Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 159: A Commoner Tongue

‘You are interrupting nobles in their mission! The Head of the Kuchiki family no less! Do you have some death wish or something?!’

‘You survived Captain Soi Fon but you’re dead this time.’

‘Not even Captain Shiba can save you today.’

‘Die a miserable death, you fucking bastard!’

Almost every student had the same thoughts. Yet, what everyone feared to be Kazuya’s demise was merely amusement to him.

Byakuya, the picture of stoic nobility, finally acknowledged Kazuya with a look of pure apathy. “You… are from Rukongai.”

The slate gray eyes of Ginrei Kuchiki, full of wisdom befitting his elderly appearance, studied Kazuya. It was not the man, but the presence of the black cat at his side that sparked a hint of recognition — the reports of a student with a black cat companion clashing with Soi Fon had spread like wildfire three months ago. However, he chose to stay silent, even stopping his subordinates from acting.

How could he let go of an opportunity to test Byakuya’s maturity?

Kazuya clicked his tongue. “Commoners or nobles, what does one’s origin change? It’s not like nobles shit gold or bleed silver.”

At his side, Yoruichi’s whiskers twitched as she valiantly fought to contain her laughter. She pawed his leg to get his attention and assumed her angriest cat face. She and Byakuya shared a rivalry steeped in respect, both masters of the art of Shunpo. The thought of needlessly antagonizing the powerful Kuchiki Clan was unappealing, even to her mischievous nature.

Byakuya slightly furrowed his brows. “I don’t have time for you. Do not interfere in affairs exceeding your station.”

Kazuya’s arms folded defiantly across his chest. “It’s my business if it involves my friends. I’m trying to say: You’re not taking Rukia anywhere.”

He was aware that Byakuya came to escort Rukia to her sister, Hisana. Still, he had to give the pair of noble grandfather and grandson a hard time for terrifying his friends. They could’ve been more straightforward about everything, but they had to act all mysterious and frighten their tiny little hearts.

{Look at you acting petty. I love it.}

In the blink of an eye, Byakuya closed the distance, his form a blur as he attempted to deliver a paralyzing strike to Kazuya’s throat — an attack that connected effortlessly — or so the gathered crowd saw.

The truth was revealed when Kazuya's afterimage dissipated. His true form casually leaned against a table amongst his friends, a half-eaten dumpling in hand. “Delicious. It tastes like victory.”

For a fleeting instant, Byakuya’s mask of indifference wavered, his eyes betraying a spark of astonishment. He was a Captain-candidate whose Shunpo was second to none. The fact that a student anticipated and evaded his attack flawlessly irked him. “You aren’t all talk—”

“Kazuya-kun!” Momo’s enthusiastic voice interrupted Byakuya. Disregarding the growing tension in the cafeteria, Momo hugged Kazuya from behind, clinging to him. “You’re back…”

“Momo. Hey, it’s not the time—”

“I don’t care, Kazuya-kun. I haven’t seen you for so long.”

Kazuya melted into a gentler expression as he registered the delicate tremble in her voice. “I promise I’ll be with you after I settle this.”

With a sigh that carried more resignation than she felt, Momo retreated to a seat, pulling Rukia down beside her. “It’ll be fine now that Kazuya-kun is here.”

Rukia’s response was a gentle shake of her head. “Kazuya, you don't have to fight anyone. I'll go with them.”

She couldn’t accept his help after her earlier conversation with Momo. It felt wrong to accept his help.

Rather than accepting her heartfelt request, he raised his hand and firmly tapped her head. “You don’t even know what they want from you, idiot.”

The unexpected reprimand caused a sting in Rukia’s eyes. She shot him a defiant glare, the kind that would declare war if glances were weapons. “Stop deciding things for me. I can handle it—”

Another blow landed on Rukia’s head, this time courtesy of Toshiro. “You were shaking like Momo when she used to wet her bed. Be quiet and let us help you.”

Making Momo and Rukia speechless in a few words, Toshiro smiled at Kazuya. “Kazuya-nii, I’m with you.”

Renji stared at Toshiro. “Damn, little guy. I’ll look pathetic if I don’t man up.” He raised his Zanpakutō like a trophy. “I’m also in.”

Momo couldn’t help but smile. “It’s an opportunity to showcase Tobiume’s power.”

Rukia looked overwhelmed. No, she was overwhelmed. Her friends sticking by her side at the moment filled her heart with warm feelings.

“You all…”

Byakuya, meanwhile, stared at Kazuya. He had always disregarded his peers, but never once had he been disregarded to this level by someone, especially not a student of the Shin’o Academy. “Someone of your strength does not belong in the academy. Solely based on your Shunpo you’re already qualified to be a Seated Officer.”

“I’m graduating next week and becoming a battle healer.”

“Battle Healer?” Byakuya’s eyes flickered with realization. “You’re the student who fought Captain Soi Fon.”

“I did. I’ll also fight you if you stop being so mysterious about this important business. Captain Soi Fon can attest to my strength if you don’t find me worthy.”

He fearlessly challenged Byakuya to a duel in a threatening manner. As if he could scare the Vice Captain into backing down or perhaps provoke him into accepting his challenge.

Byakuya’s Reiatsu flared in response, locking down Kazuya and only him. “I will accept.”

“Byakuya, maintain your composure. Remember what we came here for,” Ginrei’s voice cut in, his authority halting the escalation. He regarded Kazuya calmly. “You and your companions are invited to the Kuchiki Manor. Everything will be revealed there.”

“Eh, I was looking forward to—”

Yoruichi bit on his leg and glared up at him. He felt like she’d get genuinely angry if he continued provoking Byakuya.

“Fine, Captain Kuchiki. I’m passing up the opportunity to test your grandson because I respect you. Your legacy casts a long shadow that every Shinigami here, including myself, hopes to outshine one day.”

“And young man, we’ll be a part of the same organization. It’s best for everyone to avoid meaningless blood spills.”

Kazuya nodded and hopped down the table, extending a hand to Rukia. “It’ll just be me, Rukia, and my cat.”

Momo’s gaze was like a blade on Kazuya’s back. It took a great deal of courage to ignore his yandere little companion and stick to his decision.

{An older sister yandere in the living world. A younger yandere in the Shinigami world. A yandere born from your soul, who is the same age as you, was found in the Hollow world. This can’t be a coincidence, Partner…}

‘I’m a yandere magnet.’

Yoruichi’s feline form shifted gracefully onto his shoulder, her rough tongue softly caressing his face in a rare display of gratitude. “Thanks…”

He responded to her affection with a kiss on her forehead and indulged her with a gentle chin scratch. “You owe me one for this.”

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