Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 134

Yuichi left Miel in the underground training room. He knew the technique he had taught her was brutal, but it was necessary for her growth. There was no room for leniency in their current situation; the only way to survive was to become stronger, faster than ever while simultaneously keeping a low profile until the time was right.


As he ascended from the hidden chamber, Yuichi activated his Ash Mirage kidō, the intricate spell weaving a veil around him that rendered him nearly invisible to the naked eye. He moved swiftly through the quiet campus, the buildings looming like silent sentinels in the dim light. The late hour ensured that few would be around to notice him, but Yuichi took no chances. The illusion blended him seamlessly into the background, a shadow within the shadows, until he reached the sanctuary of his dorm room.


Once inside, Yuichi wasted no time. He meticulously sealed the room with his reishi-blocking barrier, the complex web of energy forming an imperceptible shield that would prevent any trace of his activities from leaking out. It was a precaution he had become well-practiced in, a necessary measure to keep his secrets safe.


He settled into the center of the room, exhaling slowly as he prepared for what came next. The technique he was about to perform was one he had created himself, a method of tempering his reishi body into a reiryoku-type body. The transformation process was excruciating, akin to being flayed alive from the inside out, but Yuichi had steeled himself for this. The pain was a means to an end—a stronger, more resilient form that would be crucial in the battles ahead.


Closing his eyes, Yuichi began the process, focusing his mind on the flow of energy within his body. He directed the reishi, slowly reshaping it, compressing it, and forcing it to evolve into reiryoku. The pain hit him like a tidal wave, an intense, searing agony that coursed through every nerve. His muscles tensed involuntarily, his teeth clenched so tightly that his jaw ached, but he refused to relent. The transformation required absolute focus, and any lapse in concentration could result in catastrophic failure.


Time became a blur as Yuichi worked, the hours passing in a haze of pain. His mind was a battlefield, constantly fighting against the urge to stop, to give in to the overwhelming torment. But he pressed on, knowing that each moment brought him closer to his goal.


Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Yuichi managed to reforge a little more of his arm into a reiryoku-type body. The limb tingled with the unfamiliar sensation, a mix of strength and exhaustion that left him both exhilarated and drained. He allowed himself a moment to take a breath, feeling the tension in his body slowly unwind.


Just as he was beginning to relax, a sudden knock on the door jolted him back to reality. Yuichi’s heart skipped a beat, and he instinctively checked the reishi-blocking barrier. It was still intact, its intricate web undisturbed. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he rose and opened the door cautiously.


Standing there was Mei, her usual confident demeanor tinged with curiosity and mild concern. "Yuichi," she began, her voice light but probing. "Where have you been the last couple of days? You asked me to train and spar with you, but then you vanished. I heard from Hanatarō you showed up for class so I figured you’d be here."


Yuichi felt a flush of embarrassment creep up his neck. He had completely forgotten about their arrangement in the midst of his secret training. "Ah, sorry about that," he replied, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "I got roped into some intense training with Captain Urahara and lost track of time."


Mei’s eyes widened in surprise. "Captain Urahara? Really? You must have a lot of potential if he’s willing to train you."


Yuichi gave a modest shrug, trying to downplay the situation. "I think it’s more about Lady Yoruichi putting in a good word for me than anything else. I’m just trying to keep up."


Mei smiled, but there was a glint of curiosity in her eyes. "Well, then, we should spar. I want to see what you’ve learned from the great Captain Urahara."


Yuichi hesitated, his body still throbbing with the remnants of pain from his earlier transformation. "I’d love to, but I’m completely drained. The training was brutal, and I had to rush to class without much rest. How about tomorrow? I promise I’ll be ready then."


Mei studied him for a moment before nodding. "Alright, tomorrow it is. Meet me at the training ground first thing early morning. And don’t think you can get out of it again. I’ll hold you to it."


“Yeah, I promise I’ll be there,” said Yuichi as he yawned.


With that, Mei gave him a small wave and turned to leave, her footsteps fading down the hallway. Yuichi closed the door behind her, letting out a sigh of relief. He had managed to avoid her noticing what he had been doing. He quickly checked the barrier again, ensuring it remained undamaged and secure.


Once satisfied that everything was in order, Yuichi sat back down in the center of the room, his zanpakutō resting in his lap. The next phase of his training required less physical strain but demanded intense mental focus. He began to circulate the reishi within his body, channeling it into his zanpakutō while simultaneously drawing in more reishi from the surrounding air. The process was akin to meditation, allowing his body to recover slightly while his mind remained sharp.


As the energy flowed through him, Yuichi felt a sense of calm wash over him. The pain from earlier began to fade into the background, replaced by the steady rhythm of reishi circulating through his body. There was still much to do in order to get stronger, but for now, he allowed himself a moment of quiet reflection.

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