Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 1100 - Particle beam cannon directly on the battlefield

? “Two-point calibration is completed.”

After being tested by Dragon Brain, he looked up at Wang Hao. At this time, the particle beam gun had passed the two test warships and had been calibrated.

Although it is said that there is not much distance between them, it is clear that using the free neutrons of the universe, the Yanhuang Alliance, under the leadership of Wang Hao, has also broken through the limitations of the network.

Using the positioning and calibration of the test battleship, Wang Hao did not believe that with such a large fleet, there would be no gain.

Besides, the particle beam gun, for the time being, is only in the test phase, even Wang Hao is not quite sure whether it can achieve such a range.

“Okay, launch.”

There was a strong light in Wang Hao’s eyes, and he immediately said.

As Wang Hao said, five particle beam guns immediately began to gather energy, and as the energy gathered, Wang Hao ’s eyes also showed a strong curiosity, because he knew clearly that if he pressed the particle beam Cannon theory to understand the words.

In terms of power, when the distance is too short, it may not be as good as a laser cannon, but because of the special energy structure of the particle beam.

In the process of the beam out of the bore, the free cosmic elements can be absorbed. This is the point where the particle beam is most different from the laser cannon.

Soon after Wang Hao passed the news to the Hengyuan Empire and the Scarlet Empire, the two most powerful civilizations of the Hengyuan galaxy sat together again.

However, this time, it was obviously not as strong as the last gunpowder smell.

“The Protoss is here, we now need to work together to defend against the Protoss. Here, I hope everyone will let go of their prejudices.”

The Angang of the Hengyuan Empire said with a very heavy face. The appearance of the huge warship really made him feel the pressure. They predicted that the Protoss would enter Hengyuan again at least three hundred years later. galaxy.

But he did not expect that the Protoss came so suddenly, even if it was not discovered by the Yanhuang Alliance, he did not even know that the Protoss had arrived.

“Yes, I agree with this very much.”

After the Scarlet Empire heard Angang’s words, before thinking about the communication with Angang, a dignified expression appeared on his face.

Among the defensive unions of the Protoss, the Hengyuan Empire and the Scarlet Empire are the biggest rivals. If they all let go of their prejudices, other civilizations will naturally let go of their prejudices.

And as the leaders of the two civilizations thought, when other civilizations saw the two highest leaders of the Hengyuan Empire and the Scarlet Empire, they all said so, and they immediately understood the meaning of it.

“It seems that civilizations in the universe will never have hatred, but only interests.”

Wang Hao also participated in this meeting, but he did not participate in person, but as a remote participant, the maturity of the virtual image of Hengyuan Empire allows him to build through the cosmic ions passed by Hengyuan Empire. The internet.

Through this network, even if it is far apart, it allows him to use the virtual network and transform into an image to participate, but this image can only be engaged in some clerical work, and cannot fight.

With Wang Hao’s own strength and keen sense of self, he was allowed to enter this image, and he manipulated it. The strong delay really made Wang Hao feel uncomfortable.

However, fortunately, Wang Hao just listened, without moving, and even Wang Hao was distracted while listening to the conference, and measured that after the particle beam cannon was expelled, the speed became faster and faster, which is faster than the new test The battleship is even faster.

As the particle beam exploded, Wang Hao lost track only after monitoring for a while, because the Yanhuang Alliance had no surveillance carrier in the darkness of the universe.

The fast five-beam particle beam, after being discharged, is quite fast, even more than double the new curvature-driven warship.

“This speed is okay. It is estimated that in 13 days, you can reach the dark band of that galaxy.”

Wang Hao listened to the meeting where the Protoss defended against the Commonwealth, and looked at the test results after the particle beam was exploded.

Although there are not many clear things, some intuitive things nodded to Wang Hao.

Fortunately, there was no arsenal.

Wei Hongzhuang looked at the successful launch of the particle beam, and his eyes also showed a touch of speechlessness. He was a refreshing understanding of Wang Hao again.

He did not expect that Wang Hao was so crazy that he directly put the particle beam cannon that was still being tested into the battlefield. This made him a researcher who did not know whether he should be happy or crying.

With Wang Hao arranging the appearance of five particle beam cannons, at this time, Wang Hao’s face was clearly not as strong as the gunpowder smell before the meeting of the Protoss resistance union.

After all, the two rivals, the Hengyuan Empire and the Scarlet Empire, after facing the arrival of the Protoss, also let go of their prejudices.

It was really peaceful sitting together, negotiating how to resist the attack of the Protoss.

“We, can we talk to the Protoss for a peaceful way.”

After a civilization put forward this proposal, it was immediately recognized by many people, but Wang Hao shook his head involuntarily. He really disagreed with this statement.

After deciphering the body treasure of the Protoss ~ ~ It can be said that Wang Hao’s vigilance against the Protoss has never been reduced, because this is a truly terrible race.

Originally Wang Hao wanted to make it clear at this meeting, that is, he was already firing towards the Protoss, but after thinking about it, he did not say it, because he felt that once he said it, it might be hard to please.

You may even get some hostility from the Protoss to resist the Commonwealth, which naturally does not say that you have begun to attack the Protoss.

Although the Protoss is powerful, Wang Hao considers that the Yanhuang Alliance is far away from the dark belt of the galaxy and uses a particle cannon close to the speed of light. He also knows that even if the Protoss want to be close to them, it will take some time.

Besides, the moment Wang Hao opened fire, he had already figured it out, and the migration of the Yanhuang Alliance would start again.

The source star will also be the real main battle star, independent of the Yanhuang Alliance.

This is Wang Hao’s idea, and this idea, he has not yet informed Tao Hongguo and Ye Lao, but he has only given him a preliminary thought in his mind.

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