Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 85

As Yuichi considered his next move, Miel nodded in agreement. "Understood, Lord Yuichi. I'll follow your lead. If anyone attempts to tail you, I'll inform you. Just let me know what you need of me."


With a nod from Yuichi, Miel hovered over and landed on his shoulder, ready to accompany him to the study room. Yuichi opened the door normally, so as to not put the observers on high alert. The hallway appeared empty, but the oppressive feeling of being observed lingered.


Silently, they moved through the academy corridors, Yuichi calmly walked without glancing back and even stopped when someone called out to him. Miel, in her insect form, perched on his shoulder, ready to inform him if any unwanted presence revealed itself.


Once he managed to exit the academy ground Miel informed him that two of the three observers were following him. Losing them would be difficult but possible with the use of his Ash Mirage, but there in laid the problem. If he disappeared it would be the same as putting up a large spotlight that I know they’re watching me.


If it were just Yoruichi’s observers he could easily head to the study camber without need to bother with all this. However, the other person following them most likely worked for Aizen and it would be too dangerous for him to find out about the Study Chamber.


Yuichi strolled through the bustling streets of Rukongai District #30, the atmosphere vibrant with the daily activities of the inhabitants. His destination, however, wasn't one of leisure but a strategic move to divert attention. As he walked, he discreetly signaled Miel, who, in her insect form, flitted away to carry out her covert mission.


Miel stealthily moved through the shadows, her insect-sized form weaving between the residents of the district. With a swift and precise movement, she stung a few individuals, injecting them with a subtle but potent venom. The effect would be gradual, placing them under her control without raising immediate suspicion.


As Miel manipulated her unwitting subjects, subtle chaos began to unfold in the district. The controlled individuals, now under her influence, initiated petty arguments and conflicts with others around them. Tensions escalated, and what started as isolated disputes soon spiraled into a street brawl involving a growing number of people.


Yuichi observed the developing turmoil from a safe distance. The orchestrated chaos served as an effective distraction, drawing attention away from his true objective. With a decisive nod to Miel, he activated his Ash Mirage kidō, creating illusory duplicates of himself.


The illusionary Yuichi ran into the middle of the brawl, causing confusion among the brawlers and most importantly obstructing the view of his hidden observers. As the chaos intensified, the real Yuichi seized the opportunity to slip away unnoticed. Like a ghost, he maneuvered through the crowd, expertly avoiding the attention of those embroiled in the street brawl.


Making his way to the outskirts of the district, Yuichi blended into the shadows, the illusion continuing to draw the observer's attention towards it. With the distraction effectively in place, he proceeded to another district, his movements swift and purposeful.


Meanwhile, Miel maintained her control over the manipulated individuals, ensuring the brawl persisted and escalated. The controlled residents, fueled by the venom's influence, became unwitting pawns in the orchestrated diversion.


Yuichi arrived at the base of the Sōkyoku Hill, a place steeped in history and mystique. The kidō barriers concealed the hidden entrance to the Study Chamber. As he approached, he pulled out his token which deactivated a series of concealed kidō, unraveling the barriers that guarded the entrance.


Miel, having completed her part in the plan, returned to Yuichi's side, still in her insect form. Yuichi closed the entrance behind him, resealing the barriers to maintain the sanctity of the space. Once inside Yuichi climbed down the ladder going down until he reached the Study Chamber.


The Study Chamber unfolded before Yuichi, a vast expanse with a ceiling and walls painted to mimic a cloudy sky, while the floor resembled a desolate, brown, craggy land adorned with the skeletal remains of long-dead trees. It served a dual purpose, not only as a repository of forbidden knowledge but also as a training ground, adept at concealing the reiatsu of those within its confines.


After successfully entering Miel flew off of Yuichi’s shoulder and returned to her normal size, standing ready to share the fruits of her mission. The two scrolls, one of them containing the phrase forbidden as requested, were handed over to Yuichi as Miel began recounting the events that transpired during her infiltration of the Ankoku household.


Her voice resonated within the chamber's hallowed space, describing the intricacies of her mission, the guarded scrolls, and the challenges faced in the heart of the secretive mansion. Miel's narrative wove a tapestry of deception, stealth, and the dance of shadows as she detailed the troubles and near-death experiences she faced trying to get these scrolls.


She explained how she strategically placed her insect-sized clones to gather information and meticulously mapped the mansion, preparing for the moment of infiltration. Miel vividly described the tension of navigating the guarded corridors and the precision required to breach the kidō barriers protecting the forbidden scrolls.


As the tale unfolded, Yuichi absorbed the details, his mind intertwining with the essence of the scrolls in his hands. The Study Chamber, a haven of obscured truths, resonated with the weight of the information being shared.


Miel's account reached its climax with the revelation of the hidden room within the Ankoku household, filled not with the forbidden scroll but with riches and seemingly worthless artifacts. The unexpected twist added a layer of complexity to the story, leaving Yuichi contemplating if he might be able to send Miel to the Ankoku family again in the future or if they would prepare for another infiltration.


With the scrolls now in Yuichi's possession, Miel concluded her report, her eyes reflecting a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. She had done as Yuichi requested so she waited for him to remove the mysterious kidō he cast on her previously. She looked around nervously as she thought that the scroll was what Yuichi wanted so he should have no reason to refuse.


Of course, Yuichi noticed this reaction and chose to acknowledge Miel's hard work. "Well done, Miel. Your efforts have borne valuable fruit. Allow me to remove that kidō as promised. Once I’m done there’s a hot spring over there go take a dip and when you’re done I’ll reward you."

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