Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 132

Kira’s stomach grumbled again, and she sighed, realizing that she would need to act soon. She couldn’t afford to wait too long; her reiryoku reserves were dwindling, and the weakness of hunger was becoming more pressing by the minute.


Turtlemourne and Lorisveil were still out on patrol, ensuring that no other Hollows approached their position. Kira had given them specific orders not to engage with any particularly strong Hollows, but to return to her immediately if they encountered one. She didn’t want to risk losing them in a fight they couldn’t win. For now, they were her most valuable assets, but they were also expendable if the situation called for it.


She pushed herself up from the ground, brushing the sand off her robe. There was no time to lose. She needed to find a suitable location to activate Hōtei no Kōsei. A place where she could lure in a large number of Hollows and use them to feed her growing power. It would need to be a place that was relatively secluded, but also within range of other Hollows that she could attract with her reiryoku.


Kira closed her eyes and extended her spiritual senses, searching for a suitable area. The desert was vast, but while hiding she had spent time extending her senses throughout Hueco Mundo to map out her immediate surroundings. She could feel the currents of reishi in the air, the faint echoes of distant battles, and the presence of countless Hollows moving through the dunes. It was a dangerous world, but it was also one teeming with life—if one only knew where to look.


After a few moments, she found what she was looking for. A deep, narrow canyon not far from her current position, hidden from view by the surrounding dunes. The canyon was filled with dense reishi, likely attracting weaker Hollows who were drawn to the concentration of spiritual energy. It was perfect. She could draw in the Hollows, activate her law space, and feed on their reiryoku to restore her strength.


Since it was close instead of waiting for her two hollows to return Kira began to make her way toward the canyon. The sand crunched beneath her feet, the cold wind tugging at her robe as she moved through the desert.


As she walked, she allowed herself to think about the future. The thought of meeting Gillians let alone the Vasto Lordes still sent a chill down her spine. She couldn’t hide from them forever, and she had no intention of doing so. Instead, she would build her strength, gather her forces, and when the time was right, she would confront them and take control.


By the time Kira reached the canyon, the ever-present moon in the sky seemed fuller than the crestant moon when she first arrived. The canyon was exactly as she had sensed—a deep, narrow chasm with steep walls on either side. The air was thick with reishi, and she could already sense the presence of several Hollows within the canyon. They were weak and numerous, but that was exactly what she needed.


Taking a deep breath, Kira prepared to activate Hōtei no Kōsei. She gripped the hilt of her zanpakutō and began to focus her reiryoku, feeling it flow through her body like a river of energy. As the reiryoku entered her zanpakutō she felt the strain on her body but she ignored the feeling and channeled the energy to form a dome over the area. The familiar sensation of power filled the air, and she felt the atmosphere around her begin to change, the very fabric of reality bending to her will.


“Hōtei no Kōsei,” she whispered, and the world around her shifted.


A translucent dome barrier materialized around the canyon, encompassing the entire area. Inside this space, Kira was the absolute authority. The law she created would be obeyed by all within the barrier, herself included. However, each barrier could only hold one law at a time. She could feel the power of the law space taking hold; a vital weakness of her ability was the time it took to activate.


The law she imposed was simple: “Upon defeat, the reiryoku of the fallen shall be transferred to the victor.” It was a brutal, merciless law, but it was one that would ensure her survival. The weak would perish, and the strong would grow stronger.


As the law took effect, Kira's senses felt the hollows within the canyon reacting to the change. They were drawn to her reiryoku, their hunger driving them toward her. She could hear them moving through the moonlit darkness, their hollowed cries echoing off the canyon walls.


Kira’s eyes narrowed with a cold light as she prepared for the onslaught. She couldn’t afford to let her guard down. Although these hollows might be weak, they were still dangerous, especially in large numbers. But she was ready. She had faced worse in the past, and she had survived. This would be no different.


The first Hollow appeared at the edge of her vision, a grotesque, lumbering creature with a massive, gaping maw. It let out a roar and charged at her, its claws extended, ready to tear her apart.


Kira moved with practiced precision, drawing her zanpakutō in a flash of steel. The Hollow barely had time to react before she sliced through its mask, bisecting it in a single, swift strike. The creature let out a final, pitiful wail before its body disintegrated into particles of reishi, which were immediately absorbed into Kira’s body.


She felt a surge of energy as the hollow’s reiryoku flowed into her, replenishing her strength. It was exhilarating, the feeling of power growing within her. She knew that this was only the beginning. More hollows would come, drawn by the promise of sustenance, and she would take them all.


As more hollows appeared, Kira’s movements became a blur of speed and precision. She cut down each one with ruthless efficiency, her zanpakutō moving through the air like a deadly dance. Each kill fed her, so she saw the creatures before her as mere food.


The law space pulsed with energy, the barrier shimmering in the moonlight as the battle raged on. Kira’s senses were heightened, her mind focused on one thing: to kill. Finally, after what felt like hours, the onslaught slowed. The hollows had been defeated, their bodies reduced to nothing but reishi, which had all been absorbed by Kira. She stood in the center of the canyon, breathing heavily, her zanpakutō still clenched in her hand.


As the law space dissipated, Kira lowered her zanpakutō and allowed herself a moment of rest. The battle had been exhausting, but it had also been a success.


Kira usually fought against a few opponents at a time so this was the first time she had ever been attacked by such numbers. She found that although she managed to kill all the hollows with little difficulty, she lacked experience when it came to such battles. Such a weakness couldn’t be left as is she would need to wait for the weakling to gather again and practice till she felt she had enough experience.

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