, his complexion instantly changed.

“The Protoss is here.”

Wang Hao’s eyes were unbelievable. He had left countless detectors for the route he had traveled before, but he did not catch the arrival of the Protoss.

The most important thing is that the Yanhuang Alliance is now carrying out a defense switch with the Hengyuan Empire, which can be said to be the weakest time.

“Bring the killing mech, kill the sharp gun, let’s go to the source star.”

Wang Hao’s eyes are heavy, if after the formation is unfolded, he is not a deity, but now the Yanhuang Alliance is taking over the line of defense.

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