Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 98

In the dimly lit recesses of the lab, Mayuri Kurotsuchi pored over the intricate data streaming from the probes. The holographic displays flickered with the symphony of information—reishi fluctuations, combat patterns, and the unique signatures of drug-enhanced Hollows. His analytical mind absorbed the complexities of the experiment he had set into motion.


As the mad scientist delved into the readings, an unsettling grin played on his painted lips. The chaos unfolding in the human world and Hueco Mundo became a canvas for his scientific endeavors. Mayuri reveled in the unpredictability of the events—his meticulously calculated distortions leading to unforeseen challenges for the unsuspecting Soul Reapers and students.


The holographic map displayed the dispersed locations of the students who had emerged from the Senkaimon gate. Mayuri's eyes glinted with a twisted satisfaction as he noted the demise of one student, devoured by a drug-enhanced Hollow. Another student, heavily injured, had managed to conceal themselves, adding an element of intrigue to the unfolding experiment.


Mayuri chuckled to himself. "Survival of the fittest. The weak perish, and the strong adapt. Quite the spectacle."


His attention shifted to the exploits of Yuichi's group—Mei, Yuichi, Hanatarō, and Niko. The data painted a remarkable picture of resilience and adaptability. Despite the odds and the peculiarities of the drug-enhanced Hollows, Yuichi's group had managed to eliminate four of the enhanced creatures. Mayuri's twisted satisfaction deepened.


"Remarkable. No casualties, and they even managed to kill four of those enhanced Hollows. The drug's effects—I couldn't have asked for a more captivating experiment," Mayuri mused, his eyes glinting with a maniacal delight.


His fingers danced over the holographic controls, zooming in on the specific encounters and assessing the combat dynamics. The drug-enhanced Hollows, with their unpredictable strength and reishi fluctuations, provided Mayuri with invaluable data on the effects of his experimental concoctions in the chaos of battle.


"Ah, so the drug not only enhances their strength and defense but awakens their more beastial side. However, since these are regular weak hollows they're still too weak. I should try infecting a hollow close to transforming into a Menos to see if that will result in any unforeseen effects," Mayuri murmured, his mind already whirring with thoughts of refining his experiments further.


Mayuri, his twisted delight still lingering, decided to add another layer of complexity to his experiment. His fingers danced across the holographic controls as he manipulated a probe to guide the four remaining drug-enhanced Hollows toward the area where Yuichi and his group were resting. The unsuspecting students would soon find themselves confronted with a renewed threat.


Meanwhile, Niko, attentive to the subtle changes in her surroundings, observed as her bracelet's green jewel shifted to an ominous red. She had made the bracelet to sense when hollows drew close to her, and she swiftly assessed the situation. Knowing that the previous barriers might not be enough to conceal their presence from the enhanced hollows, she took decisive action.


Niko extinguished the fire they had set for warmth, plunging the immediate vicinity into darkness. With a calculated motion, she activated a revised sound-blocking barrier that she and Yuichi had previously worked on. Unlike the previous one, this barrier not only blocked outgoing sound but also intercepted and nullified incoming sound waves.


The double-layered barrier cocooned the group in silence, rendering their presence virtually undetectable acoustically. Niko, her keen intellect and strategic prowess at the forefront, knew that the enhanced Hollows relied on more than just sight. Even with their sound and visual concealment, she understood that it might not be enough to deter the relentless creatures.


As the drug-enhanced hollows closed in on Yuichi's group, Niko kept her composure. Her eyes focused, she assessed the situation, realizing the need for an additional layer of diversion to divert the Hollows away from the vulnerable Soul Reapers.


Niko drew a small, inconspicuous device from her utility pouch—a specialized gadget designed for these dire situations. It emitted a low-frequency resonance that mimicked the distorted reishi fluctuations replicating the the pressure of reiatsu. The device, when activated, would create a misleading trail, that should potentially divert the enhanced hollows away from the concealed group.


With a deft motion, Niko activated the device, and the deceptive resonance began to resonate through the air. She then attached it to a rabbit and released it back into the wild. The drug-enhanced hollows, their instincts heightened by the moving irregular reishi patterns, redirected their attention toward the phantom echoes, chasing after the illusory trail that led them away from Yuichi and his group.


Niko, satisfied with the temporary diversion, cautiously moved away from the sleeping group. The deceptive echoes emitted by the small device successfully lured the drug-enhanced hollows away, their predatory instincts fixated on the illusory trail.


In the eerie silence, Niko navigated through the darkness, her movements deliberate and stealthy. However, a sense of urgency gnawed at her. If the hollows caught the rabbit, her only decoy, they might realize the ruse and turn around. She knew that she needed to put even more distance between them.


As Niko stealthily moved, she saw her bracelet change red again—a telltale sign that the hollows, driven by their enhanced instincts, had caught the rabbit and were not entirely diverted. She decided to take a calculated risk. With a burst of spiritual energy, Niko released her reiatsu, a deliberate act to draw the attention of the hollows even more.


The drug-enhanced hollows, now attuned to the new reishi fluctuations, abruptly changed course. Their relentless pursuit redirected toward Niko, who, despite her composed exterior, quickened her pace. The gamble had worked, but now she faced the imminent threat of being their new target.


As the hollows closed in on her position, Niko reached into her utility pouch and retrieved another small, spherical device—a flash ball designed to disorient and blind. With a swift, practiced motion, she tossed the flash ball into the air. The ensuing explosion bathed the immediate area in blinding light, temporarily disorienting the enhanced Hollows.


Seizing the opportunity, Niko sprinted in the opposite direction. The hollows, momentarily blinded, roared in frustration as they fumbled to regain their bearings. Niko's heart raced, adrenaline coursing through her veins as she pushed herself to maintain the distance.


The darkened landscape echoed with the erratic footsteps and the enraged cries of the drug-enhanced hollows echoed. Niko, her senses finely tuned to the pursuits behind her, glimpsed an opportunity to further distance herself. However, the enhanced hollows, fueled by their altered instincts, began to recover from the disorientation. The glow of their eyes intensified as they locked onto Niko's presence once again. Realizing that mere distance might not be enough, Niko made a split-second decision. With a swift, practiced motion, she tossed another flashball behind her, creating a blinding distraction.

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