Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life (Mu Shao, Your Wife Is Born Again)

Chapter 16 - Braised Soy Trotter 2

“You know how to eat, not one left.” Murong Cheng looked at her coldly, thoughtfully.

Braised pork trotters with soy beans is Su Zi’s favorite dish. His original intention was to test Xu Shihan.

But now, Mu Zi’s stomach is completely filled.

“Um…” Mu Zi sucked on his chopsticks, blinked his two bright and clear eyes, and said jokingly, “Brother, pig’s trotters can beautify the skin, so let’s leave it to a woman to eat.”

“What kind of woman are you?” Murong Cheng contemptuously.

“Women who are developing.” At present, Mu Zi’s mood has not been affected at all, with a smile on his face.

She squinted and smiled like a peach blossom in early spring, charming and pure, and because of her young age, she showed a bit of cunning and playfulness, which was very attractive.

Murong Cheng can’t remember how long her sister hasn’t laughed, and always feels that her present look is somewhat similar…

Murong Cheng blurted out and asked, “Why don’t you eat that dish?”

Not all of the sumptuous delicacies at this feast were Su Zi’s favorite. There was one dish that Su Zi never touched.

Mu Zi’s eyes fell on the garlic loofah in front of him.

She doesn’t eat loofah.

I once heard a joke about a green snot of loofah, and since then I can’t look directly at the loofah…

The fried loofah is soft and slippery. Even the taste… is somewhat similar to nasal mucus.

Seeing that Mu Zi was only staring at the vegetables, without moving her chopsticks, Bai Wei asked her aloud: “Why, don’t you like this? Sometimes you have to eat some fruits and vegetables. Don’t be picky eaters, so the nutrition is balanced…”

To be honest, Bai Wei’s garlic loofah looks very good.

The cut pieces of loofah are neatly arranged, and there are crystal fans underneath, and red carrots are adorned on the top. When matched with green loofah, the color is bright and it looks very delicious.

Maybe the loofah in front of me was not fried to make it sticky or greasy, maybe because he was confident in Bai Wei’s craftsmanship, Mu Zi really stretched out his chopsticks and picked one!

Murong Cheng kept staring at her until she swallowed the loofah completely…

Mu Zi smiled and said, “Mom, every dish you cook is delicious.”

The sweet words of her daughter made Bai Wei so happy!

At the same time, Murong Cheng’s eyes were completely cold.

Mu Zi felt that Murong Cheng’s uncertain weather was like a neuropathy.

“Brother, don’t you want to eat it?” Mu Zi was staring coldly at him for a long time, and now he wants to owe a mouthful. “Is he already full of gas after quarreling with his girlfriend?”

“You can eat.” Murong Cheng glanced at her up and down, “Eat more to grow taller, short green onions.”

Mu Zi narrowed her eyes, “Fine toothpicks.”

If you don’t agree with each other, start the mutual attack mode.

Murong Cheng was furious, “You say it again?!”

Mu Zi immediately approached Bai Wei, “Mom!”

Bai Wei had a headache. While protecting Mu Zi, she turned to Murong Cheng and said, “What is your temper? Zi Zi is only joking with you!”

Murong Cheng was furious: “She said I am—”

That word is simply the biggest insult to a man!

“I know, doesn’t she just say you are thin?” The pure-hearted Bai Wei couldn’t hear the deep meaning inside, and said of course, “You said she was short first, Rong Cheng, you are an older brother, you shouldn’t be like this Say sister.”

Mu Zi shrank behind Bai Wei and raised his chin provocatively.

Murong Cheng was very angry, pointed at Mu Zi, and said sharply: “Mom! Are you so used to her?”

Bai Wei kindly persuades: “Zizi is still young…”

Mu Zi was holding the bowl, standing behind Bai Wei gnawing pig’s feet with peace of mind.

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