Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 125

Just as Yuichi began to sense a pattern, Urahara would switch tactics, altering his movements and the timing of his spells. Yuichi found himself unable to keep up, the relentless barrage of Hadō #1. Shō (衝, Thrust) leaving him bruised and battered.


He started to shift his body to avoid hits to sensitive areas, but the spells continued to strike him. Slowly, his spiritual senses began to pick up on where the attacks were coming from, and he was missing the reflection timing by only half a second.


Just as Yuichi began to feel a shred of confidence in his ability to handle the attacks, Urahara's voice cut through his concentration. "Bakudō #1. Sai (塞, Restrain)."


Yuichi's arms were forcibly locked behind his back, immobilizing him. Before he could react, Urahara pointed his finger at Yuichi's head and fired another Shō. The impact sent Yuichi sprawling, his vision fading to black.


When Yuichi awoke, he found a plate of food nearby. Urahara was leaning against the wall, watching him with a calm expression. "Hurry up and eat," Urahara said. "We'll continue in 20 minutes."


Yuichi groaned, his body aching from the training session. He reached for the plate, knowing that he had a long and grueling training session ahead of him. The food was simple but nourishing, and he ate quickly, feeling the energy return to his battered body.


As he finished the last bite, Urahara stepped forward. "Good. Now, let's see if you can adapt better this time." He didn't give Yuichi a chance to protest, immediately launching into another assault of Hadō #1. Shō.


This time, Yuichi tried to anticipate the shifts in Urahara's strategy. He focused on the subtle cues—the slight tension in Urahara's muscles, the direction of his gaze, the faintest flicker of reiatsu before each attack. Even so, the continuous barrage kept him on the edge, and every missed reflection added to his mounting injuries.


"You need to be faster," Urahara said, his voice calm but insistent. "Feel the flow of the energy around you. Trust your instincts, but also refine them. In battle every second counts."


Yuichi gritted his teeth, determined not to let the pain and exhaustion overwhelm him. He began to blend his physical movements with the rhythm of his spiritual senses, striving to be able to sense even the slightest shift in the reishi of the room. The reflections became more precise, the timing more accurate. But just as he started to feel a semblance of control, Urahara would change his approach again, keeping Yuichi constantly off-balance.


"Bakudō #1. Sai," Urahara repeated, and once more, Yuichi's arms were locked behind his back. This time, however, Yuichi was prepared. As the Shō spell came towards him, he twisted his body at the last second, using the momentum to roll away from the brunt of the impact. It still hurt, but he remained conscious.


Urahara raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Good. You're learning. But you need to do better than that. Also, the only way to break those restraints is to overpower the reiryoku I use to cast it."


The training continued, each session pushing Yuichi to his limits and beyond. Urahara's methods were relentless, but Yuichi was unyielding, getting up no matter how battered his body was. He refused to give up, even as his body screamed for respite.


After what felt like hours, Urahara called a halt. Yuichi was covered in sweat and bruises, his breathing heavy. "Take a break," Urahara said. "You've earned it. Although it’s slight you’re improving."


Yuichi collapsed onto the ground, grateful for the respite. As he lay there, he realized just how much he had improved in such a short time. Urahara's brutal training was forcing him to grow stronger, faster, and more attuned to his own abilities. In previous battles, Yuichi avoided using his zanpakuto because of how difficult it was to control. One wrong move could led to his death so he avoided using any technique he didn’t have confidence in.


Urahara watched him with a satisfied nod. "Remember, Yuichi. Adaptability is key. In battle, almost nothing goes as planned. You must be ready for anything, at any time. The best way to do that is to always be aware of your capabilities. If you fully understand what you can do then nothing your enemy does can shake you."


He slowly pushed himself up, determined to continue. "I'm ready," he said, his voice hoarse but resolute.


Urahara smiled slightly, a glint of approval in his eyes. "Good. Let's push a little further. This time, we'll work on your offensive capabilities. You've shown you can defend, but you also need to strike back effectively."


Yuichi nodded, standing up and readying his zanpakutō. Urahara began moving around the training area again, his movements fluid and unpredictable. "Hadō #1. Shō!" he called out, launching another barrage of spells.


This time, Yuichi didn't just focus on defending. He moved with purpose, reflecting the spells with more precision and immediately countering with swift, calculated strikes. His reiatsu flared as he pushed his body to its limits, each movement a blend of defense and offense.


"Good," Urahara said, continuing his relentless assault. "Remember, your enemy won't wait for you to catch your breath. You must attack and defend simultaneously, without hesitation."


Yuichi's movements became more fluid, his strikes more precise. He was beginning to find a rhythm, a balance between defense and offense. But Urahara wasn't done testing him.


"Bakudō #1. Sai," Urahara incanted, locking Yuichi's arms behind his back once more. Yuichi anticipated the spell, using the momentum of his zanpakutō's reflection to twist out of the way. He broke the restraint with a surge of his own reiatsu, countering with a powerful strike that sent a wave of energy towards Urahara.


Urahara dodged effortlessly, but the smile on his face showed his approval. "Excellent. You're learning to combine your abilities seamlessly. But don't get complacent. Keep pushing your limits."


The training continued, each session more intense than the last. Yuichi's body ached, but he refused to give up. He was determined to master his zanpakutō and prove his worth. The relentless assault of Hadō and Bakudō spells pushed him to the brink, but each time, he found a way to adapt and overcome.


As the hours passed, Yuichi's control over Kagami no Jotei improved. He began to understand the nuances of its abilities, the precise timing needed to reflect attacks, and the delicate balance of reiatsu required to maintain its power. His movements became more fluid, his strikes more powerful, and his defenses nearly impenetrable.


Finally, Urahara called a halt once more. Yuichi stood, breathing heavily but with a sense of accomplishment. He had come a long way in a short time, and he knew there was still much to learn.


Urahara approached him, a rare look of pride in his eyes. "You've done well, Yuichi. Your progress is quite remarkable. But remember, this is just the beginning. The true test will come in battle, where you'll have to apply everything you've learned without hesitation."

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