Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 162: The Deal

“Byakuya, your wife is sick.”

At Kazuya’s solemn words, Byakuya’s stride came to an abrupt halt. He whirled around, his sharp gaze landing on Kazuya, a man who until now had maintained a confrontational stance towards him. “How did you find that?””

“People don’t simply weaken at her age without reason,” Kazuya replied, leaning nonchalantly against the bridge’s railing. Below, the water in the pool mirrored the serene sky, a stark contrast to the emotions in Byakuya’s eye. “It has to be a sickness.”

Byakuya’s eyes closed for a moment. The memory of Retsu Unohana’s grim diagnosis of Hisana’s situation flashed through his mind. “It doesn’t have a name yet, but she showed similar symptoms to Captain Ukitake’s disease.”

The Vice Captain’s expression remained stoic, yet he couldn’t conceal the pain in his voice. He loved Hisana to death, yet he was helpless against the relentless march of her disease.

Kazuya uncrossed his arms, his posture easing slightly. “Did you try asking the 12th Squad? They might be able to find a cure.”

Mayuri Kurotsuchi was obscenely talented, capable of most absurd experiments — reviving dead Arrancars being one of them. A crazy scientist like him could develop a cure to any disease in the world as long as he put his mind into it.

Byakuya’s jaw clenched as he recalled his encounter with Mayuri Kurotsuchi.

‘I’ll work on the cure if you provide a justification for spending our resources and precious time on such a specific case?’

‘According to our data, this disease only affects 0.001% of the entire Soul Society’s population.’

‘Captain Byakuya, you don’t have any? Then our discussion was a waste of time.’

Kazuya's sheathed katana gently touched Byakuya's shoulder, snapping him out of the bitter recollection. “Judging from your anger, Captain Kurotsuchi didn’t want to help you. Bold of him to reject the future head of the Kuchiki Clan and a future captain.”

Byakuya averted his gaze, his face momentarily clouded by a hint of guilt. The thought of using his clan’s influence to force cooperation was against his ethics and the laws he upheld. However, the desperation had almost driven him to compromise his principles. He had crossed the line for Hisana once, and he’d have done it again if not for Mayuri Kurotsuchi's notoriously eccentric personality. The Captain of 12th Squad could not be threatened with anything.

“You're in luck,” Kazuya said, breaking the silence. “I have the means to cure Mrs. Kuchiki’s illness.”

Byakuya’s eyes initially widened in disbelief, then quickly narrowed into a suspicious glare. “Are you toying with me? Offering false hope only to revel in my desperation?”

“Easy there,” Kazuya replied with a dismissive wave of his hand. “As a husband deeply in love with his wife, I can empathize with you. Of course, my help will come with a price attached.”

Byakuya’s eyelids fluttered shut for a brief moment as he prepared himself mentally. “Name your price. I am prepared to pay, even with my life, if necessary.”

Kazuya wouldn’t have believed those words coming from anyone else’s mouth. However, Byakuya was a prideful individual, living up to every word that came out of his mouth.

“I don’t need your life; I need your allegiance. There may come a day I’ll take drastic measures or perhaps the other way around — actions the Soul Society won’t condone. When that day comes, I want your unwavering support.”

If Aizen, or anyone else, exposed his Hollow nature, it could lead to unpredictable consequences. Having the backing of a Captain like Byakuya, especially for a mere exchange of two bullets, was a worthwhile deal. Yoruichi’s support alone wouldn't be enough if he faced opposition from the entire Gotei 13.

“Once,” Byakuya muttered, his gaze resolute. “I will stand by you in one battle, regardless of how heinous or hopeless your cause is.”

“Never took you to be the bargainer type.”

“If someone in my position plays with the laws, it’ll inspire others to do the same. Fighting for you will be the last time I break any law… I swear upon my life.”

Kazuya nodded in acknowledgment, a slight smile on his lips. “Consider me flattered by your honesty. You got yourself a deal.”

Byakuya gave a silent nod and turned his attention back to the bridge’s railing, his hands gripping it lightly. A comfortable silence settled between them, neither man inclined to disturb it.

{I just realized the insane synergy between your Resurrección and his Bankai…}


{I don’t understand one thing though. Why fight Byakuya when you wanted to strike a deal all along?}

‘To make everything seem like a coincidence. The circumstances at the academy were different… and I wanted to have some fun.’

{Understandable… Argh, why are these sisters taking so long? Partner, try focusing on their conversation.}

‘Isn’t there more thrill when you don’t know what awaits us on the other side?’

He was eighty percent assured about Rukia accepting each other. The twenty percent part would happen because of Rukia taking time to digest her emotions.

{I totally get your meaning. Predictable life is boring. We future gods will live according to our desires, regardless of consequences… after we take care of Aizen that is. He is the biggest thorn in our pursuit of perfection.}

‘Jeez, we’re just getting started. One step at a time, remember?’

As he idly chatted with his Zanpakutō Spirit, the door slid open. Rukia stepped out of the room, her dull expression revealing a picture of conflict. The distant look in her eyes spoke volumes of the emotional storm she had just weathered.


The outcome with lower probability happened. He couldn’t blame Rukia for reacting this way. Hisana had left Rukia to rot, despite knowing that Rukia could die in the unforgiving chaos of the 78th District. Rukia won’t be able to forgive Hisana in one day.

“Kazuya,” Rukia spoke, her voice a hollow echo of its usual vibrancy. “Let's go back.”


She was taken aback, clearly expecting him to bother her with questions. “You have nothing to ask?”

“I do, but I’ll wait till you’re ready. Anything you want to say?”

She paused in the motion of shaking her head. “Can you carry me on your back? I don’t have the… energy to walk.”

She had plenty of energy but zero motivation.

“Now you’re just abusing my friendship.”


Rukia’s laughter quickly dissolved into a more somber expression. The room behind her echoed with faint, ragged coughs, each one seeming to claw its way out of Hisana’s throat. Being rejected by Rukia worsened Hisana’s condition.

Byakuya used Shunpo to be by his wife’s side. The speed of his movement sent a brief gust that momentarily ruffled their clothes.

Rukia’s gaze flickered towards the room, her brow creased slightly. She reached for Kazuya, urgency in her voice. “Come. Momo and Renji are waiting for us.”

He turned to her, bending down just enough to offer his back for her to climb on. Rukia adjusted her kimono, hopped onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He placed his hands under her supple thighs, making full use of the opportunity. “Rukia is hard on the outside and very soft on the inside.”

A flush of embarrassment warmed her cheeks, extending to the tips of her ears. “Just get going, will you?”

Contrary to her expectations, he walked towards the room with Hisana and Byakuya. She pulled at his hair, trying to steer him towards the exit. “Oi, my puppet is malfunctioning. Who do I call to fix ut?”

“Your mom. Her ride can fix my malfunction.”

“What? If my dead mom can fix it, then I can do it as well. Tell me what to do.”

He mentally noted down her inability to understand innuendos. She was innocent, and he wouldn’t bear the guilt of corrupting her innocence.

{She is a virgin, duh.}

Kazuya locked Rukia’s legs around his waist and walked into the room without permission. The sudden appearance of Rukia being carried piggyback by her friend caused Hisana to look up, a trace of confusion crossing her weakened features.

He unsheathed his katana without a word and thrust it into the center of his chest.

The suicidal act without any context garnered panic from Rukia. Hisana also panicked when the flames born from Kazuya’s Zanpakutō engulfed Rukia. Byakuya’s stoic expression masked his emotions well, but his eyes revealed his anxiety. He felt overwhelmed with the sheer madness happening in the small room.

Kazuya smiled at their goofy reactions. “Sheesh, don’t be restless. It’s just my Shikai.”

Byakuya’s hand twitched towards his Zanpakutō. The contract between them was the only restraint holding him back from unleashing the thousand blades of his Bankai.

“I’m not burned?” Rukia's voice was filled with disbelief as she realized the flames didn’t harm her. “Kazuya, what is this?”

“My speciality.” He wielded the muskets and aimed their barrel at Hisana. “It won’t hurt.”

Hisana instinctively raised her hands in defense. “You're Rukia's friend... why would you...?”

Byakuya stared at Kazuya. “Is this part of the treatment?”


Byakuya leaned in close to Hisana, whispering words of reassurance. After a moment, he stepped aside, giving Kazuya the space he needed. Hisana’s eyes, though filled with uncertainty, also held a flicker of hope. Her trust wasn’t in Kazuya, but in Byakuya, the man she loved and believed would never deceive her.

“Byakuya-sama won’t lie to me…”

Nami giggled. {Great reaction from someone held at gunpoint.}

Bang. Bang. Two brilliant fiery trails left his muskets, engulfing Hisana in a radiant, warm blaze that seemed to dance around her rather than consume her.

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