Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 119

Their training intensified as Yuichi, driven by Mei's constructive critique, sought to find the delicate equilibrium between strength and finesse. Mei seamlessly countered his strikes, her movements blending the grace of martial arts with the high-speed fighting movements of Hohō.


As they continued, Mei noted, "You're improving, but you’re still overthinking it and that slows you down at crucial moments. Remember fighting is not just about raw power; it's about understanding your opponent, predicting their movements, and responding with calculated efficiency. Now I’m going start getting serious so start using your zanpakuto abilities."


Mei's reiatsu enveloped the training ground, manifesting as an icy mist that blanketed the area. The temperature dropped noticeably, and Mei stepped back into the mist fading from sight. Yuichi could sense that Mei’s aura had also vanished which he felt was ominous. He tightened his grip on Kagami no Jotei, preparing for what was to come.


"Defend yourself like your life depends on it, Yuichi," Mei's voice echoed from within the mist.


As Mei vanished into the cold fog, Yuichi heightened his senses, trying to sense any movement or fluctuations in the reiki surrounding him. Seconds later, a sharp, cold pain seared through his arm, and he staggered backward. The freezing energy entered his body, sending a chill down his spine.


Mei's ability, Fuyu no Kōtō (Winter Cut), lived up to its reputation. The mist concealed her movements, making it difficult for Yuichi to anticipate her attacks. Each cut inflicted on him seemed to freeze not just his body but also drain his reiryoku. The pain intensified with every slash, and Yuichi could feel his reiryoku drain along with his blood.


Mei's voice echoed, warning him of the imminent danger. "If you don't do something soon, you're going to die."


Yuichi taking Mei’s advice about not overthinking activated Kagami no Jotei's ability, Kyōyū Sa Reta Itami (Shared Pain). His reiryoku dropped rapidly, as it created a link between the damage he received and another entity within the vicinity. However, Yuichi couldn't control who bore the brunt of the damage, and with each transferred injury, his own spiritual power diminished.


As the cuts continued, Yuichi grunted with each slash, the shared pain reverberating through his being. Suddenly his wounds closed and the freezing energy in his body dissipated. The icy mist clung to his form, trying to enter his body but it vanished soon after it did although he still felt it.


Mei, caught off guard by the unexpected counter, fell onto the ground covered in cuts. The relentless cold had started to affect her movements as her reiryoku also drained. "Interesting move, Yuichi," Mei acknowledged, her voice strained. "But don't think this is over. My Fuyu no Kōtō has more to offer than just this."


The mist thickened once again, ice forming on Mei's wounds as her reiatsu surged. As she vanished into the fog, Yuichi braced himself for the next onslaught. He prepared to activate Kyōyū Sa Reta Itami (Shared Pain), but before he could, Mei appeared behind him with startling speed.


She seized him in a chokehold and swiftly stabbed him in the back, announcing, "Hyōketsu no Kuchizuke (Frozen Kiss)1Hyōketsu no Kuchizuke (Frozen Kiss) - Subzero Assassination Technique – A self-devised technique created by Mei based on Fuyu no kōtō (Winter Cut). In this advanced technique, the practitioner takes the principles of Fuyu no kōtō to a deadly new level, combining the precision of a backstab with an instantaneous injection of an overwhelming surge of freezing energy. The frozen energy floods the opponent's body in an instant, numbing their muscles and rendering them temporarily immobile. This technique when controlled can induce paralysis or even death. As Mei has not fully mastered this technique he feels very drained after its use.."


A surge of freezing energy inundated Yuichi's body, overwhelming his senses. The world blurred, and he lost consciousness. When he awoke, Mei was sitting next to him, panting heavily. She warned him not to move, explaining that although she had treated his wound after her technique, any sudden movement could reopen it.


"What happened? Why are you breathing so heavily?" Yuichi asked, trying to piece together the events.


Mei sighed, her aqua-blue eyes reflecting a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction. "I’m fine just tired and low on reishi. You passed out after my technique. You're lucky it wasn't a vital strike, but you still need to be careful. Now, let's talk about what you did wrong."


She began to lecture him on his mistakes during the battle. Yuichi listened attentively as Mei outlined the shortcomings in his approach. He was not prepared for opponents who could conceal their reiatsu, leaving him vulnerable to Mei's surprise attacks. Mei emphasized the importance of vigilance and adapting to various combat scenarios.


"Your major flaw, though," Mei continued, "was your overconfidence in your zanpakuto’s ability to transfer wounds. Just because you can do so doesn't mean you're invincible. You thought my Fuyu no Kōtō wouldn't work on you, and you grew overconfident about your ability to transfer wounds. Even if you couldn’t sense or see me, you should have run near the cabin to ensure I couldn't attack you from behind. Limiting where you’re vulnerable is vital remember that."


Yuichi absorbed Mei's critique, realizing the depth of his miscalculations. Mei's stern words highlighted not just the flaws in his strategy but also his lack of ability to wield Kagami no Jotei's powers.


"And there's another thing," Mei added, her expression serious. "You don't understand your zanpakuto powers. You lack control over them. Your zanpakuto is a reflection of your soul, and to master it, you need to understand its nature and your own. An example would be Hyōketsu no Kuchizuke (Frozen Kiss). You’re probably thinking it’s a different technique from Fuyu no kōtō (Winter Cut) but they're one and the same. The only difference is the amount of cold reiki I pump into my opponent’s body as I cut them. When I first learned my zanpakuto’s ability I could control it but now I can somewhat although it’s still very draining. To understand your abilities is not only to master them but to learn how to alter them for various moments. When I was trained I was told that a true master of a technique can use it in a hundred different ways."


Yuichi took in Mei's words, a newfound gravity settling upon him. The complexities of zanpakuto's abilities and their potential variations weighed heavily on his understanding. Mei's insights were a stark reminder that true mastery extended beyond the initial grasp of a technique; it demanded a continual exploration of its depths.


"I get it," Yuichi responded, humility in his voice. "I need to learn not just how to use my zanpakuto abilities but how to adapt and evolve them for different situations. Thank you for pointing that out, Mei."


Mei nodded, her exhaustion momentarily masked by a hint of satisfaction. "You're welcome, Yuichi. Now, as part of your training, let's address the issue of opponents who can conceal their reiatsu. I'll teach you a technique that might come in handy."


Hyōketsu no Kuchizuke (Frozen Kiss) - Subzero Assassination Technique – A self-devised technique created by Mei based on Fuyu no kōtō (Winter Cut). In this advanced technique, the practitioner takes the principles of Fuyu no kōtō to a deadly new level, combining the precision of a backstab with an instantaneous injection of an overwhelming surge of freezing energy. The frozen energy floods the opponent's body in an instant, numbing their muscles and rendering them temporarily immobile. This technique when controlled can induce paralysis or even death. As Mei has not fully mastered this technique he feels very drained after its use.

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