Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life (Mu Shao, Your Wife Is Born Again)

Chapter 26 - Are you exposed 2

In fact, there are many things that Bai Wei missed.

For example, when Mu Ling stuffed a snake into Mu Zi’s skirt, the little girl was so frightened that she collapsed, became incontinent in full view, and suffered ridicule and sarcasm.

For another example, Mrs. Mu was partial to Mu Ling, and indiscriminately rebuked Mu Zi with shame, and forced her to accept the so-called gift.

Some injuries are unforgettable. If her daughter has forgotten, Bai Wei doesn’t want to mention it again.

During that time, she had a difficult time with a pair of children.

Mrs. Mu passed away and Mrs. Mu’s family was headed by Mrs. Mu’s family. The life under the fence made Mu Zi’s personality introverted and sensitive, and the bullying of Mu’s sisters made even worse. After that incident, Mu Zi’s face no longer smiled…

Bai Wei wanted to escape countless times.

But because of her weakness, she compromised time and time again… always thinking that she would be fine if she was forbearing, and she would pass it after she had endured it, and it was today without knowing it.

She felt guilty for Mu Zi, and felt that her daughter shouldn’t be like this if it wasn’t for her incompetence…

Mu Zi has no memory of the original owner.

After listening to Bai Wei’s narration, besides adding a disgust to Mu Jia sisters, she was more shocked at Murong Cheng!

——What exactly does Murong Cheng want to do? !

The most puzzled thing is how did he recognize her? !

Even if you think your sister is wrong, you can’t tell that the core inside is Su Zi at a glance!

Mu Zi now feels very broken.

She hadn’t reported her revenge, so she was caught by a small tail so quickly, and she couldn’t feel happy.

Thinking of Murong Cheng’s existence like a time bomb, he felt very depressed not to say anything.

Mu Zi looked upset,

Bai Wei thought she was recalling the story of being bullied when she was a child, and patted her on the back with great pity.

Footsteps came from outside.

someone is coming.

Mu Zi helped Bai Wei bring out the hot breakfast, and when she raised her eyes, she saw Murong Cheng sitting lazily on the chair, looking like she was waiting for breakfast.

His appearance is too good, even in such a lazy posture, he seems suave and unruly, cold and handsome. Even if it is a dude, it must be the most handsome among dudes.

Mu Zi didn’t expect that he would actually come to have breakfast, his eyes widened and he was shocked!

Bai Wei smiled happily. Their family has indeed not had breakfast together for a long time.

“Eating wonton noodles today, it looks good.” Murong Cheng glanced at the meals and looked natural, not unusual.

Mu Zi hit the drum in his heart.

She secretly gritted her teeth and thought, if Murong Cheng really wanted to expose her, she would deny it to death!

Anyway, he has no substantive evidence, as long as she doesn’t admit it, he can’t help her at all!

Mu Zi sat down for breakfast, deliberately separating him from a seat.

She decided to keep a low profile. At least where there is Murong Cheng, it must be low-key!

“Hey, it’s stuffed with shrimp meat.” Murong Cheng took the soup spoon and casually poked the soup in the bowl, “Isn’t Zi Zi hate eating shrimp?”

“…” Mu Zi suddenly felt that the food in his mouth was in his throat!

It’s neither swallowing nor vomiting!

Until she saw Bai Wei on the opposite side with a confused expression, “Does Zizi love to eat shrimp?”

Mu Zi likes to give initiation!

Bai Wei loves her children so much, if she knew that Mu Zi would not eat shrimp, she would never bring this bowl of wonton noodles!

Murong Cheng is playing with her again!

The trial is endless, right? !

Mu Zi’s heart: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

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