Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 82

Miel had prepared meticulously for her infiltration of the Ankoku mansion. Her insect-sized clones were strategically positioned to gather information, and her mental map of the building was thorough. With all the pieces in place, she was ready to make her move.


She had chosen her moment carefully, waiting for a shift change among the guards, giving her a small window of opportunity. As the moon shone overhead, casting a pale glow on the mansion's grounds, Miel, in her insect form, darted from her hiding spot and made her way toward the outer perimeter.


Her natural abilities in stealth had made her virtually invisible to the naked eye. As she approached the mansion, she watched the guards patrol the area, ensuring they wouldn't detect her presence. With a swift and silent movement, she crossed the garden and reached the outer wall.


Using her clones to monitor the positions of the guards, Miel located a section of the wall that was momentarily unguarded. She seized the opportunity and summoned her reiryoku; infusing her clawed hands. With a series of precise strikes, she cut through the barrier, making an opening just large enough for her to slip through.


Inside the mansion, she navigated the corridors and rooms, moving in the shadows and avoiding contact with the guards. Her clones continued their surveillance, relaying vital information about the locations of key individuals and any potential threats.


Miel made her way toward her primary target, Lord Ankoku's study. She had gathered enough information to suggest that the study held a hidden room that held the key to the secret library where the forbidden scroll she sought was most likely located. With her nimble movements, she slipped through a partially open window and entered the dimly lit chamber.


Once inside, she quickly located the shelf, scanning its contents for any item that was used to keep the hidden room concealed. Find a small glass marble at the top of the shelf Miel used her claws to destroy it deactivating the Kidō that hid the door to the room.


Going through the door Miel found that the room was filled with money and other useless things. However, since this was a hidden room she of course had been unable to send her clones in there. So she did not know the exact location of the key and had to waste a few minutes finding it. To make matters worse the next shift change would be soon, so she needed to leave with the room and head over to the library to find the scroll.


Sneaking quietly out of the room she made her way to the library with the key. She had to hide until the guards passed by before inserting the key into the indention of the door to unlock the library and slowly open the door.


As she slipped inside, she couldn't help but marvel at the vast collection of scrolls and artifacts that filled the room. The forbidden scroll she sought must have been hidden here, somewhere among these countless texts.


Time was of the essence, and she knew she had to find the scroll quickly and exit before the guards realized the door was opened or worse that someone had entered Lord Ankoku’s study. Miel meticulously examined the shelves, the tables, and the hidden compartments within the library. She checked for any signs, markings, or clues that might lead her to the location of the forbidden scroll.


As she searched, Miel remained silent and invisible, making sure not to make a sound that would betray her presence. Every second counted, and she needed to locate the forbidden scroll without drawing attention to herself. With the guards' shift change imminent, she couldn't afford to waste any more time.


Silently, she scoured the room, meticulously examining the shelves, tables, and any compartments. Her sharp eyes darted from one ancient scroll to another, searching for any sign or clue that would lead her to the prize she sought.


As she continued to search, she finally came across a section of the library that felt different. The two scrolls here were not just ancient but exuded an aura of powerful energy due to being protected by a Kidō barrier. Her instincts told her that this was what she needed to take.


Concentrating her reiryoku in her claws again Miel tried to piece the barrier open, but it didn’t have a scratch. It seemed she couldn’t brute force her way through so using her spiritual sense she focused on the energy of the barrier. If she could somehow interfere with it momentarily then the barrier should collapse by itself. However, such a thing would alert those who could sense spiritual energy, so once the barrier was she would have to flee.


She honed in on the energy of the barrier, seeking any potential weaknesses or chinks in its protective armor. The barrier had a formidable presence, but Miel knew that nothing was truly impenetrable. She probed its energy, searching for a way to disrupt its integrity. It was a delicate and challenging task, but she was determined to succeed. The barrier held the key to the forbidden scroll, and she couldn't afford to give up.


As she worked diligently, she could feel the barrier's resistance, but she persisted, knowing that her goal was within reach. She needed to find a way to interfere with it momentarily, causing it to collapse. She understood the risks involved; interfering with the barrier would likely create a disturbance that could be sensed by those who were sensitive to spiritual energy.


Miel was fully aware that her actions might alert the guards or others within the mansion. With every moment that passed, her anxiety heightened, and she couldn't afford to be discovered. She had to be swift and precise.


She continued her efforts, her spiritual senses focused entirely on the barrier. Every ounce of her reiryoku was channeled into the task, and she persisted in her attempts to weaken the Kidō barrier's structure.


The seconds ticked away as she worked in silence, the tension mounting with each passing moment. Then, as if a flicker of insight struck her, Miel pinpointed a subtle irregularity in the barrier's structure. It was a hairline fracture in the flow of energy, a minuscule imperfection that she could exploit. She immediately focused her reiryoku at that point, exerting pressure on the vulnerable spot.


The Kidō barrier wavered for a moment, and Miel seized the opportunity. She pushed her reiryoku further, exploiting the weakness and causing the barrier to collapse silently. With a rush of relief, she knew she had succeeded in breaching the protective shield.


Now that the barrier was down, she had to act quickly. She couldn't risk lingering in the library, as her actions would have inevitably caused a disruption that might draw attention. Miel needed to find the forbidden scroll before her presence was discovered.

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