Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 138: Small Comforts

Kazuya burst through the cavernous ceiling, landing before Nelliel. The very moment he had sensed her in a dangerous skirmish, he’d raced to her side. Alas, by the time of his entrance, the battle had already concluded.

Nelliel’s eyes glistened with surprise as they took in his new attire. His Arrancar outfit and his untamed hair remained the same as their previous encounter. The striking new addition was the wolf-like Hollow mask adorning the upper half of his face, shrouding his identity in complete mystery.

“I don’t see the guy you were fighting.”

Nelliel’s gaze drifted toward the fallen Hollows. The euphoria of becoming a Vasto Lorde was overshadowed by melancholy. “He escaped.”

Sensing the heaviness in the air, he stumbled over the right words to comfort her. “I’m glad you aren’t hurt.”

A gentle nod was her acknowledgment to his heartfelt concern. He had rushed to help her, so she couldn’t blame him for Muramasa’s escape. “The deranged man responsible for this, he called himself Muramasa.”

His eyebrows shot up in surprise. The fact that Nelliel survived an encounter with Muramasa pointed towards two possibilities — Muramasa had yet to acquire the strength shown in the anime, or he was fooling around with Nelliel. Perhaps a mix of both. While Muramasa wasn’t on the level of Aizen, he harbored a cunning mind. In the anime, he had made all the Zanpakutō Spirits believe in an uprising that existed only to help him achieve his goal: unsealing his Master, Koga Kuchiki.

{We can safely blame Partner for messing up somewhere, causing Muramasa to show up decades before his canon appearance.}

Faced with Nami's allegations, he couldn’t help but self-reflect. His minor, inadvertent choices had ripple effects, drastically altering the fate of many. And perhaps, just perhaps, one of those ripples had spurred Muramasa into action.

{What will we do about him?}

‘I want him.’

{Partner, I know Muramasa is slim, handsome, and stylish. He is also the epitome of a tragic, abused male… Please, I beg you to stay within the hetero boundaries set by your ancestors. If you don’t listen to me, I will… I will kill Muramasa.}

‘What the actual fuck, Nami? I thought you were smarter than that. Also, weren’t yandere supposed to confine their love interests away from the world?’

{To hell with that trope. I’m not imprisoning anyone. Death is better than complete isolation.}

She wasn’t even going to joke about locking someone in a dark place. Tsubasa had forced her to realize the loneliness that came with imprisonment within a tiny place.

Nelliel turned to him. “I believe he knew you… he implied it through a strange monologue.”

His expression grew contemplative. While the possibility of Muramasa observing him in the Soul Society existed, he’d be aware of any prying eyes with his keen senses.

“Forget it. I’ll deal with him.”

“He’ll return here.” A fire ignited in Nelliel’s eyes, matching the fervor in her voice. “Can you take me to him? I—I can’t let him threaten innocent lives. I’ll… kill him.”

Despite emitting a Vasto Lorde-level Reiatsu, she trembled at the mention of killing someone. Her Aspect of Death ‘Lamentation’ inherently opposed her the very act of taking a life. And yet, in an unlikely turn of events, she was prepared to go against these innate instincts to protect Hollows — monsters who might potentially be more evil than Muramas.

“We’ll talk about it later. For now you’re coming with me.”

Nelliel acknowledged with a soft hum, but then her eyes grew wide, a dawn of realization breaking through. “Are you saying I’m ready for Arrancarification?”

His affirmation was accompanied by an amused grin, his mind delightfully projecting a scene where Grimmjow mocked Nelliel for running away in their previous encounter, only to find himself thoroughly outmatched. Once Nelliel evolved into an Arrancar, she’d be close to Harribel’s prowess. Nonetheless, he had no intention of using her as a war asset. Her demeanor was unsuited for combat, but she would integrate seamlessly into Harribel’s new kingdom.

{Oh man. I can’t wait to see Apacci’s reaction. Hahahaha.}

‘Give my poor deer some break.’

Nelliel reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll go retrieve my lance.”

They ventured together out of the cave's gaping hole. An eerie hush draped over the forest. Instead of rushing, Nelliel seemed to savor each step, cherishing the rare opportunity of being in his company. After all, he’d be surrounded by his family when they returned to Karakura Town and become very hard to approach. This was her opportunity to know more about him.

“Damn, how far did you fling that lance of yours?”

Not one to endure prolonged silence, he struck up a conversation, hoping to lift Nelliel’s spirits and distract her from the recent bloodshed. Unstable Reiatsu might complicate the Arrancarifaction process.

Nelliel gazed into the distance. “I intended it to be a killing blow for his heart but he tilted his body at the last moment.”

“Impressive. Your ability, does it have a name?”

“‘Lanzador Verde’ (Green Lancer).”

Nelliel’s candidness in her naming mirrored her personality. Her soft yet genuine demeanor was a breath of fresh air to be around. She was different from Apacci’s fiery possessiveness, Sung-Sun’s teasing and playfulness, Mila Rose’s brimming fervor, and Tier’s mother-like gentleness.

“Nel, when we’re in Hueco Mundo, you’ll call me Cazador.”

{That’s Spanish for Hunter. Well played, Partner. We can improve it further. Like ‘Cazador de plata’ (Silver Hunter) or ‘Cazador de Damas’ (Hunter of Ladies)}

‘I want it simple.’

{Suit yourself. Hmph.}

He firmly believed in the charm of simplicity. Cazador also fitted with all the Hispanic motifs of Hueco Mundo.

“You took inspiration from Lanzador,” Nelliel said, a hint of amusement in her voice. “Cazador as your Hollow name and Kazuya as your human name. I adore the concept, and they’re very easy on the tongue.”

While making small talk, they arrived at the location. The lance had traveled almost a kilometer and embedded deep into the base of a towering mountain. Even Nelliel looked momentarily taken aback, amazed by her raw power.

Yet, amid the calm, an unsettling feeling gnawed at Kazuya. It was as if icy fingers grazed the nape of his neck, hinting at an unseen presence. He could sense a Reiatsu nearby, the faintness of which kept it out of reach.

Someone was spying on him—on Nelliel.

‘Nami, am I being paranoid?’

Nelliel, despite her Vasto Lorde senses, didn’t feel anything amiss. Fortunately, he had another formidable Hollow to validate his suspicions.

{I don’t sense it, Partner. But I have an idea to force them out of their concealment.}


{Let this goddess of fire break free from her confines and unleash her ravenous blaze upon this lifeless forest. Those who dare lurk in the shadows, attempting to deceive us, will soon find themselves embraced by our unforgiving flames.}

Amidst Nami’s passionate monologue, the presence vanished from his senses — the concealed soul realized that they were exposed and left the area.

‘Could it be Gin or Tousen looking out for Hollows?’

{We’ll never know now… that was such a brilliant opportunity to showcase my flames… I’m sad, Partner. Comfort me please.}


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