Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 93

Yuichi settled on the ground, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon of the town. The spirits, having dispersed into the bustling streets, diligently searched for any signs of his missing companions. The lively atmosphere of the town continued unabated, unaware of the supernatural forces at play.


As he waited, Yuichi couldn't help but ponder the peculiar circumstances that led to their separation. The Senkaimon gate was supposed to be a conduit connecting the realms, ensuring that everyone arrived at the same location. Yet, the inexplicable divergence had left him alone in this historical rendition of Karakura Town.


The soft murmur of the living world enveloped him as he contemplated the possibilities. What could have disrupted their arrival? Were his classmates and instructors scattered across different points in time within the human world or trapped in alternate dimensions?


His musings were interrupted by the arrival of a spirit, a messenger of sorts, who approached with a sense of urgency. The spirit, a spectral figure woven into the fabric of the town, conveyed the discovery of someone matching Yuichi's description—a fellow student. However, a notable difference emerged; the student was adorned in a red academy Shihakusho.


The revelation sparked intrigue about who it could possibly be. Red academy robes were worn by female students while male students wore the blue attire. Could it be another student from his class, or perhaps someone from class #1? Yuichi instructed the spirit to guide him to the location where the red-robed student had been found.


As they traversed the labyrinthine streets, the spectral guide led Yuichi to a quiet courtyard. There, amidst the historical ambiance, lay Mei, unconscious and seemingly displaced in time. Yuichi's brows furrowed in concern, a mixture of relief at finding a fellow student and worry for Mei's well-being.


Deciding to prioritize the immediate concern, Yuichi unsheathed his zanpakutō, tapping the hilt against the forehead of the male spirit who had guided him. A flash of light marked the initiation of the Konsō ritual, and the male soul began to sink into the ground, enshrouded in a comforting blue glow.


With the spirit dispatched to the Soul Society, Yuichi turned his attention to Mei. Gently nudging her awake, he sought to unravel the mystery that enveloped them. Mei stirred, her eyes fluttering open as she adjusted to the surroundings. Confusion and disorientation clouded her gaze, and it was evident that the experience had taken its toll.


"Mei, do you remember what happened? How did you end up here?" Yuichi inquired, his tone a mix of concern and curiosity.


Mei blinked a few times, her memories slowly returning as she surveyed the unfamiliar courtyard. "I... I don't know. One moment, we were going through the Senkaimon gate, and the next, everything went blurry. Then I woke up and found you standing over me."


Yuichi nodded, understanding Mei's disoriented state having been through it as well. There was however an incongruity to this situation, the fact Mei only woke up now and that only she had been found after more than fifteen minutes of searching the city. The Senkaimon gate and the Dangai use the same space and Yuichi understood that if used unofficially there could be incongruity with time. One could end up a few hours to days in the past or the future in such situations. So it's possible that this was what had occurred meaning that although Yuichi had arrived an hour ago Mei could have just arrived now.


Mei looked around and asked, “Where are we?” to which Yuichi answered, "We're in a town called Karakura Town. I've been searching for the others but so far you’re the only one I’ve run into. This town is too big for the two of us to search so I enlisted the spirits still here to help us find anyone dressed like us. We need to find the instructors and then they should be able to get us back to the Soul Society."


As Mei’s dizziness began to abate she adjusted to the reality of their surroundings. Yuichi asks if she’s okay but before she can answer a bunch of spirits arrive,  they inform Yuichi that they were unsuccessful in their search.


The spirits, their ethereal forms clustering around Yuichi, conveyed their inability to locate any others dressed like him. The concern in their voices mirrored the urgency of the situation. Mei observed, her gaze shifting between Yuichi and the restless spirits.


"Will you not keep your word since we couldn't find anyone?" one spirit questioned, its spectral visage revealing a mix of apprehension and disappointment.


Yuichi, however, responded with a reassuring smile. "Of course, I'll keep my word. I understand that it's a vast town, and finding them might take time. I appreciate your efforts. In the meantime, I'll help you with the Konsō ritual."


The spirits nodded, reassured by Yuichi's commitment. With a calculated precision, he unsheathed his zanpakutō once more, tapping the hilt against the foreheads of ten spirits. The Konsō ritual commenced, the spirits sinking into the ground enveloped in the soothing glow of blue light. The departure of these spirits marked a tangible step toward fulfilling Yuichi's promise.


As the remaining spirits awaited their turn, Yuichi turned to Mei, her inquisitive gaze prompting questions of her own. "When did you learn to do Konsō? They haven't taught that even in the advanced class yet."


A wry smile crossed Yuichi's face as he explained, "I picked it up during some independent training. It's a useful skill, and considering the situation, it seems necessary."


“I’m next!” yelled an excited spirit but Yuichi's next words were, “I’m sorry this drains much of my power, so I need to rest for a few hours before continuing. Can I please ask you to look for my friends while I do that?”


This of course was a ruse as Yuichi could do it as many times as he needed. The ignorant spirit however believed this explanation without a doubt and flew off in search as they waited to be sent off. One they were gone a confused Mei asked, “Why did you…” but she was cut off by Yuichi who responded with, “Why did I lied to them?”


Mei leaned in, attentive to Yuichi's explanation. He continued, "We don't have the manpower between the two of us to search the entire city. I told them I needed a few hours to get my energy back, and in the meantime, they could still look around. It buys us time, and once I've 'rested,' I'll join them in the search before sending them off. It's a strategic move to ensure we cover more ground efficiently."


Mei considered the explanation, understanding the pragmatic approach. "So, it's a way to maximize our efforts. Clever."

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