Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life (Mu Shao, Your Wife Is Born Again)

Chapter 1566 - excellent

Tangtang thought for a while, opened the quilt, and began to wear clothes.

One hand was very inconvenient. Wearing socks and pants, and too lazy to take off her pajamas, she didn’t want to waste time. She wrapped a cloak with a hood outside, covering her head to knees, and then pulled her hair and ran out briskly.

As soon as Gu Liang got into the car with his front foot, Tangtang got in with his back foot.

He was surprised. Tangtang was afraid that he would push himself away, hurriedly closed the car door, locked it, turned his face and buried his head in his arms, and the whole movement was smooth and smooth.

“I want to go with you!”

Gu Liang questioned: “Why are you so fast?”

Tangtang raised her face and said, “I didn’t brush my teeth, didn’t wash my face, or comb my hair!”

Gu Liang laughed: “Well, it’s no wonder that I saw eye feces.”

Tangtang buried his face in his chest and rubbed it.

Gu Liang: “Oh…”

When Gu Liang and Tangtang arrived, Jiang Ci had already brought people there.

Lu Yitong sat on the sofa, her face pale as paper, holding a cup of hot water in her hand, her body trembling unceasingly, as if she was greatly frightened.

Gu Liang saw glaring scarlet scars on her wrists and ankles.

Jiang Ci walked over and said to Gu Liang: “Lu Yitong said that Mo Sang came back suddenly last night. There were three servants in the family. One was absent on vacation, and Mo Sang took away the other two. She wanted to stop it, but Mo Sang insisted not to listen, because he was worried that she would call the police, so he tied her at home with a rope.”

Gu Liang glanced at Lu Yitong from a distance, walked outside the door with Jiang Ci, and talked in a low voice, “Why would she ask me for help?”

“Her hands are tied behind her back and it is not convenient to dial. The last one in the communication record is the call record with you.” Jiang Ci replied.

Gu Liang took out the cigarette case, took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a breath of silence. “This is not right. According to her, the missing servants are all taken away by Mossan. Wouldn’t those people resist? There is no trace of struggle in the room.”

Tangtang intervened: “Maybe Mo Sang was cursed to parasitize, and his body was covered with snake shadows. Everyone who saw him was sucked and fucked.”

“It is impossible for him to dispose of the two corpses with bare hands. Either transport them in a car or bury them on the spot.” Jiang Ci looked at Tangtang, “Now the house has been searched, and someone has been sent to search on the mountain. news.”

“Ah, you have to be careful,” Tangtang said nervously, “That thing is terrifying, as soon as it touches a person’s skin, it will be attracted! The parasitic in the body, the bigger it grows!”

Jiang Ci was very calm, nodded and replied, “I understand, I will report to my superiors, and say that a dangerous flora is found, which will be fatal after spreading. All personnel must be equipped with protective clothing when moving.”

Tangtang gave her a thumbs up: “Excellent!”

Jiang Ci smiled.

Her subordinates trot over, “Boss, Lu Yitong said that Mosang likes to buy houses in remote rural areas as a studio for personal painting. She doesn’t know the exact location and can only provide us with the address of the urban studio. “

Jiang Ci nodded when he heard the words, looked at Gu Liang and Tangtang, and asked with a smile, “Go in for a chat?”

Gu Liang’s mood was a little dull, he threw away his cigarette butt, and entered the room holding Tangtang’s shoulder.

Lu Yitong in the living room had calmed down a bit. Seeing them coming in, she stood up anxiously and said, “Officer Jiang, I really don’t know where he has gone. He never carried a mobile phone on him. No one could contact him. In order to create a work, he ran into the mountains and did not contact me for three months!”

Jiang Ci calmly calmed down: “Don’t worry, calm down, and tell us what you know first.”

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