Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 78

Urahara raised an eyebrow in response to Yoruichi's question about the cloaks. Her revelation that Yūshirō had been attacked by someone wearing the same cloak piqued his interest.


Yoruichi's concern was evident as she elaborated, "Yūshirō was ambushed by an assailant wearing one of these reiatsu-blocking cloaks. It effectively concealed their spiritual energy, making it difficult for Yūshirō to detect them. I'd like to know if you've distributed these cloaks to anyone else or if there's a possibility they've fallen into the wrong hands."


Urahara pondered the situation, realizing that this development posed a potential security threat. He replied, "No, I haven't given these cloaks to anyone else, and I double-check my laboratory to ensure that no one can enter. If he really met someone with one then there are only two possibilities. The first would be Yuichi who is from the future handing out the details on how to make one. However, I doubt this since if he had the knowledge to make one then he would have done so and kept it a secret. The second however is another person managed to either replicate it or make one on their own. This is more plausible and I think whoever we’re dealing with is that someone."


The two shared a moment of silent contemplation before Yoruichi emphasized, "We need to address this issue as soon as possible. I'll instruct Yūshirō to provide a detailed description of the attacker and any clues that might help us identify them. This is a matter of security that we can't take lightly."


Urahara nodded in agreement, his expression growing more serious as they discussed the implications of someone else having reiatsu-blocking cloaks and potentially misusing them.


Yoruichi continued, "We must act swiftly to identify and apprehend this individual. We can't afford to underestimate the potential threat they pose, especially if they are already capable of ambushing Soul Reapers."


She paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts, before concluding, "Kisuke, please work on enhancing the security measures for your laboratory just in case, and I'll divert any extra members of the Onmitsukidō to watch the area around your mansion. If there is a leak they’ll find it. So is there anything you have that can help us detect them?"


Urahara appreciated the seriousness with which Yoruichi was addressing the situation. He knew that their swift action was crucial in dealing with this potential threat.


In response to Yoruichi's question about detecting the intruder, Urahara pondered for a moment. "I don't have anything specifically designed to detect individuals with reiatsu-blocking cloaks. However, I can develop a specialized sensor that might help us detect any irregularities in the cloak's energy suppression field. It could alert us to the presence of someone wearing such a cloak."


Urahara's mind was already working out the details, and he continued, "I'll get to work on this right away. It may take some time, but I'll make it a priority."


Yoruichi nodded in approval. "Excellent, Kisuke. Please keep me updated on your progress. We can't afford to let this situation linger."


“Okay, I will. Well, we’ve touched base enough for tonight. Let’s head back and rest I hear Head Captain Yamamoto called another meeting tomorrow morning.” said Urahara


“Yes, Suì-Fēng informed me about it earlier. He’s probably upset that I’ve made no progress on that hollow case. However, I’m under the impression that it’s either been captured or killed already. There have been no new victims in the past week. I’ll report as such and hopefully, he lets it slide.” said Yoruichi


Urahara agreed, "Indeed, it's best to rest and be prepared for the meeting tomorrow. Your assessment of the hollow case makes sense, and I hope Head Captain Yamamoto understands your reasoning."


With that, the two departed the underground meeting spot, heading back to their respective locations to rest and prepare for the upcoming meeting. The events of the night had raised significant concerns and questions, but both were committed to addressing them in the best way possible.


An hour later Yuichi, unaware of the recent discussion between Yoruichi and Urahara, entered the Study Room and proceeded to his training routine. Seated at the center of the room, he adopted a meditative stance, signaling the start of his intense training.


With the absence of the sound-blocking and reiatsu-isolation barriers, Yuichi could wholly focus on his reiryoku control and the transformation of his body's composition. He gradually released 99% of his reiryoku into the atmosphere, allowing it to mix with the reishi in the air, and then skillfully drawing it back into his body.


As his body filled with reishi, the transformation process began, slowly converting his composition from reishi-based to a more potent reiryoku-based form. The process was rigorous, akin to rewriting one's DNA, and the pain was excruciating. Yet, Yuichi was resolute in his training, desperate to gain greater power and strengthen his abilities he pushed on through the searing pain.


After what seemed like an eternity of intense training, Yuichi's desperation had driven him to push through the searing pain brought on by his transformation process. But as the agony became too much to bear, he ultimately collapsed.


When he awoke, his head throbbed painfully, and he was disoriented. Wondering how much progress he had made during his training, he decided to assess his results. Yuichi closed his eyes and activated his spiritual senses. Through this heightened awareness, he noticed that his right hand emitted a more brilliant glow than the rest of his body.


Intrigued, Yuichi got up and positioned himself in front of a small boulder. He focused his newfound energy, and with his right hand, he threw a punch at the boulder, eager to see the outcome.


To his astonishment, the boulder cracked and shattered under the force of his blow. Encouraged by this outcome, he decided to test his left hand on another small boulder. However, this time, his left hand's punch only managed to create a small dent. The discrepancy in strength between his right and left hands was a wonderous discovery.


As he contemplated this development, Yuichi recognized that he had indeed made significant advancements in his training. The pain and effort had not been in vain, and he was now even more determined to further refine the rest of his body. If he continued this intense training regimen every night, he estimated that he would be able to complete the transformation of his entire body in less than two weeks. This newfound strength held the promise of unlocking immense potential, driving him to continue his grueling training without hesitation.

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