Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 61: Lorelei

"Champion Blue! A word, if you please!"

Jolting, Blue straightens up as Lorelei comes storming into the Champion's Chamber. To be fair, it's been a fairly slow day, and they've just stopped taking challenges until tomorrow, so it's not like she necessarily needs to be anywhere else… still, the red head seems to be on a mission, and Blue isn't sure what to think about that.

Lorelei was… well, she was a very icy woman, while also being quite headstrong. Wearing glasses along with a very official pencil skirt and bared shoulder collared vest, she was kind of… she was difficult for Blue to talk to sometimes! Yes, he was the Pokemon Champion! Yes, he had nothing to prove to anyone! But… Lorelei was definitely older than him, and also kind of stunning and… and it wasn't like he liked girls or anything like that! They had cooties!

But he'd seen how his big bro Cam interacted with women and how those women in turn interacted with him. And maybe… maybe there was something to emulate there? Either way, he was supposed to be the Pokemon Champion here, so Blue squares his shoulders and sets his jaw, looking up at Lorelei as the Elite Four Member stalks up to him.

"Yes? What can I do for you?"

She doesn't QUITE glare at him… but she certainly looks more flustered than he's ever seen her. And her glasses are a little foggy too, as she pushes them up the bridge of her nose.

"Have you heard? That man… the one who raced through here a while back like a bat out of hell, who turned out to be the boss of Team Rocket… he's been knocking over Pokemon Gyms."

Blue blinks at that. Actually, he had heard about this. From Cam himself. Cam had told Blue not to worry, that he had gotten a… Pokemon License from somewhere and was going to use it to try a few of Kanto's Gyms out, see how they were run, make sure the Gym Leaders were worthy of it. Sort of like an undercover investigation!

So far… so good! Every report Blue had gotten back from Cam had said that the Gym Leaders he'd fought were capable and best left in their positions. At the end of the day though, Cam had made it clear to Blue ahead of time that he wasn't looking to gather up all eight Gym Badges or challenge the Elite Four and Blue himself or anything like that. He was a cool big bro like that.

Of course, he couldn't just say that to Lorelei. It wasn't undercover if everyone knew about it!

"Oh yeah, I know. He, uh… did it on my orders!"

Lorelei blinks at that, suddenly taken aback.

"Wait… what?"

"Yep! Haha, so don't worry about a thing, Lorelei! He's not going to come here any time soon… he was just, uh… testing some things for me! You know how it is!"

For a long moment, Lorelei is silent. If Blue didn't know any better, he'd say she looked almost disappointed. Then, she pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose again.

"So then… Champion Blue. You have a direct line of contact with the Boss of Team Rocket?"

She sounds probing, and for a moment Blue feels like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar! He has to spend a second just reminding himself that he hasn't done anything wrong. Heck, he'd already announced Team Rocket as a legitimate organization on live television! Lorelei should get with the times. Bolstered by that thought, Blue crosses his arms over his chest and chuckles.

"Of course! Cam and I have to be in contact, Team Rocket is a force for good in Kanto now, so obviously I'm going to be talking to him!"

Lorelei nods at this… and then begins to pant, weirdly enough. Her glasses fog up even more as she pushes them up the bridge of her nose again. Her face too, is getting redder, almost as red as her hair.

"Then… I would ask you to please arrange an unofficial match between me and… Cam, Champion. If he's not going to be challenging the Elite Four, I wish to see how I might measure up to his skill level."

Blue opens his mouth to say how badly that would go for her… but something stops him. Obviously, he knows how strong his big bro is. Not only had Cam caught that ultra-special Legendary Pokemon off the coast of Cinnabar Island, but also shit had very clearly gone down in the Hall of Fame and Blue knew it was Cam who had managed to make everything turn out okay… through sheer force even, maybe.

Before he can properly respond, Lorelei pipes up again.

"Also… I have business with that man and Team Rocket. I don't personally mind that you made Team Rocket a legitimate organization, Champion Blue. But my hometown is located in the Sevii Islands… where the people of the Islands have long been rather perturbed that there's a Team Rocket Warehouse located there. Even if it's all official and on the up and up now… Team Rocket still has a lot to answer for, Champion. And as the leader of Team Rocket… so does Cam."

Ah, well… hm. Blue could have told her that it wouldn't go well for her. But Lorelei was honestly starting to freak him out. She was being really intense right now, and her glasses kept fogging up!

Shrugging, Blue uncrosses his arms.

"Sure. If I know Cam, he won't mind battling you. I'll help you get in touch."

"… Thank you, Champion."


Lorelei of the Elite Four had done everything in her power to escape her hometown back when she was younger. Four Island was not exactly a place with the most room for advancement. It was literally called FOUR ISLAND. So yes, she'd done everything she could to get away and make a name for herself, until eventually she'd ascended all the way to the top and gotten an invitation to join the Kanto Region Elite Four.

Still, you never forgot where you came from. And perhaps it was poetic in a way, for Lorelei to find herself back here on Four Island after all this time. She had arrived today to have a Pokemon Battle with Cam, the Boss of Team Rocket. And the people of Four Island, and indeed all of the other islands around, had come out in droves to watch.

It was all on the line, after all. If Lorelei of Elite Four won, then Team Rocket had to get off of Sevii Islands, legitimate or not. But if Cam of Team Rocket won…

Collapsing to her knees with a gasp, Lorelei shudders, defeated. She hadn't stood a chance, to be perfectly honest. She'd lost even going all out, training her Pokemon ahead of time, and even bringing in Piloswine to replace Slowbro as her heavy hitter. But Piloswine hadn't lasted very long against Cam's team… nor had Dewgong, Cloyster, Jynx, or Lapras. They'd all been taken out one after the other, and now here she was, on her knees… like she'd secretly known she would end up.

The crowd of Sevii Islanders watching them is silent. Some of it is shock, but quite a lot of it… is anticipation. As Cam recalls his Dragonite, he tilts his head to the side and looks at her.

"It's settled then? Team Rocket's operations will be allowed to continue on this island?"

Lorelei, trembling, nods her head jerkily.

"Y-Yes… a-ah… but also… there's one more thing."

There's a pause, and she realizes Cam is waiting for her to explain. Luckily, she doesn't have to. Instead, a Villager Elder, an old crone of a woman, steps forward.

"The Rite of Conquest must be observed! This challenge has concluded… and the victor may do as he pleases with the loser!"

Lorelei's bared shoulders hunch in on one another, even as her thighs rub together in eager anticipation. Her glasses fog up, but Cam doesn't take a step towards her.

"This was an unofficial battle."

The old crone cackles at that.

"Perhaps by the rules of your Pokemon League, but this was an official challenge in the eyes of Sevii Island's most ancient and respected tradition! You have defeated the prize of our Islands, Outsider! You have brought low our strongest warrior! Take her now before the gathered… and you will have no more complaints regarding your Team Rocket. The strong take the weak! And the weak have no choice but to obey and submit!"

Lorelei is panting now. The old crone is right, of course. It's why she'd demanded this challenge take place here. Because deep down, Lorelei wanted to lose. She wanted…

"… Very well."

Lorelei stiffens, but before she can react, Cam is on top of her, crossing the distance between them in a handful of strides. He acts almost like he's fed up or something, as he pushes her onto her back, yanks her top open to expose her breasts, and hikes up her skirt. He's very… forceful. Just as she'd fantasized he would be.

See, Lorelei was an Ice Queen. A frigid bitch, if you wanted to be crass about it. But only because she'd never met the right man. And no, the right man wasn't just any guy who could defeat her in a Pokemon Battle. Otherwise, that asshole Lance would have had his way with her a long time ago. No, Lorelei's right man was a man of action. A man of principle. A man of unparalleled resolve and discipline.

She'd only caught a glimpse of Cam when he'd barged through the Pokemon League to stop Professor Oak's plans and enact his own Will upon the Region. But that glimpse had been enough.

Her panties are yanked aside and one of her legs is draped over his shoulder as Cam takes out his cock and slams it home into her sopping wet cunny right there in front of the gathered inhabitants of the Sevii Islands.

Everyone watches as he fucks her publicly. Everyone watches as their pride and joy, the only resident of the Sevii Islands to ever become a member of the Elite Four, gets pounded into the ground while moaning needily like the horny, cum-hungry slut she truly was. Lorelei's glasses are beyond fogged up by this point, though once Cam really starts railing into her, the force of his thrusts and the jarring motions her body is put through cause them to come askew, and eventually fall off her face entirely.

Lorelei doesn't care enough to notice, however. She's too busy coming her brains out and moaning up a storm.

Meanwhile, all around them… things quickly devolve in the crowd as well. This too is part of ancient Sevii Island traditions. While there might have been some small hesitation, mostly because Cam won and he WAS an Outsider… well, Lorelei certainly wasn't protesting her rough treatment at his hands. Indeed, she was happily enjoying being fucked silly by the hung young man.

Seeing this, the Sevii Islanders all begin to turn on one another. Some are already married couples, happily enjoying one another's bodies in the same way Cam is enjoying Lorelei's body. Some are just young lovebirds who make eye contact and decide to work out some energy by doing the horizontal tango.

A few are rivals who end up moving away from the orgy currently encircling Cam and Lorelei to have some Pokemon Battles of their own. The winner of THOSE bouts inevitably ends up having their way with the loser. In the end, almost everyone ends up on their backs or their hands and knees or with their legs in the air like Lorelei. Everyone ends up getting what they so desperately crave, their sexual antics fueled by watching Cam utterly demolish their strongest warrior in Pokemon Battle.

The only ones not to partake are the Village Elders. While the elderly have active sex lives of their own, they're kind enough to keep it behind closed doors, instead simply observing with smiles on their wizened faces as they watch a new generation being born, all thanks to Sevii Island's ancient traditions. And since this new generation would come about thanks to those very same traditions… why, there was no doubt in any of their minds that this next generation would be all the stronger for it!


Some hours later, Lorelei and Cam have retired to an actual bed, a guest room in one of the Village Elder's houses. The sounds of carousing and fucking can still be heard all across Four Island even now however, as the orgy has turned into a massive party and celebration. Somehow, the Sevii Islanders have gone from hating Team Rocket and wanting them off their islands, to outright celebrating the fact that Team Rocket would be staying for the foreseeable future.

Lorelei herself is simply content and sated in a way she hadn't thought possible. She rests her head on Cam's chest, his seed leaking out of her pussy down betwixt her thighs after copious creampies. The Team Rocket Boss had even proven himself a true gentleman when he'd revealed he'd collected her glasses before they retreated indoors, making sure they weren't lost or broken in the kerfuffle their fucking caused.

"… Thank you."

Cam looks at her for a moment before lifting an eyebrow.

"For what? Beating you, or fucking you?"

Lorelei blushes like mad, and if it could, steam would be exploding out of her ears right now! He didn't have to be so blunt about it, d-damn it! Still…

"F-For both. Thank you for b-both…"

"Hm. You're welcome."

The red head looks away for a second, before another thought comes to mind. Now that her needs have been satiated, she finds herself looking to the Pokemon League…

"You know, ever since Lance's departure, there's been an empty seat in the Elite Four. Blue hasn't cared, saying he's happy to face any challengers even if they only beat three Elite Four members… but it really should be filled sooner rather than later."

Staring at her blankly, Cam just shrugs.


Flushing, Lorelei sighs.

"I was thinking maybe you could find someone? You must know strong trainers, right? And… Blue seems inclined to respect someone that you suggested. He looks up to you. Just… if someone falls into your lap that you think is suitable, send them our way, alright?"

"Very well."

That's the best she's going to get, Lorelei imagines. And she's not just saying that because she has a hand wrapped around Cam's cock and is already looking forward to Round Number Who-The-Fuck-Knows-At-This-Point. Licking her lips, Lorelei slides herself down the length of Cam's body and wraps them around his cockhead, taking him into her mouth and beginning to suck him off right then and there.

It feels good to submit to her conqueror. So, soooo good.


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