Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 1151 - Noki\\\'s plan (2 in 1)

“Brother Hao, the Nuoji people suddenly contacted us.”

Just as the Yanhuang Alliance organized and arranged in an orderly manner, after receiving a signal, Dragon Brain suddenly said.


After Wang Hao heard it, his eyes flickered slightly, because he chose to withdraw from the Protoss Defense Union formed by the Hengyuan galaxy organization, and he also thought a lot.

In fact, the most common one is the civilization in the universe, which always seems too selfish before its own interests. This is also the most real reason for what Wang Hao said before.

There is only one idea, the preservation of civilization, everyone thinks, but Wang Hao will not use the other civilizations of the Yanhuang Alliance to cover the departure of the Yanhuang people. This is a difficult hurdle in his heart.

Therefore, he can’t do the same as the Scarlet Empire. The two most powerful civilizations of the Hengyuan galaxy are clearly divided, and the core growth of the Light Forge civilization.

As the saying goes, the ways are different, and they do not work together.

“Come in.”

After thinking for a while, Wang Hao did not hesitate for too long, but immediately determined his thoughts and said without hesitation.

There was also some curiosity in his mind, and the Nuoki people wanted him to find him.

“it is good.”

After Dragon Brain responded, several figures appeared on the screen immediately, and these figures were the masters of the Noki clan in the Hengyuan galaxy.

“Commander Wang, I would like to ask, have you already found a way to resist that unknown civilization?”

Noah also went straight to the subject after he received it. He didn’t hesitate at all, because he knew that Wang Hao didn’t like it, and the other was that he didn’t have much time to talk about things.

After Noah finished speaking, the three Yanfeng people also looked at Wang Hao with expectant eyes.


After hearing Noah ’s words, Wang Hao shook his head without hesitation. He did not lie. He really did not find a way to resist the Zerg.

It can only be said that one step at a time, one step at a time, even if he has already made the worst plan, that is, a civilization carrier.

“That you?”

Noah, after hearing Wang Hao’s words, was a little dumbfounded in his face, and could not help saying again, he looked at the Yanhuang Alliance, the kind of large-scale movement of the legion, plus the Yanhuang Alliance’s decisive withdrawal from the Protoss Resistance Union , Which made him look forward to his heart.

That is the Yanhuang Alliance, maybe there is really a way to resist that unknown civilization.

But after hearing Wang Hao’s words, his face also showed a touch of loss.

“Why do we quit so decisively? I believe you also see something. The Yan and Huang tribes have a different saying and they are not at odds. Since they all have to count, why should they be their own? Strong, but we believe that our strength is not weak, and we believe that we can resist the attack of the sea of ​​insects. “

Wang Hao said with some emotion that he was still very disappointed in the heart of the Hengyuan Empire and the Scarlet Empire, because in his view, these two civilizations, as the two largest civilizations in the Hengyuan Galaxy, have no tops at all. The responsibility of civilization, when encountering anything, blindly wants to preserve the strength of its own civilization.

“Different road non-phase plan.”

After Noah heard Wang Hao ’s words, his eyes were slightly dumbfounded, and there was a touch of recognition on his face. Although Wang Hao did not explain this sentence, he understood what he meant when he heard it, just a few words, Point out the problem.

However, Noah looked at the other two words slightly, Zerg, Zonghai.

“Zerg, Zonghai? Do you call that civilization Zerg? Have you encountered it before?”

Noah’s eyes showed a touch of light, because although they had seen the light-forged civilization, the information about this civilization, but in the face of this civilization, did not have a clear name.

It has always been called unknown civilization and horror unknown civilization, but now, Wang Hao has heard a clear description of civilization here, that is Zerg, and especially after hearing the description of Chonghai.

Thinking of the endless sea of ​​insects in the dark belt of the galaxy, his eyes showed deep recognition. They thought that the Zerg described the unknown civilization, which is too appropriate.

This made him a thought that slowly disappeared and rose again, that is, he thought that the Yanhuang Alliance might really have a way.

“Well, we call it the Zerg, but we haven’t touched it before. The source of this name … comes from the ancient data of our Yanhuang people.”

Wang Hao nodded gently and said, he said the last half of the sentence, thinking about the source of the Zerg, he could never say that what came from an ancient game, after the Zerg appeared, he specifically checked Ever played this game.

I think this ancient game may be a top civilization, the way of survival left. After all, in this game, there are three groups of people, gods and insects, it seems to correspond exactly, after some urgent research, we can see whether this In the game, find a way for Zerg.

But the result, Wang Hao was naturally disappointed. The result is naturally, this is really just an ancient game, completely unrelated to the current situation, can only be said, perhaps, this is a series of brain holes.

The appearance of the three tribes is also completely different. The Protoss is a birdman with wings, and even looks like a demon in Western mythology, while the Zerg is completely different, but with a dire face.

“Ancient information …”

After Noah heard this, her eyes showed a hint of light, and she glanced at Yan Feng as if she had made a decision.

However, this decision, for the time being, he has no way to make it easy, but chose to postpone and discuss.

And Wang Hao and Noah hanged up after a few words, and he still had a bunch of things, where was there time to chat with the Noki.

But after Noah hung up, Noah immediately turned to speak to the wind and said.

“How do we decide.”

Noah’s gaze was thoughtful. In fact, he already had a certain tendency in his heart. However, he still wanted to listen to it and say other people’s opinions.

“This decision needs to be made cautiously, and when you lean on which side, you can never look back.”

The style of speech is dignified, and in the same mind, the situation is judged, and the collected information.

“The decision is hard to make. The four of us voted.”

Noah groaned for a moment, looked up at the speech seriously, and said.

“it is good.”

After thinking for a while, Yanfeng nodded in agreement, because the news conveyed by the Noki headquarters made him and Noah, not as before, fighting and arguing, but from the previous Competitors have become collaborators.

Perhaps it is because as enemies, they also know each other and cooperate, and there is really a sense of cooperation in it.

“Then vote, my idea is to rely on Yanhuang Alliance.”

Noah expressed his opinion without hesitation and said.

“My idea is to stay in the Protoss Defense Union.”

The style of speech is also expressing his own opinion, because in his opinion, the Yanhuang Alliance may have something, but the light caster civilization has directly dealt with the Zerg, plus many civilizations, the safety factor should be higher.

“I agree to rely on the Yanhuang Alliance.”

Nuo Cun hesitated and said, his thoughts are actually similar to the style of speech, but looking at his uncle’s decision, he hesitated for a while and decided to support his uncle’s decision.

After the voting of the three ended, the eyes were all on Yan Ningxin. I saw Yan Ningxin. At this time, his eyes were slightly closed, as if he had completely lost his perception with the outside world, but none of them disturbed Yan Ningxin, because this was promise The most powerful new generation of leading figures of Ki nationality speakers.

And now Yan Ningxin is obviously thinking.

“I suggest, rely on the Yanhuang Alliance.”

After a long while, she opened her eyes slowly. This was a decision she made after she combined many factors.

It is precisely such an idea that the gap between her and Nuo Cun, she made a judgement, and the pattern considered by Yan Ningxin is definitely not comparable to that of Nuo Cun. Nuo Cun is just considering supporting her uncle. Ning Xin, but the real whole, began to consider.

“Ning Xin, what do you think …”

After hearing Yan Ningxin ’s words, Yan Feng was not angry. Instead, he thought about it. Nuo Cun ’s support, he saw at a glance, purely relying on his relationship with Noah to vote, and this, he understood , Noah also understood.

This is precisely the reason why Noah proposed to vote, because both of them knew that they did not regard the number of votes of Nuocun as the number of votes, but instead regarded the number of votes of the heart as a real reference.

“I think Wang Hao of the Yanhuang Alliance is not a brainless person at all. The reason why the other party quits so inevitably has a future. Therefore, I think that if we really want to lean to one side, we will quit the Protoss Defense Union Because of the current situation of this consortium, you all know that after quitting, you will form an alliance with the Yanhuang Alliance. “

After Yan Ningxin pondered for a long while, he said, and at the same time, both Noah and Yanfeng slowly fell into contemplation.

And Wang Hao was not idle. In the command center of the Yanhuang Alliance, he began to build a new command system, and slowly began to deploy a trinity defense system.

Although the technology has improved now, the same three-in-one defense system is more perfect, and it is also the unique defense system of the real Yanhuang Alliance, especially the successful research of the particle beam gun, which makes this defense system more powerful.

You should know that the original trinity defense system is just a three-in-one defense system composed of laser weapons for long-distance defense, powerful soldiers for individual defense, and mobile warships.

Now, when this system is besieging the world of Tianyan, great changes have taken place. The laser weapon for remote defense has become a particle beam gun, and the individual warrior for close defense has evolved from a clone to a war clan. The Tianyan clan, as well as many powerful civilizations and mobile warships, not to mention, the source clan and the mechanical clan are both good players.

What Wang Hao has to do now is to restart the Trinity’s defense system while staying away from the curvature valley force field of the Lightforge civilization so as not to affect each other.

“Awaken all Yanhuang soldiers.”

Wang Hao’s eyes showed a flash of light, and he thought of a plan that started when he entered the interstellar, that is the plan of the Yanhuang Warrior.

The launch of this plan was at the end of the war between the Apocalypse Empire and Maywin Alliance, and it was also the eve of the coming of the Protoss.

The purpose is to create batches of warriors through technological means, and these warriors, although they have no actual combat experience ~ ~ but the strength of the individual, after two hundred years of nourishment, focus on energy, timely process, estimate Now it has reached a terrifying level.

“Wang Hao, don’t tell me, I almost forgot this plan … or your brain is easy to use.”

After hearing Wang Hao ’s words, Ye Lao looked dumbfounded. In fact, he was the proponent of this plan and the builder, but there is a good saying, time is the weapon that kills the most, even if it is his manager, two hundred years. Time, I almost forgot about this matter.

Just put the plan of the Yan and Huang warriors in a file, reminded by Wang Hao, he immediately remembered it.

“Well, I haven’t seen Fang Bing in a long time. I don’t know how strong he is.”

Wang Hao’s face also reveals a touch of brilliance. The name Fang Bing is hard to forget because he and Fang Bing have experienced a lot. In the age of earth stars, they have come together almost every day, and even have many The experiment was carried out on the uninformed Fang Bing.

As for why Fang Bing participated in the Yanhuang Warrior Program, he naturally walked through Wang Hao ’s back door. In that time, he was almost killed by the mad empire in the universe, and he was directly killed by a wave of waves. Quite a few, at least in terms of the improvement of strength, Fang Bing no longer has the same experience as before, fishing for three days and drying the net for two days.

Instead, he focused on improving his strength. When he heard that Wang Hao was going to execute the Yanhuang Warrior Plan, Fang Bing naturally participated without hesitation.

“It’s been a long time since I saw Fang Bing. He came out, and it was estimated that it would be much more lively.”

Ye Lao also said with some emotion, Fang Bing’s character jumped out, but he was very clear.

After Wang Hao heard Ye Lao’s words, there was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

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