Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 1342

It’s not too late for these accounts

“Okay.” Yana readily agreed, tightly

Then he said. “Neither do we want to spoil Barland’s final

Organized armed forces, after all, we are not the kind

For a snob who doesn’t care about the overall situation for his own sake, this

Well, let’s go, is it alright?

“Hey, your Royal Highness Yana, are you talking about it again?

That’s it. “Landrito hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

“You are absolutely indispensable here, besides, you

Where can I go after leaving? The world beyond the highest peak has

Completely submerged by the flood, there are those terrible ferocious everywhere

Sick marine creatures, isn’t this going to find death? “

“Okay, if we go, you go

bar. “Yana looked at Landrito coldly. “Choose one

“This… is there no way to get the best of both worlds.”

Landry Tuo smiled bitterly.

“No, we can’t coexist on both sides, I said

Up. “Although Yana’s tone was very indifferent, she was intolerant

Doubtful mandatory xing.

“Well, let’s move to the mountainside.

I’m always waiting for your dispatch. Isn’t this always okay? “Lan

Delituo kept giving way.

“I said, I can’t coexist with you.” Yana

Still not wavering in his attitude

“Miss Yana, we must put the overall situation first, I can’t bear it

It’s messy, the mainland’s combat power continues to be internally consumed, it’s true.

Hope is gone.

Chapter 8 ~ Coming (Part 2)

“Ninbo and they haven’t done anything yet. I’m already very

I can bear it. “Yana uses a smile without a trace of smile

Looking at Ji Yue.

“In any case, we can’t do anything with these Quranians

Breathe the same piece of air, there are them without us, there are us

Without them. “Speaking of which, there is no

There is room for maneuver.

It’s not just hatred that makes Yana hate Ji Yue,

And as the queen, the other party has no responsibility or responsibility

A sense of responsibility.

It was at this time that, in a flash of God’s skill, face

The girl in front was short, her knees softened and her forehead

Lie down on the ground.

Lord Queen! “The wooden dowel is anxious and wants to help

Landryto held his hand.

“what are you doing?

“This is a matter between two forces, we just don’t

It was his pawn, and he had no right to interfere with the queen’s decision. “Lan

Delhito said quietly.

Yeah, the arrogant Queen Quran descended on me

Kneel, this is something I never thought of. “short

After a brief surprise, Yana came back to her senses and continued to adjust


“Then, what should I say next? Step by step

Class continues, apologize and apologize for forgiveness

Yes, why didn’t you say a word? “

“I’m sorry, but I won’t beg for forgiveness, afterwards

I will leave. “Ji Yuewen said with a voice. “But please

Don’t reject my subordinates, can’t add hemp to them


The scene, as Ji Yue bowed her head and confessed her mistake, she fell into

Calm, whether it’s the soldiers of the Quran or the onlookers

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