Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 122

Yuichi nodded in acknowledgment as Miel informed him about the hidden person. Since he couldn't sense or see the other individual's reiatsu, he relied on Miel's observations.


"Can you see who it is?" Yuichi whispered back, keeping his voice low to avoid drawing attention.


Miel, perched on his shoulder, focused her insectoid eyes on the concealed figure. After a moment of scrutiny, she described the person as a young boy with silver hair. Yuichi's mind raced with possibilities; he knew that this must be Gin, likely sent by Aizen to scout for an opportunity to infiltrate Urahara's lab. This meant that Aizen would be keeping an eye on this location restricting what Yuichi could do here.


Suppressing any visible reaction, Yuichi maintained his composure. Pretending not to have noticed anything, he continued walking toward Urahara's mansion, with Miel still perched on his shoulder.


As they approached the gate, Miel whispered urgently, "My Lord, the boy is about to make a move. He's likely waiting for the perfect opportunity to enter the residence along with you."


Yuichi's thoughts raced as he weighed his options. He couldn't afford to alert Gin to the fact that he was aware, but he also couldn't let Gin sabotage the mission he’d given to Miel. Just as he was about to formulate a plan, the gate creaked open, revealing Urahara standing there himself.


With a friendly smile, Urahara greeted them, seemingly unaware of the tension brewing behind him. Gin froze, caught off guard by the unexpected appearance of the mansion's owner. He dared not make a move, fearing that any sudden action might tip off the perceptive captain.


Informed about Gin's hesitance by Miel; Yuichi seized the moment, offering a polite greeting to Urahara while maintaining his facade of obliviousness to Gin's presence. "Good afternoon, Captain Urahara. My apologies for the unannounced visit. I hope I’m not disturbing you."


Urahara chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Not at all, you’re always welcome to my abode. It's always a pleasure to receive guests, especially unexpected ones. Please, come in."


As Yuichi and Miel entered the mansion, Yuichi noticed Urahara glace at the tree that Miel noticed Gin on for a split second before looking away. Yuichi figured that either Urahara was completely aware of Gin’s presence or he was close to figuring it out.


As Urahara ushered them inside, Yuichi couldn't shake the feeling of Urahara's keen observation. His glance towards the tree where Gin lurked hinted at a level of awareness that Yuichi found unsettling. With such an insight he might already know things Yuichi wanted to keep secret. Still, he kept his demeanor composed, following Urahara into the mansion without showing any signs of suspicion.


As the gate closed behind them, Urahara's hand briefly touched the metal, causing it to faintly glow. Yuichi observed this with interest, noting the subtle use of kidō. It was clear that Urahara was aware of something and was taking precautions. Urahara Kisuke, a man of many talents, and his actions only deepened the mystery of how much this man really knows at any point in time.


They walked through the mansion, and Urahara led them to the backyard garden, where a tranquil pool filled with fish glistened in the sunlight. Urahara began feeding the fish, the rhythmic movement of his hand contrasting with the gravity of their conversation.


"So, Yuichi, what brings you here so suddenly?" Urahara asked casually, though there was a glint of curiosity in his eyes.


Yuichi hesitated for a moment, carefully considering his response. Before he could answer, he noticed the absence of any servants in the vicinity. It struck him as odd, considering the size and grandeur of Urahara's mansion.


"Is everything alright, Captain Urahara?" Yuichi inquired, his tone laced with subtle concern. "I couldn't help but notice the lack of servants since we arrived. And that kidō you cast on the gate seemed unusual."


Urahara chuckled, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Ah, you're quite observant, Yuichi. But rest assured, everything is fine. I just like to keep some unwanted guests out of my humble abode right now. Nothing to worry about."


Yuichi nodded, though he was currently in a cooperative relationship with Urahara and Yoruichi. He knew better than to trust either completely; especially the enigmatic captain who was known for his cunning and unpredictability. But for now, he decided to focus on the matter at hand.


Clearing his throat, Yuichi finally addressed Urahara's initial question. "I'm here because I was hoping you could train me, Captain Urahara. Only you and Lady Yoruichi know my current situation, so I can only ask this of you. You’re known for your expertise in various forms of combat and spiritual techniques, and I believe your guidance could help me reach my goal faster. Please I need your help."


Urahara's eyebrows raised in mild surprise, though his smile remained unchanged. "Training, you say? That's quite the request, especially coming from someone as skilled as yourself. With your current abilities I’m sure once the academy lessons resume you’ll graduate and easily rise up the seats quickly. But I must admit, I'm intrigued. Tell me, what specifically do you wish to learn?"


Yuichi met Urahara's gaze with determination. "I want to enhance my combat abilities but most importantly gain some battle experience. I’d also like you to give me a tenshintai."


Urahara nodded thoughtfully, his gaze lingering on Yuichi with a hint of scrutiny. "That’s very interesting, Yuichi. Your request is ambitious, but I must admit it’s still a strange request. You seem so desperate, one might think the previous incident traumatized you, but I believe we both know differently. So then the question remains: why ask such a thing? I had some small doubts that you were telling the truth about your origins, but all the information you’ve relayed to me helps me believe you. Only Yoruichi and I know about the tenshintai, and she would never reveal this information without informing me. So you must have seen it before or heard about it from me. My creation, the tenshintai, can forcibly materialize the spirit of a zanpakutō when stabbed by the zanpakutō. In doing so, it facilitates the user in subjugating the spirit and attaining the Bankai of their zanpakutō. However, as you may know, there are risks to this method."

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