Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 130

In the unchanging night of Hueco Mundo, where the sky was perpetually cast in the eerie glow of a crescent moon, Kira found herself contemplating the strange and hostile world that had become her refuge.


The endless white desert stretched out in every direction, a landscape that seemed both vast and desolate, littered with dunes and massive boulders. The so-called "trees" that dotted the horizon were not trees at all, but quartz-like formations, their jagged branches glinting in the pale light. The entire scene was beautiful in its own way, yet utterly devoid of warmth or comfort.


Kira had gone missing during the previous incident and was not here by choice. During the practical lesson that went horribly wrong, she, along with some of her fellow students, had been drawn into the nightmarish realm of Hueco Mundo. While the others had banded together, hoping to find a way back to the Soul Society, Kira had chosen a different path. She had hidden herself away, biding her time until she felt it was safe to resurface. Now, as she stood beneath the moon’s gaze, she knew she was finally ready to take control of her fate.


Her appearance was striking, almost otherworldly. Long, flowing blonde hair cascaded down her back, catching the moonlight with an ethereal glow. Her bright blue eyes were like twin pools of water in the middle of a desert, shining with an intense clarity that belied her calm demeanor. Her fair complexion, untouched by the harsh environment, only added to her otherworldly allure. She wore a white, flowing robe over her red shihakushō uniform, a stark contrast to the dark, foreboding landscape around her.


Kira had not been idle during her time in hiding. She had called out two names, her voice soft but commanding. "Turtlemourne... Lorisveil..." she whispered, and from behind her, two massive Hollows emerged from the shadows.


The first was a hulking behemoth, a creature of immense size and power. Its body was encased in a spiked, runic shell that glowed faintly in the moonlight, the runes etched into the shell pulsing with a menacing green light. Each step the Hollow took caused the ground to tremble beneath its weight, the sand shifting and quivering as though in fear of the creature. This was Turtlemourne, a Hollow of incredible strength and durability, a monster that could crush its enemies with ease.


Beside Turtlemourne was Lorisveil, a Hollow of a very different nature. Slender and ghostly, Lorisveil moved with an unnerving grace, its eyes gleaming with a hypnotic allure that could ensnare even the strongest of wills. Its body was cloaked in fur-like shadows that blended seamlessly with the darkness, making it appear as though it was part of the night itself. This was a Hollow that thrived in stealth and subterfuge, a creature that could strike without warning and disappear without a trace.


Both Hollows were silent as they stood before Kira, awaiting her orders. Despite their terrifying appearances, they were completely under her control, bound to her by the power of her Zanpakutō, Hōtei no Kōi. This Zanpakutō had a unique ability called Shinrai (信頼), or "Trust," which allowed Kira to plant a deep sense of trust within those she targeted. In the Soul Society, this ability was subtle, allowing her to subtly influence others, bending them to her will without them even realizing it. But here, in Hueco Mundo, Shinrai had become something far more powerful. It allowed Kira to exert absolute control over the Hollows, instilling in them an unwavering loyalty and trust in her.


"Clear out any nearby Hollows," Kira commanded, her voice calm but firm. "And eat."


Without hesitation, Turtlemourne and Lorisveil turned and began to move through the desert, their forms disappearing into the shadows as they sought out their prey. Kira watched them go, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. These Hollows were now hers to command, and she intended to use them to her full advantage.


As she settled down beneath one of the quartz-trees, Kira allowed herself a moment of reflection. Her thoughts drifted to her past, to the family she had left behind in the Soul Society. The smile on her face twisted into something darker, more sinister. The thought of her family being destroyed brought her a perverse sense of satisfaction. Her father, a man who had treated her as nothing more than a pawn, surely made a foolish move once he realized she was missing. Knowing him, he acted rashly, causing the Onmitsukidō, the covert operations unit of the Soul Society, to take action against him. And when they did, her parents would suffer and be executed.


The thought made her laugh, a wicked sound that echoed through the empty desert. Her father and mother, who had tortured her for so long, would finally pay for their sins. They had controlled her and used her, but now, she was free. Free to make her own decisions, free to carve out her own destiny.


Kira’s laughter slowly died down, and she leaned back against the quartz-tree, her expression calculative. She knew she couldn’t return to the Soul Society. Doing so would be tantamount to suicide. If her parents were still alive, they could still activate the mark on her back, a cursed mark that gave them control over her actions. And even if they were dead, there was no guarantee that the Soul Society wouldn’t punish her along with the rest of her household. There was also the issue of her desertion. If they investigated a little they might see her as a traitor, a rogue who had abandoned her fellow students to their fate.


The Human World was also out of the question. Kira knew that her higher-than-normal amount of spiritual pressure would eventually attract attention. She would be found, dragged back to the Soul Society, and forced to face the consequences. And in the eyes of the Soul Society, she would be both a murderer and a deserter, a criminal deserving of the harshest punishment.


That left only one option: to remain in Hueco Mundo. It was a dangerous choice, but it was the one that made the most sense. Here, she could grow stronger, hone her abilities, and build her own power base. With the ability of her Zanpakutō, she could command the Hollows, bend them to her will, and create a force that could rival even the most powerful Soul Reapers.


Shinrai was truly a power that shone in Hueco Mundo. In the Soul Society, it had allowed her to subtly influence others with difficulty, to plant seeds of trust that she could later exploit. But here, it was something far more potent. It allowed her to exert total control over the Hollows, to instill in them an absolute trust in her. It was as if her power had been born just to be used in this desolate world. As if she herself was born to rule these creatures.

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