Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 132: Battle of Instincts

Mila Rose’s lips curled into a devilish smirk. Grimmjow’s transformation was more a boon than a threat. The Adjuchas were child’s play for her as she could insta-kill them all. However, the evolving Grimmjow had the potential to be her next great hunt — an even worthier present for Kazuya.

With Cirucci and Mila Rose distracted, the three Adjuchas retreated, only to pause. A sudden shift in Reiatsu permeated the area. The Reiatsu emanating from Grimmjow became a dual-natured blend of Hollow and Shinigami — the quintessential signature of an Arrancar.

Grimmjow let out a ferocious roar. The lingering clouds of sand around him dissipated, revealing his metamorphosed form. His newly formed white armor — his enhanced Hierro — gleamed ominously under the moonlight. A shard of his Hollow mask covered his forehead, and his extended ears, whip-like tail, and black claws served as unmistakable traces of his previous panther form.

Straightening up, Grimmjow grinned as he examined his black claws and the blades on his forearms. The same blades protruded from his calves, gleaming with ferocity — perhaps the most striking features of his Resurrección. He flexed his claws and swiped the air, reveling in his newfound power. He felt invincible. That is, until his eyes fell upon the corpses of his fallen comrades.

‘Those idiots.’

All his empathy vanished as he recalled their deaths. They weren’t able to grow through grueling battles, to rise from the ashes as he had. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have entrusted him with their dream of becoming a Vasto Lorde.

‘I’ll still avenge them.’

Looking at Mila Rose, he said, “Woman, what was your name?”

“Franceska Mila Rose,” she replied, licking her lips. “You’re finally a worthy hunt.”

Grimmjow's fangs flashed as he grinned. “Long and idiotic, just like your face. I’ll call you Dead Rose ‘cause you’re not surviving me.”

Mila Rose pointed at him with her Zanpakuto, her eyes narrowing with a smirk. “Try me, Kidjow.”

With a maniacal laugh, Grimmjow exploded forward, leaving a rippling vacuum of distorted air in his wake. Mila Rose could barely react to astonishing speed, her eyes narrowing as she brought up her Zanpakuto to parry. When their blades clashed, the resultant burst of Reiatsu was so intense it screeched through the air. The sparks created illuminating the dark like firecrackers on a moonless night.

Grimmjow crouched low and swiped his claws at her legs, prompting Mila Rose to leap back. She saw Grimmjow’s companions watching the battle with full focus and Cirucci creeping around their back to assassinate them.

Her attention fractured for a split second — a crucial mistake against a predator such as Grimmjow. With an explosive burst of speed, his leg rocketed upwards, his foot aiming square at her face. She raised her arm just in time to block, but the sheer force catapulted her towards the moon.

Grimmjow didn’t let up; he leapt after her, spinning in the air to deliver a devastating roundhouse kick to her back. The impact was catastrophic. Mila Rose shot through a rocky cave, which collapsed over her in a cascade of rubble.

Grimmjow crossed his arms, anticipation in his veins. “Don’t pretend to be dead. Come out.”

Rubble exploded outward as Mila Rose burst free, her form cloaked in golden Reiatsu as if she was a goddess of war. A trickle of blood flowed between knitted brows — the price of idling for months. Her battle instincts had dulled in the relaxed and peacefulness of her new home.

‘Apacci was right.’

She should have accepted Apacci’s requests for spars against the Visored. Apacci used to ask her nicely but she always rejected as she had no motivation to leave the house.

‘Fuck. I’ll regret it later.’

She let out a feral roar and swung her broadsword in a massive arc — a killing blow with all of her strength put into it. “Get wrecked!”

Grimmjow met her challenge, crossing his arm to block the edge of her sword. The collision set off a shockwave of Reiatsu that echoed like a thunderclap, sending him skidding through the air nearly a hundred meters. His forearm blades had chipped, and a numbing sensation crawled up his arms.

Feeling his thumping heart, Grimmjow smirked. “You fucking gorilla.”

Mila Rose clenched her jaw. “I’m a lioness!”

He laughed and charged, his claws reaching out for her throat. She parried, her broadsword meeting his claws in a symphony of grinding metal. But he had a different plan in his mind. He crouched, then shot upwards like a missile. Mila Rose looked up, squinting to see his form shrink to a mere dot in front of the moon.

Then he plummeted, like a comet, except the comet was homing in on her. She could see his crazy grin as he accelerated toward her. Rather than avoiding his charged attack, which was the most obvious action, she clenched her blade and flew toward him with her blade, her grin as wicked as him.

His claw, strengthened by Hierro, clashed against her broadsword. The broadsword dug halfway into his forearm blade. She gripped the sword and forced the blade deeper, trying to wrench it off his forearm.

He, of course, didn’t stay still and let her take away his precious blades. He swung his other arm wildly, the sharp blades slashing at her face — the part she never wanted harmed.

So, she used her sword to block his attack.

The small opening wasn’t unmissed as Grimmjow launched a flurry of claw attacks. It was an onslaught without rhyme or reason, an assault based on his instincts. He was fighting like a beast — a style similar to her own. The only difference was the strength — every blow from him was filled with raw, explosive power that Mila Rose would never have guessed could come from an Adjuchas-level Arrancar. She found herself reflexively dodging kicks that felt like they could pulverize her body and swiping away at claws that could easily rip through her body.

It began to dawn on her why Apacci and Sung-Sun persistently raved about Nelliel’s talent. The man before her was the same kind of person as Nelliel — a prodigy.

Just as she had begun to adapt to his frenzied pattern, he froze, locking his gaze onto her. Confusion trickled through her veins, but her instincts screamed at her to seize the window of opportunity. Swinging her sword at his neck, she didn’t notice the ephemeral flicker of crimson light that danced on his right claw.

He caught her sword with his forearm blade, a grin splitting his face. “Got you.”

An eruption of crimson Reiatsu burst forth from his claw, blossoming into a devastating Cero Ray that engulfed her. When the blinding light dissipated, Mila Rose was revealed, her arm raised defensively, her gloves scorched. Apart from scratches, she was largely unharmed.

“Why are you gawking? You aren’t the only one with Hierro, dumbass.”

While not as strong as Grimmjow, her Hierro was more than capable of defending a rushed Cero Ray.

Grimmjow burst into laughter. “You’re making me work for my meal. Perfect for me. Means we can fight for longer.”

Undeterred, Mila Rose lunged forward, slashing her broadsword in a deadly arc aimed at his face. He dodged effortlessly, but she was relentless. "You might be strong, asshole. But do you know who’s even stronger?”

Pinning her sword between his forearm blades, he sneered as he closed the gap. “The Lord that other Arrancar mentioned?”

“Yup. He can obliterate us both without lifting a finger.”

Grimmjow’s eyes flared with battle lust. “Bring him to me. You’ll see him bite the dust with your own eyes—”

“Are you sure about that?”

The playful voice that cut Grimmjow’s boasting carried a distinct charm; it was followed by a chaotic disruption in the space as a Garganta formed behind them.

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