Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 137

Yuichi and Mei stood in the underground training area, their eyes locked in a silent, intense standoff. The tension in the air was palpable as they prepared for their sparring session. The underground chamber felt cool, and the soft glow from the ceiling crystals cast their elongated shadows across the arena.


Yuichi inhaled deeply, steeling himself for the battle to come. Today was different—he wasn't here to merely spar, he was here to fight. He had asked Mei to unseal her zanpakutō, citing the need for hands-on experience. Mei, ever the pragmatist, had raised an eyebrow at his request, reminding him that if she did, he would be beaten again, like the last time they faced off. But Yuichi was determined. He was stronger now, and he needed to prove that, both to himself and to her.


Mei tossed her blade into the air casually as she spoke. "Fine. Freeze, Shiro no Shikaku." Her voice was calm, almost casual, but Yuichi knew better than to mistake her nonchalance for carelessness.


The blade in Mei’s hand morphed as she spoke the command, transforming into its Shikai form. The sword became slightly shorter, its edge taking on a blue hue that glowed faintly with icy reiryoku. Mei took a reverse grip on her zanpakutō, adopting a low, adaptable stance that perfectly matched her assassin-like fighting style.


Yuichi took a steadying breath and followed suit, holding his blade point upward. His voice was clear and steady as he ran his palm along the length of the blade. “Reflect, Kagami no Jotei.”


The transformation was instant. Kagami no Jotei’s blade grew longer, thicker, and the colors inverted—the body of the blade became pure white, while the edge turned pitch black. Yuichi’s stance shifted into one inspired by traditional Kendo, his grip firm as he held the blade with both hands, the tip pointed at Mei.


For a brief moment, the two stood still, studying each other. Mei’s stance was fluid, her body low, every part of her ready to spring into action. Yuichi, in contrast, was rigid and disciplined, every muscle in his body coiled like a spring, ready to react.


Without a word, they launched into action.


Yuichi dashed forward, his movements quick but calculated, his blade coming down in a powerful overhead strike aimed at Mei’s shoulder. Mei reacted with almost unnatural speed, stepping to the side as her blade flicked out in a sharp horizontal slash. Their blades met in a clash of steel, sparks flying as their reiatsu collided pushing Yuichi back.


Mei’s attack was faster than Yuichi expected, and before he could adjust his stance, she pivoted, swinging her blade in a fluid arc aimed at his midsection. Yuichi barely managed to parry in time, the force of her blow sending a shiver down his arms.


“Still too slow,” Mei murmured, her voice cool and detached as she twisted her wrist, bringing Shiro no Shikaku down in a diagonal slash.


Yuichi backstepped, narrowly avoiding the icy edge of her blade. He could feel the cold emanating from her zanpakutō as the air around them began to cool noticeably. She was beginning to use her Fuyu no kōtō (Winter Cut), and Yuichi could already feel the slight stiffness in his limbs from their brief exchange.


Yuichi needed to think fast. Mei’s attacks were precise, each one designed to slowly wear him down. He had to be more aggressive, more unpredictable.


He swung Kagami no Jotei in a wide arc, aiming for Mei’s legs. She jumped back, avoiding the strike, but Yuichi was already in motion. He dashed to her left, attempting to catch her off-guard, but Mei was quicker. She twisted mid-air, her blade flashing as she struck at him. Yuichi barely had time to react, raising Kagami no Jotei to block the incoming blow.


The impact sent a jolt of pain through his arms, but he gritted his teeth and pushed forward, launching a counterattack. Mei was already in mid-motion, but Yuichi had predicted her next move.


“Sutoraiki o kaesu (Return the Strike)!” Yuichi called out, activating one of Kagami no Jotei’s abilities.


As Mei’s blade connected with his, the energy from her strike was redirected. A surge of power erupted from Kagami no Jotei, and Mei’s own attack was sent back at her with twice the force. Her eyes widened in surprise, but she moved quickly, twisting her body to avoid the worst of the counterattack. Still, the redirected energy grazed her arm, leaving a thin trail of ice in its wake.


Yuichi pressed his advantage, following up with a series of rapid strikes. Each swing of Kagami no Jotei was precise, calculated, and powerful. Mei parried each blow with grace, but Yuichi could see the effort it took. He was pushing her, even if only slightly.


But Mei wasn’t about to be outdone.


“Hyōketsu no Kuchizuke (Frozen Kiss),” Mei whispered as she vanished in a blur of motion.


Yuichi’s heart skipped a beat. He knew this technique—Mei’s subzero assassination technique. She would strike from behind in an instant, aiming for his back with a freezing kiss of her blade.


He had no choice.


Yuichi gathered reiryoku into his legs, sealing his spiritual energy within his body, and used his Shinkirō (Mirage Step).


Just as Mei’s blade was about to make contact, Yuichi vanished, leaving behind a faint afterimage. Mei’s blade passed through empty air, her eyes narrowing in surprise. Yuichi reappeared behind her, his blade poised for a strike.


But Mei reacted with just a second to spare as she spun on her heel, bringing Shiro no Shikaku up to block Yuichi’s attack. Their blades clashed again, and this time, Yuichi could feel the full force of Mei’s reiatsu pushing against him.


“You’ve definitely improved,” Mei said, her voice calm even as they struggled for dominance. “But not enough.”


With a flick of her wrist, Mei broke their stalemate and slid under his guard. In a flash, she struck out with Shiro no Shikaku, the freezing energy of Fuyu no kōtō (Winter Cut) flowing through her blade.


Yuichi felt the cut before he saw it. A sharp, biting cold spread through his body as her blade sliced across his side. He gasped in pain, stumbling back as the icy energy took hold. His movements became sluggish, his limbs heavy.


“Damn it…” Yuichi muttered under his breath, his body protesting as he tried to move.


Mei didn’t give him time to recover. She darted forward, her blade a blur as she unleashed a flurry of strikes. Each cut drained more of his energy, sapping his strength as the cold spread through his body. Yuichi fought back as best as he could, but it was clear Mei had the upper hand.


“I can’t keep up…” Yuichi thought, gritting his teeth as he parried another blow. His arms were growing numb, and his reiatsu was starting to falter.


In a desperate move, Yuichi activated Kagami no Jotei’s Kyōyū sa reta itami (Shared Pain). A radius of reiryoku surrounded him, and as Mei’s blade cut into his arm, the damage was transferred to those in the surrounding area. Cut appeared on on Mei and Miel as they absorbed the damage meant for him.


But it wasn’t enough.


Mei’s relentless assault continued, and despite Yuichi’s best efforts, he was slowly being overwhelmed as his reiryoku drained with each cut. Her speed, precision, and freezing abilities were simply too much for him to counter. Kyōyū sa reta itami (Shared Pain) broke and Mei kept on hammering him with attacks.


With one final strike, Mei knocked Kagami no Jotei from Yuichi’s hands. The force of the blow sent him sprawling to the ground, his body numb from the cold and exhaustion.


Yuichi lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling as he struggled to catch his breath. Mei stood over him somewhat injured from the damage reflection, her expression calm but slightly amused.


“You did much better this time,” she said, extending a hand to help him up. “But you still have a long way to go.”


Yuichi took her hand, wincing as he stood. “Yeah, I know,” he muttered, rubbing his sore shoulder. “Next time, I’ll beat you.”


Mei smiled faintly. “We’ll see.”

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