B02:C11 – Jörmun’s Champion

An eruption of arcane energy shattered the stillness of the night, sending a tempest of spellfire cascading across the battlefield. The air itself seemed to vibrate, resonating with the power of unleashed magic, as the sky overhead blazed with the incandescent glow of mana bursts. Each explosion painted the night in surreal hues, illuminating the relentless downpour that pelted unmercifully against both armor and flesh.

In the heart of the sorcery-laden storm, the army of the Kingdom of Slaethia surged onward, their advance relentless and unbroken. The night air, charged with magic, echoed not with cries of fear or agony, but resounded with their defiant bellows—a symphony of raw determination harmonized with the rhythmic thunder of their war drums. Among their ranks, some warriors donned battle-scarred armor, while others, embracing the elements, exposed varying extents of flesh to better harness their magical prowess. Each soldier, whether human, elf, dwarf, or gnome, was either shielded by dwarven-steel or magic as they bared various degrees of flesh to aid with their casting. All stood as a steadfast bastion, an indomitable fortress, braving the relentless tempest of arcane assault.

This battlefield was the Cacklefang Wastes, a landscape as rugged and unforgiving as the diverse warriors who called it home. A mosaic of shattered lands and treacherous terrain, it was the domain of roaming nomads – trolls, orcs, goblins, and even scattered tribes of darker humans and elves. These lands, inhospitable and wild, bore the scars of countless battles, a testament to the unyielding spirit of its inhabitants.

Under a sky torn asunder, where mana bolts streaked across the heavens like celestial daggers, the Kingdom of Slaethia, driven by relentless resolve and ravenous ambition, carved a brutal path through the heartlands of the beastkin. Their initial defeat had come with ease, but the lingering resistance proved a thorn in Slaethia’s side. This dogged opposition, though fierce, gradually wilted under Slaethia’s ruthless advance. Faced with prolonged defiance, the conquerors resorted to a grim and unyielding policy of execution, systematically crushing any remnants of rebellion. The air grew heavy with the stench of defeat and despair, as both villages and strongholds crumbled under Slaethia’s unyielding might.

Now, with their marching on the unforgiving expanse of the wastelands, Slaethia’s current campaign struck with the force of a thunderclap. Neighboring realms, caught in a collective trance of shock and awe, could only observe in stunned silence as this audacious incursion unfolded. Amid a torrential downpour that transformed the landscape into a canvas of gray and shadow, Slaethia’s banners, drenched yet defiant, glimmered eerily under the arcane luminescence of spellfire. They advanced like relentless specters, undeterred by the hazards ahead, plunging deeper into the foreboding and mystic wilds of Cacklefang Wastes. Each deliberate stride into this treacherous terrain was a declaration of Slaethia’s insatiable desire for dominion and conquest.

Explosions rained down in a relentless torrent, a cataclysm unseen in the long, turbulent history of the Wastes. Here, amidst the scorched lands and shattered rock, a desperate alliance had been forged. The nomadic tribes, once rivals, now stood united against a common foe. The grim fate of the beastkin at the hands of the Slaethian forces was a stark warning: surrender meant annihilation. Every man, woman, and the precious few children who huddled in the shadows knew the merciless edge of Slaethia’s sword spared no one.

In a display of unity born from desperation, the tribes pooled their mightiest casters, forming a bastion of magic under the beleaguered sky. A colossal dome of shimmering energy sprang forth, a bulwark against the relentless spellfire that hammered down upon them. Each impact was a thunderous roar, a tremor that shook the very ground, each one testing the resilience of the dome and the resolve of its creators. As the barrage intensified, the dome flickered and wavered, draining the casters of their strength. Yet, as one mage faltered, another stepped forward, infusing the barrier with fresh vigor, a cycle of sacrifice and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds.

Within this magical shield, the warriors of the tribes braced themselves. Barbarians with axes dripping anticipation, warriors clad in armor, their eyes alight with fury, all awaited their moment. They knew that to step beyond the dome’s protective embrace was to embrace the chaos of battle, to confront the relentless tide of Slaethian aggression head-on. Yet, there was a fire in their hearts, a defiance that mirrored the unyielding spirit of their homeland. They stood ready, each warrior a testament to the indomitable will of the Cacklefang tribes, prepared to surge forth into the maelstrom, their survival and the fate of their lands hanging in the balance.

As Felorian took his place, the strain of the magical dome weighed heavily upon his slender frame. Not even a century old, he was but a mere fledgling by elven standards, he bore the responsibility with a solemn resolve uncommon in one so young. His blood elf heritage lent him a natural prowess in the arcane, an innate strength that now flared within his blood like a beacon, casting a glow that rivaled the goblin shamans and orc warlocks at his side.

With each thunderous collision against the barrier, a shudder ran through Felorian’s body, as if the very essence of his being was being siphoned away. His jaw clenched, determination etched into his youthful features, he focused intently, channeling his mana into the shimmering shield that stood as the last bastion between them and the Slaethian onslaught.

A fleeting glance upward, a momentary distraction, and his heart seemed to plummet into the depths of despair. Looming above, the dark silhouettes of the Slaethian airfleet emerged through the mist and rain, a grim armada that cast a shadow of impending doom. The sight of them, floating ominously against the backdrop of a stormy sky, filled him with a cold dread.

The lad knew what their presence meant. The airships, with their formidable firepower and strategic vantage, could spell the end for their desperate defense. Yet, as fear clawed at his heart, a spark of defiance flickered within him. He was a Blood Elf, a descendant of a proud and powerful lineage, and he would not yield so easily.

Felorian’s breath came in ragged gasps, his heart pounding against his chest as he struggled to maintain his focus. The magic around him flickered like a flame in a storm, mirroring the turmoil within as he struggled to hold his resolve. Young and untested, Felorian was a tempest of emotions—fear and bravery clashing in equal measure. The intensity of the battlefield, the weight of lives depending on him, sent waves of anxiety crashing over his fragile resolve.

As he channeled his magic into the barrier, a fleeting shadow above caught his attention. Amidst the looming airships, a shape flitted, elusive as a wisp of smoke. At first glance, he thought it a dragon—a nightmare come to life. But as his eyes strained against the chaos, the form resolved into a woman with expansive wings, weaving through the air with unnerving grace. Flames danced around her, casting ghostly afterimages, a fleeting spectacle that was as mesmerizing as it was terrifying.

Then, a massive bolt of lightning cleaved the sky, illuminating a swarm of winged figures amidst the Slaethian fleet. The stark revelation sent a shiver down Felorian’s spine.

“They’ve got the dragon folk with them,” echoed a voice, laden with dread.

The words reverberated through Felorian, each syllable a hammer strike to his already fragile composure. He turned his head, his crimson eyes—wide with fear—landing on the face of a human caster whose expression mirrored his own terror. The caster’s eyes, also wide and haunted, reflected a truth Felorian was afraid to admit, they were outmatched.

In this fleeting connection, Felorian’s inner turmoil surged. His magical aura flickered erratically, a visual echo of his wavering spirit. The responsibility, the fear of what lay beyond the barrier, and the knowledge of their enemy’s terrifying new ally created a storm within him. He was just a boy, thrust into a maelstrom of war and expectation, his courage ebbing and flowing like the tide.

The air crackled with immense tension, as if the very atmosphere anticipated the impending catastrophe. All eyes were drawn upwards, fixated on the winged figure descending like a comet wreathed in flame. She was a fierce apparition, her aura seething with primal fury and arcane power. The defenders below, already strained to their limits, could only watch in horrified fascination as she hurtled toward them.

With a ferocity that defied nature, she struck the barrier. The impact was cataclysmic, a shockwave of raw force and fire. The dome, once a shimmering bastion of hope, fractured under her assault, splintering into myriad shards of dissipating mana. They sparkled momentarily, like a rain of celestial fragments, before vanishing into the night.

The aftermath was chaos incarnate. The blast, an unbridled tempest of destruction, ripped through the ranks of casters with merciless intent. A goblin shaman and orc warlock, too close to the epicenter, were obliterated instantaneously, reduced to mere ashes of their former selves. Nearby human casters suffered grievous injuries, their screams piercing through the tumult.

Felorian, caught in the maelstrom, was hurled backward as if by the hand of an angry god. The ground rushed up to meet him, and he felt a jarring impact as he collided with the dirt, stone, and rock alike. His long ears rang, and his blood red vision swam, a disorienting blur of light and shadow. He lay there, dazed, the taste of blood and ash in his mouth.

The air was thick with the scent of ozone and charred flesh, a grim reminder of the power that had just been unleashed. Around him, the battlefield descended into pandemonium, as defenders scrambled to recover from the devastating blow. The breach in their magical defenses left them exposed and vulnerable, a fact that the Slaethian forces would surely capitalize on.

Amidst the debris and confusion, Felorian’s mind struggled to grasp the magnitude of what had just occurred. This was no longer a battle of attrition; it was a struggle for survival. The arrival of this new, formidable adversary had shifted the tide of the conflict, plunging the defenders into a desperate fight against overwhelming odds.

Lying amidst the debris, his senses reeling from the impact, Felorian struggled to clear his vision. He pushed aside the long, blonde strands of hair that clung to his face, sticky with sweat and grime. As his gaze refocused, he was met with a sight that sent a shiver down his spine—the winged woman, the harbinger of their downfall.

She stood amidst the ruin she had wrought, a figure both mesmerizing and terrifying. Her attire was a long dress, shimmering with the iridescence of red scale mail, reminiscent of dragon scales, catching the flickering light of the fires around her. Atop her head sat a set of horns, not just any horns, but ones that arched and twisted like a majestic crown, framing her dark face in an imposing silhouette.

But it was her eyes that captivated and horrified him most. They burned with an inner fire, glowing with an intensity that spoke of unbridled power and a hunger for destruction. They were not just the eyes of a warrior; they were the windows to a soul forged in the flames of unending conflict, relentless and merciless.

And then there were her wings. Vast, powerful, and outstretched, they enshrouded her in an aura of untouchable majesty, granting her a queenly, almost divine demeanor. They moved with a grace that belied their strength, each scale seeming to capture and reflect the chaotic light of the battlefield.

To Felorian, young and battle-weary, she was the embodiment of his deepest fears—a symbol of an enemy that was not just overpowering but otherworldly. As he lay there, his heart pounding in his chest, he understood the gravity of their situation. They were not just fighting an army; they were facing a force of nature, one that threatened to consume them in its fiery maw. This was not just a test of skill or strength; it was a struggle for survival against an adversary that seemed as ancient and relentless as time itself.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, Felorian noticed a sudden distortion in the air near the dragoness—a shimmering, almost as if the heat of battle was warping the very fabric of reality. But it was more than a mere heat haze; it was as though the world itself was bending, folding into a point that shouldn’t exist.

Then, with a sound like the tearing of a massive cloth, the air split open, revealing a glowing rift that pulsated with energy. It was as if a tear had been made in the very essence of the world, a portal of swirling colors that defied natural law. The edges of this tear flickered with a brilliant light, casting eerie shadows that danced across the battlefield.

From this shimmering gateway stepped out a dwarf and an elven woman. The dwarf emerged first, his armor clinking melodiously, a stark contrast to the menacing silence of the portal. He seemed almost to relish the dramatic entrance, his war hammer gleaming in the ethereal light of the rift. The portal framed him like a grand stage, enhancing his already imposing presence.

Following him was the elf woman, who moved with a grace that seemed to transcend the brutal reality of their surroundings. As she stepped through, the portal’s light reflected off her sword and shield, casting a luminescent aura around her. Her emergence was like a serene counterpoint to the dwarf’s robust entrance, a dance of light and shadow that captivated even amidst the horrors of war.

“That’s a neat trick, lass,” the dwarf chuckled heartily, his voice rich with a rolling cadence. “Yer portals make our journeys a fair sight easier, they do.”

“It’s my newest skill gifted to me by my god, Jörmun,” the elf woman replied, her tone dry.

As the portal closed behind them with a soft whoosh, it left behind a momentary vacuum, a brief stillness that was almost as startling as its creation. The air rushed back in to fill the space, and with it, the reality of the battlefield returned in full force.

“The god who still forbids you from fighting?” the dragoness scoffed; her tone mockingly carried an undercurrent of disrespect with it.

The battlefield had transformed into a vortex of chaos, where the brutal clash of steel and the crackling of spellfire wove a tapestry of relentless combat. Slaethian casters, masters of their arcane arts, unleashed havoc upon the tribal alliance. Their spells cut swathes through the enemy ranks, and the air was thick with cries of both agony and defiance, as the enemy warriors were mercilessly torn apart, their fervent battle cries silenced by the ruthless magical assault.

Amidst this tumultuous scene, three figures from Slaethia loomed like ominous specters. The dragoness, her wings majestically spread and her eyes glowing with fiery intensity, manipulated flames with a terrifying ease. Her slightest gesture summoned infernos, scorching anyone who dared to approach. Nearby, the dwarf's laughter, a grim soundtrack to the havoc, was barely discernible over the cacophony of battle. He swung his colossal hammer with astounding force, each strike a deadly dance of metal, crushing those unlucky enough to be in its trajectory.

In stark contrast to the turmoil that raged around her, the elven woman from Slaethia glided through the battlefield with ethereal grace, as if untouched by the surrounding chaos. Her presence was a serene counterpoint to the explosive fury of the dragoness and the raw power of the dwarf. She seemed like a spectral entity, drifting through the maelstrom, untouched and untouchable, her movements a delicate waltz in the midst of a tempest.

As warriors and mages charged with a blend of terror and rage, their attacks dissolved into impotence around her. Spells fizzled out before they could graze her skin, and blades cleaved the air only to find nothing but void. It was as though she occupied a parallel reality, untouched by the war's cruel reach, a ghostly figure weaving through an ocean of violence.

Her every step was measured and serene, her gaze drifting across the battlefield with a detached, sorrowful air. There was a deliberate restraint in her movements, a palpable avoidance of direct confrontation. Amidst the brutality, she stood as a silent observer, embodying a power meticulously controlled, her might reined in by an unseen covenant of faith or a deep-rooted moral compass.

For Felorian, the young blood elf, the sight of her was a bewildering blend of fear and fascination. To witness someone so powerful yet so passive in the midst of battle was unnerving. It underscored a truth that was hard to grasp—that there were beings who wielded power not just in the destruction they could cause, but in the restraint, the elf chose to exercise. She was a mystery wrapped in the enigma of the conflict, a puzzle that whispered stories and secrets far beyond the comprehension of those embroiled in the immediate struggle for survival.

Felorian’s trance, stirred by the elven woman’s mystique, shattered not by her hand but by a more primal, destructive force. The dragoness, embodying a storm of fury and flame, swiveled her gaze upon him. Her eyes, set in stark contrast against her obsidian skin, blazed with an intensity that spoke of unbridled rage. In that fleeting moment, their eyes met—a silent exchange that spelled his doom.

Abruptly, a cataclysmic rush of flames enveloped Felorian. His surroundings morphed into a nightmarish inferno, a testament to the dragoness’s wrath. Intense heat ravaged his skin as billowing smoke strangled his every breath. Engulfed by the relentless blaze, his world dwindled into darkness, swallowed whole by the fiery magic of the dragoness’s fury.


The conquest of Cacklefang Wastes had unfolded with overwhelming might, setting the stage for Slaethia’s expansive rule over the moon of Nyxoria. With the might of three of their four divine champions leading the forces, their campaign seemed an unstoppable tide. Yet, within the formidable group of four, one figure stood out for his notable absences: Galen. The fairy champion conducted his own wars in isolation, his solitary victories a testament to his extraordinary power.

Amidst this backdrop of relentless conquest, Vanya Anlyth, another of the champions, wrestled with a growing sense of revulsion. This had been the first night she hadn’t been plagued with nightmares, only to find herself stuck within a waking one all the same. The victories and divine favor she and her allies garnered did little to quell her inner turmoil.

Curiously, her doubts about the Kingdom of Slaethia’s motives seemed to attract further blessings from her god, Jörmun. Her latest gift, the Arcane Gate, offered her an almost limitless ability to traverse at what was seeming to be any destination Vanya desired, only limited by the amount of mana she could channel. She kept its full potential a closely guarded secret, feigning limitation to line-of-sight teleportation. This deception unwittingly led to her being granted another mysterious ability, the Oracle skill. Its purpose and function remained unknown, a puzzle she was hesitant to solve in the presence of her fellow champions.

The most troubling aspect for Vanya, however, was the enigmatic nature of her deity, Jörmun. He had chosen her as his champion with a singular directive: to observe. And observe, she did, her horror mounting with each passing moment. Her past battles against darkened creatures and races of malevolent gods had been a fight for survival. But the current situation was vastly different.

What Vanya witnessed under the banner of the Kingdom and its champions was not conquest but a brutal genocide, openly acknowledged and unrepentantly executed. As she grappled with the stark contrast between her survivalist past and the horrifying reality of her present, Vanya found herself increasingly alienated, standing on the precipice of moral and ethical conflict.

As Vanya watched, a sense of horror clutched at her heart, tightening its grip with every atrocity she witnessed. Orlaith, her human form consumed by the manifestation of draconic magic, was an inferno personified, setting everything ablaze without discrimination or restraint. What struck Vanya hardest was the fate of a young elf, a blood elf, who stood no chance against the fiery onslaught. His figure, one of potential surrender, never got the chance to plead for mercy. In mere moments, he was reduced to ashes, his existence snuffed out by Orlaith’s unyielding flames.

This brutal act of no quarter, devoid of kindness or mercy, deepened Vanya’s growing doubts about her kingdom’s crusade. Their mission, to purge Nyxoria of all who didn’t bow to their gods, seemed increasingly senseless and cruel. The beastkin, initially offered a sliver of clemency with the hope of conversion, now faced relentless persecution following the death of their royal family. The resistance among them had surged, halting the kingdom’s invasions but intensifying the purge within.

She found herself shaken, not just by the escalating violence but particularly by the tragic end of the beastkin royal children. In a reality where the birth of a single child was a rarity, the royal family had been blessed with two, a symbol of hope and prosperity for all beastkin. Yet, in a heart-wrenching moment, Orlaith’s merciless flames had extinguished those innocent lives. As Vanya bore witness to these unfolding horrors, she felt a growing dissonance within, a conflict that shook her very foundation and made her question everything she once believed in.

Vanya drifted away from the chaos, distancing herself from Orlaith and Einarr. Her movements were almost ethereal, weaving through the battlefield with a grace that belied the horror around her. She effortlessly sidestepped the remnants of orcs, goblins, humans, and elves—the vestiges of an army now being senselessly decimated.

Her god had endowed her with skills that prioritized defense, evasion, and escape. These gifts made her an enigma on the battlefield, a ghostly figure untouched by the carnage unfolding around her. The offensive magic in her arsenal was limited to what she had learned before her elevation to champion status. This was a source of frustration at times, yet, in moments like these, she found a strange solace in her inability to directly partake in the slaughter.

As Vanya moved, a protective aura seemed to emanate from her, warding off harm. She was an island of calm in a sea of turmoil, her thoughts heavy with contemplation and her heart burdened with the weight of her doubts. Her path was one of retreat, not just physically from the immediate brutality, but emotionally and morally from the path her kingdom had chosen. Her god’s emphasis on defense over attack, in a twisted way, became her silent protest against the senseless violence she was forced to witness.

Once Vanya had put enough distance between herself and the other champions, ensuring she was beyond their earshot, she paused. Her surroundings seemed to blur into insignificance as she focused inwardly. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the unknown, and whispered a single word, imbued with both curiosity and apprehension: “[Oracle].”

As Vanya activated her new skill, the battlefield, already a tableau of devastation and despair, transformed into a stage of darkness and shadows. The air, thick with the weight of something unseen, seemed to quiver with the energy of her invocation. To any observer, she remained a solitary figure amidst the tumult, her focus shifting to sights unseen by any other.

The shadows, which had lain dormant and submissive to the dim glow of the smoldering corpses, now took on a life of their own. They danced and twisted, no longer mere absences of light but sentient entities with their own dark whims. The shadows contorted, forming shapes that defied the laws of nature and physics, mocking the very essence of reality.

Amidst the chaos, the flames of the battlefield gathered and spiraled, wrapping themselves around the remnants of war. Broken weapons became the foundation for a massive, shadowy entity that bore an uncanny resemblance to a basilisk. Its serpentine form seemed to coil and squeeze the very air, yet it was only Vanya who perceived this sinister spectacle.

The Wastes themselves appeared to join this macabre dance, pulsating with the rhythm of an unseen, godly heartbeat. This pulse challenged Vanya, a test of her resolve and understanding as Jörmun’s chosen.

As quickly as they had come to life, the shadows dissipated, their departure as mysterious as their arrival. In their wake, a little girl, crafted entirely from darkness, emerged from behind the corpse of a fallen troll. Her presence was oddly out of place, almost whimsical in the grave setting of the battlefield. She flitted from one cover to another, like a child playing a game of hide-and-seek.

As she stepped behind another fallen troll, a tall, sinister figure materialized in her place. It moved with purpose, each step altering its shadowy form. With every movement behind cover, a new silhouette emerged in its place, each distinct yet tied to the same overarching, ominous presence. As it glided between corpses, rubble, and the remnants of burning structures, the figure seemed to embody the very essence of the dark, unexplored corners of the universe.

Until at last, a man in fine golden robes, with his slicked-back black hair, marked a pivotal moment for Vanya amidst the chaos of the battlefield. As he stepped out of the shadows, his presence felt both imposing and enigmatic, a stark contrast to the turmoil surrounding them.

Vanya’s heart raced with a mix of apprehension and curiosity. She scanned the battlefield, her eyes darting from one soldier to another, from her fellow champions to the clashing forces, expecting some reaction, some acknowledgment of the man’s approach. But there was none. It was as if she alone was privy to his existence, as if he moved in a separate layer of reality, visible only to her eyes.

This realization brought a surge of both fear and fascination. The man’s deliberate approach, his calm demeanor amidst the carnage, and the apparent invisibility of his presence to others, all hinted at his extraordinary nature. It was clear that he was not merely another combatant or a wandering spirit. His connection to the Oracle skill, to the visions and shadows that had danced before her eyes, suggested a deeper, more profound role in the unfolding events.

As he gravitated towards her, Vanya felt an intense focus on her alone. It was as though in this vast, chaotic battlefield, in this moment, their encounter was the singular point of convergence, a meeting orchestrated by forces far beyond the ordinary understanding of mortals. Her training as a champion, her doubts about the kingdom’s crusade, and her struggles with her god’s intentions all seemed to converge on this enigmatic figure, promising answers, or perhaps posing new, more profound questions.

It’s good to see you again, my champion,” he spoke, each word resonating with the authority of a deity. “You and I have much to discuss.

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