Blood Moon Hunters

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 The Reason for Learning the Ways of Tao

“I never expected anyone to be able to reach such a stage. A person who can reach the six-hour mark is a talent that appears once every few generations! Is this boy’s potential truly so great? Is the Human Emperor of our sect, dormant for so long, finally appearing on Earth again? Xuanming, I believe you would be overjoyed if you knew.”

Yun Jinghong said, as he felt overjoyed and sad at the same time. He was pleased with Wang Bugui’s potential, but felt his heart wrench as he thought of the boy’s father, who had also been said to possess a demon-like amount of talent.

Suddenly, Wang Bugui could feel the pressure on his body gradually ease off. In fact, the longest it could exist was for six hours. He howled with joy as he stood up and channeled his blood vigor with whatever strength he had left at the receding aura. He heard a sound as the pressure surrounding him dispersed, unexpectedly not attacking him.

“Sheesh–! How could he still have so much strength left, and how dare he attack the aura?”

The boy’s actions made Yun Jinghong, who was standing not far away, take in a cold breath of air. It was the first time he had seen a younger sect member actively attack the aura of their forebears, and unexpectedly the surviving will of his ancestors did not retaliate.


Wang Bugui let out a low growl as he realized the test was finally over. Yun Jinghong nodded in approval at his direction, and the man then fed him an effective pill, before channeling his own power to help the boy absorb the medicinal properties of the pill. The fragrant medical strength of the pill soon covered Wang Bugui’s body, and he could clearly feel his bones re-connecting, and he could visibly see his wounds rapidly healing.

“Crack, crack, snap, pop.”

The bones on Wang Bugui’s body were completely fixed, the sounds of his joints popping back into place filling the air. In a few minutes, his body had completely recovered, and he marveled at the potency of the pill.

“Elder Yun, please take me as your disciple!” Wang Bugui said as he knelt down before Yun Jinghong the moment he recovered.

“First, tell me why are you seeking Tao?” asked Yun Jinghong.

“What else? I wish to become stronger and eradicate the world of vampires to avenge my clan!” growled Wang Bugui.


The sharp sound of a slap rang out. Yun Jinghong had given the boy a slap the instant he heard his explanation, and he chided Wang Bugui coldly, “Fool! Kneel down here and reflect carefully on where you’re wrong! No matter how talented you are, you should get out of here if you can’t figure it out!”

Yun Jinghong flicked his sleeves and left after he finished speaking, leaving Wang Bugu kneeling on the floor in a daze. He did not understand what he had done wrong. Was trying to become stronger and avenge his clan wrong? If it was, what was the right reason to learn the ways of Tao?

Unfortunately, Yun Jinghong would not give him any advice. He observed the palace with his mind and hoped that Wang Bugui would realize where he had gone wrong. To seek for truth was to seek for the truth behind Tao on one’s training journey, before one could rise into the Heavens and attain immortality.

If a trainee’s heart was consumed with revenge and bloodlust, he or she would never achieve much in Taoism, much less become an immortal. That is, unless this person took the other path and turned into a demon by achieving immortality by killing everyone in sight and using the souls of countless beings as his or her stepping stone. As such, Yun Jinghong wanted the boy to reflect. If he went on like this, he would be consumed by his inner demons when he reached the later stages of his training, even if he started off with only wanting to kill the vampires to avenge the death of his people.

If that happened, one would either be destroyed and lose all of one’s achievement in Taoism, or become a bloodthirsty demon if one survived. Naturally, Yun Jinghong did not want to see this happen, as it would be harder to steer talented individuals back to the proper path in the future if they did not start on the right track.

Of course, Wang Bugui was not aware of such complications and did not know what his mistake was. If he could not begin training in the ways of Tao without casting aside his desire and vengefulness, what was the point of it? He recalled the tragic scenes of his clansmen and parents dying, as well as the horrible death of Hanae Chiou, the person whom he trusted the most.


Wang Bugui howled in agony as he recalled the scenes of death and sorrow. Gradually, he calmed down and kept trying to figure out what his mistake was, as well as his actual intention of learning the ways of Tao. He remained to kneel until late in the night, and even though the palace seemed to exist in a separate pocket of space, he could still see the Sun and the Moon. Also, the Moon appeared to be extremely close to Yuxu Palace. The boy’s brows were furrowed as he wracked his brains to understand why he had wanted to immerse himself in Taoism.

He had already understood why he was wrong. He should not have been consumed by hate- his father had told him before that man should never be directed by their hatred, or else they would only be heading toward their own demise. That said, if he cast his hatred aside, what would be the driving force for him in the future? Longevity? Immortality? This were things that he did not aspire to achieve, however, as he fished out the pendant and tried to figure it out.

The silver glow of moonlight was absorbed by the pendant, and it gave off a bluish glow. Wang Bugui could feel a warmth radiating from it onto his palm, and he opened his eyes wide suddenly, as if some thought had hit him. The bluish glow coursed through his body and gathered at his heart, the resting place of Hanae Chiou’s soul. He could feel her soul absorbing the glow to repair itself, and even though it traveled so slowly that it was nearly unnoticeable, the repair process had already begun.

HIs soul observed Hanae Chiou’s tiny soul lying peacefully within his heart and noticed that her broken soul was still smiling. He could vaguely hear her telling him not to give up, as he had not fulfilled his promise to her. “Was this an exchange of souls after we have bound ours together in a contract?” he thought.

He recalled everything that Hanae Chiou had done for him, as well as the hope his clansmen had entrusted him with and the expectations his parents had for him. In an instant, everyone’s words reverberated within his mind, and hot tears rolled down his cheeks. He finally understood why he had to learn the ways of Tao. “So, I’ve been wrong all this while, terribly wrong!” he thought.

He was so fixated on avenging the terrible deaths of his loved ones that he neglected the hope they entrusted him with. At their very last moment, his clansmen had reminded him to take good care and to bear the responsibility of their people, while his parents had trusted him to protect the Earth. His mother was proud of him, and Hanae Chiou had sacrificed her life for him without regrets, because she believed that it was worth it.

After having figured out what his correct intentions should be, Wang Bugui got up slowly and gazed toward the inner chamber of the palace. At this moment, Yun Jinghong also had a realization and came walking back out.

“Have you figured it out?” Yun Jinghong asked, appearing before the boy in an instant.

“I understand. I’ve been so foolish; I was wrong at the very beginning,” said Wang Bugui as he shook his head and derided himself.

“Where were you wrong?” Yun Jinghong continued asking.

“Everyone placed their hopes on me, but I was blinded with hatred and only thought of revenge, going against their final wishes. I neglected the sincere advice those that sacrificed their lives for me had given. If I continue to make the same mistake, how can I ever grow to be someone they expect me to be?” said Wang Bugui as he furrowed his brow and repented.

Wang Jinghong nodded slowly as he heard the boy speak. The boy had seemed to realize where he was wrong, and what followed next would be for him to find his own path ahead.

“Follow me outside of the palace. I want to hear what your intentions of learning the ways of Tao are,” Yun Jinghong said as he walked toward the exterior of the palace. Wang Bugui followed behind at a normal distance.

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Chapter 33 The End of the Search for One’s Own Path

Outside the Yuxu Palace was the spot closest to the cloud of stars in the galaxy, and Wang Bugui felt as though he could grab them if he reached out. They were walking toward the two watchtowers and finally stopped before them.

“Now you understand the motive behind learning the ways of Tao?” Yun Jinghong turned around to ask the boy after glancing at the starry sky.

Wang Bugui lifted his head and replied resolutely, “To achieve what everyone expects of me, to bear the responsibility of my clan, to attain the hopes of my parents and to save Sister Chiou so that she can come back to the world of the living!”

Yun Jinghong smiled as he heard the boy. “Very good. I haven’t misjudged you nor disappointed those that died for you. Learning the ways of Tao means to cultivate a heart that can protect the tenets of Taosim and seeks enlightenment, not one that is directed by hatred or desire. Casting your hatred aside doesn’t mean that you can’t avenge the death of your loved one, but having a clear focus in seeking the truth of Tao. When you’ve achieved something in Tao, what’s the purpose of seeking revenge?”

He walked below the bright moon and continued speaking to Wang Bugui with his back turned. “Learning the ways of Tao is to become stronger and capable enough of protecting yourself and those that you value, not obsessed with killing. You should only act in self-defense, and only after your assailant keeps coming after you! The world of Tao is similar to that of mortals. Everything is ranked by strength, and how can you protect the things around you if you’re weak? If you want to become strong, never cease seeking to achieve more in Taoism, but if you want to achieve that, you have to possess a heart that is focused on learning the ways of Tao.”

“Those that use Tao to do evil will never achieve true understanding of it, and even if he or she manages to do so, one day Heaven will destroy him or her. Only one that uses it to do good can truly attain enlightenment in Tao, and such a person will need to possess a heart filled with love. Only love can lead to the true path of Taoism.”

Yun Jinghong turned to face Wang Bugui as he continued. “You shouldn’t let down the people that have passed, and you should protect those that are still alive with everything you have. Save those that still can be saved, and if you’re strong enough, no calamity will be able to obstruct you. Those that are strong in Tao can rule over many worlds, control Taoism itself and go against the will of the Heavens!”

“If you want to achieve all this, you have to maintain a pure heart. I’ll help you step on the right path. Your father was my regret, and now I’m placing all my hope on you. I’ve seen your talent and tenacity first hand, and I’ll throw in all of my knowledge to help you achieve immortality!”

Yun Jinghong’s grandiloquence stirred up a thousand waves in the king’s heart. It is no wonder that his father taught him from an early age the idea of training people to conquer nature. Now that he thought about it, in fact, Wang Xuanming has already pinned his hope on himself. What kind of determination and courage does this require?

“I will definitely not disappoint Master Yun!” Wang Bugui did not return and resolutely showed his determination.

“Well, it’s getting late. I’ve arranged a sleeping place for you. Let’s call it a day and let you know about spiritual practice tomorrow.” Yun Jinghong nodded and took the king to sleep in the palace on the right.

That night, Wang Bugui fell asleep within a minute of lying down. Originally he was supposed to be very excited and difficult to sleep, but today he was tested by three hours of coercion and could only compete with the flesh and blood vigour. He was really exhausted.

Yun Jinghong saw everything in the main hall and could not help but smile calmly. It was really surprising that this young man could persist for six hours.

It was known that this kind of fairy seedling could only be seen in ancient times, and now he can even meet it in this era of the late arts. This great fortune is not only heaven’s luck, it is simply a direct hit. At the same time, he also came up with a prediction handed down from the mouth of the Qin Dynasty’s Big Capables that the planet would be transformed in 2,000 years.

Perhaps there would be an immortal road that will open in that lifetime, but this immortal road must also be paved with blood and bones. Because of the great changes in heaven and earth, there would also be an unprecedented murder and robbery. Only an invincible and powerful person on this plane could save it. Was it this life?

“If it is really this life, presumably those old guys are also preparing for immortal road.” “The biggest prosperous time since the era of the late arts is the opening of the biggest crisis, who is going to turn into the devil to destroy the world, and who is going to save the whole world with his own efforts against the crisis to destroy the world?”

Yun Jinghong looked at the stars with a sigh of emotion, whether this prosperous time is a blessing or a curse is unknown. Only by focusing on the present is the most important thing, after all, regardless of whether the world is big or not, the monk’s world takes strength as its honor. He just wanted to do everything he could to teach Wang Bugui not to return to this promising young man. The future world could only count on him.

“I will gamble with this day and pour all the resources left here on him. Success is proof, failure is death!” Yun Jinghong clenched his fists and secretly made up his mind to bet on this life even if he was sorry for all the ancestors.

The next day, Yuxu Palace.

“Bad boy, get up!” An abuse came to wake the sleeping Wang Bugui. He quickly got up from his quilt.

“Ouch! How can it be so heavy!” Wang Bugui cried out. He just stood up and found that the gravity here had increased a lot and pressed him directly onto the bed again. He then got up after adapting to the change of gravity.

When he walked out, he saw a smiling face and immediately guessed that this unreliable Master had made it.

“How? How does it feel the suppression of the Taoism? I can’t help it. As long as it is in this sect, people will be suppressed, as well as me.” Yun Jinghong said with a smile, without any feeling like a teacher, but like a deceiving obscene trickster.

“You didn’t remind me earlier!” Wang Bugui said angrily.

“That is so boring if I reminded you. This is a surprise. You can walk normally even if the ban is fully implemented, you are indeed the person who can hold on for six hours under the suppression of the Tao in main hall.” Yun Jinghong smiled.

Yun Jinghong’s words made Wang Bugui speechless. It seemed that this Master never thought of treating him like a normal person.

“All right, all right, this will teach you to slowly get to know the real world. Follow me.” Yun Jinghong gave up his way and took Wang Bugui back to the main hall. The two walked all the way through the main hall to the back of Yuxu Palace. The space behind the palace was more generous than that of the palace. Right in front of them was a land full of auras. Different precious grass grew everywhere, and a purple waterfall hung like a Milky Way in the middle of it fell down.

On the right is a black martial arts arena, and the left is a white martial arts arena. If take a look from a high altitude, a huge Tai Chi diagram will be formed. The place where Purple Waterfall water flows is a curve. Yun Jinghong led Wang Bugui to sit on the ground without returning to the Purple Waterfall. The crystal-clear purple water around him fell from the sky and stirred up purple water vapor, like a dream.

“Bugui, you listen up, the so-called cultivate Tao is to lead the congenital prana power turn into our bodies. Before this, you have to get into Basing State for 100 days. Only after Basing State can you activate the prana power into your body. And I will teach you how to find this prana power from nothingness, and when we have the congenital prana power, we can officially start cultivation.”

“The first step in the world is to get the Basing State in 100 days, because this is the foundation for the way you will build in the future. Having a solid foundation is very important to the monks. I think your physical body is tough. Your father must have trained you strictly since childhood. Maybe he has baptized your body. Otherwise, how can a monk who is not at Basing State be able to use his physical body to contend with the entry-level coercion for six hours?” Yun Jinghong said detailly.

“Well, since I was a child, I used to soak in different colors of potions every once in a while. Once there seemed to be Black Dragon Blood.” Wang Bugui nodded.

“Your father was so well-meaning! He pinned all his hopes on you and spent countless efforts to temper your physique. In addition, he also knew the training methods of tempering your physique. Only by complementing each other can you achieve today’s results. Then I can’t live up to his expectations, and now I’ll help you build the foundation for 100 days!” Yun Jinghong sighed, and then began to explain how to build the foundation for Wang Bugui.

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