Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 165: Temptations

Despite having walked away from the Kuchiki Manor half an hour ago, the heartfelt words of gratitude from Byakuya and Hisana still echoed in Kazuya’s mind. The image of Hisana tearing up, embracing Byakuya, and repeatedly professing her love for him remained just as vivid; it was mostly because of the wetness on his shoulder — Rukia had held back her tears in front of Hisana but ended up crying on the way back.

By the time he neared the academy, Rukia had recovered from her storm of emotions and started making little talks.

“We’re almost there,” Rukia whispered and climbed off his back, curbing the possibility of spreading weird rumors. Messing with Momo was the last thing she wanted. “Can you hide this from Momo and Renji?”

“Sure,” he agreed without any resistance, eyes locked on his dormitory building. “Want me to accompany you all the way?”

“First you tell me why are you frowning like that again?”

Every time she saw him frown like that, some noble got the beating of their life. The fact that he bullied the bullies, the descendants of those sitting at the top of society, always made her laugh. His relationship with Shiba Clan and his own strength made him a force not even aristocrats wanted to mess with.

“Just a bit surprised. Wanna come hangout with some Vice Captains?”

“Some other day maybe.”

“Then see you tomorrow.”

As they parted ways, a whisper reached him. “Thanks for saving Hisana…”

Following that, he heard Rukia’s hurried footsteps gradually fading away. Unaware of his arrangement with Byakuya, she misunderstood his motives for saving Hisana, believing he had set aside his animosity towards Byakuya for her sake.

Yoruichi climbed on his shoulder and pawed his ears. “I didn’t think you had it in you to reveal your Shikai for someone else’s wife.”

Since Yoruichi was absent during his agreement with Byakuya, she also arrived at the same conclusion as Rukia, albeit with a hint of skepticism.

“Yoruichi, you’re old friends with Byakuya. Rukia’s blood sister is married to him. I’d be a douche to let her die when saving her takes no effort.”

“I sense something sinister from you,” Yoruichi whispered, gently tugging at his ear with her soft paws. “You gained something from helping Hisana. What was it?”

He cleared his throat. “A small promise. Think of it as a backup plan to my own backup plan in case things go south here.”

“You’re starting to sound like Urahara.”

“Don’t flatter me, Princess Shihōin. This little me is nothing compared to one of the most decorated minds in the world.”

“Urahara may be a master in the language of numbers and logic, but he’s as dense as a meteor when it comes to matters of the heart.”

He raised an eyebrow at her unexpected remark. “Sounds like he didn’t reciprocate your feelings the way you wanted.”

He didn't believe the present-day Yoruichi harbored romantic feelings for Kisuke, but their past was a mystery to him. Knowing Yoruichi’s demeanor he could only speculate on the type of life she led as a teen.

Yoruichi couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh, Young Kazu, did I see a flash of jealousy just now? Imagining me with Urahara, were you?”


Hearing him outright confess his jealousy was a breath of fresh air for Yoruichi. She believed that his jealousy was a product of her recent efforts in spoiling him in her own way.

She wrapped her paws around his neck in a playful embrace, rubbing her face against his. “I wasn't referring to myself, silly. Urahara had a whole fan club back at the Shihōin mansion — maids, noblewomen, Shinigami, and even ordinary folk. His naive charm attracted ladies, though I was an exception. It feels weird to see him as anything other than my childhood friend.”

He nodded, visibly relieved.  A gentle breeze wafted by them, carrying with it the faint scent of cherry blossoms as silence fell between them, save for the distant sound of students chatting.

Yoruichi’s eyes searched his face as if contemplating something. “There is no man in this world who can tie down Flash Goddess Yoruichi. I’ve held the same belief for as long as I can remember.”

“A fellow freedom enjoyer,” he whispered. “Well, I never limit the freedom of my lovers. Doesn’t that make us a match made in Heaven?”

Yoruichi took a pause as if considering his words. A non-committed relationship was the best-case scenario for her, given her aversion to the responsibilities of a relationship. They were shackles to her.

He shrugged nonchalantly. “Just speaking facts. We can take it one step at a time, starting as friends. The next stage could be friends with benefits — enjoying the freedom of being single while sharing… certain perks."

“Friends with benefits…” Yoruichi’s breath caught, her voice barely a whisper. “Is that your excuse to fuck me?”

Clearing his throat awkwardly, Kazuya watched as she playfully tapped his cheek.

“You're quite the charmer,” she teased, her laughter light and flirtatious. You almost convinced me with that sweet tongue of yours. Almost tempted to open my legs for you. I’m lucky that I was trained to resist honey traps as the Captain of 2nd Squad.”

He clicked his tongue in mock annoyance. "One of these days, you’ll regret teasing me like this."

She shrugged off his playful threat with a giggle. “I'd love to see you try.”

{Do her. Give her the best hentai female lead treatment.}


Teasing her and getting teased by her, he returned to his dorm. Outside his room, he found Momo waiting, her demeanor anxious as if she had been eagerly anticipating his arrival.

‘She must’ve sensed my Reiatsu.’

He had stopped concealing his Reiatsu, unless it was necessary to hide from someone. His fight with Soi Fon made his strength public knowledge.

{Wasn’t she with the Vice Captains? Did she make some excuse to meet you alone here?}


Momo suddenly rushed towards him, her movements creating a soft rustling sound, as she hugged him — a brief hug to reassure herself of his well-being. “You’re alright…”

“Do I not look alright?” he asked, smiling down at her while his hand gently patted her head in a comforting gesture. “Rukia is also fine.”

“What a relief…” she whispered. “What did they want from her?”

“Well, things are a bit complicated. I can’t reveal it without Rukia’s permission.”

Momo nodded in understanding, her eyes briefly darting behind her. “Your friends are waiting for you.”

She seemed reluctant to tell him about the Vice Captains, clearly desiring to spend more alone time with him, away from the watchful eyes of the Vice Captains. 

“Let’s see what they have to say.”

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