Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 1375

After realizing that she could not succeed, Bai Ji stopped

Power transmission.

Lilias is the same as before, without any changes


“I see.” The silent people around thought

While trying to comfort her, Bai Ji spoke up. “for sure

We are not strong enough.

“As long as you kill all Devourers you encounter, you can

Come on, it must be…” Bai Ji was as calm as death

The eyes looked into the distance. “Just start with that foreign octopus


Looking at Bai Ji’s expression at this moment, Yana felt

A hint of worry arose.

Yin dark castle somewhere unknown.

“When my daughter was sad for her unscrupulous mother

When the party was sitting comfortably eating melon seeds

I don’t know what she would think if she knew about it. “Permeate the water

Jingqiu looked at the scene in which Kerr jokingly moved towards the corner

Luo asked.

“Isn’t this all arranged by you? It’s all my fault

Where are you? ……How is it going? It’s beyond your plan

The count part?

“There will always be errors, you know, I can’t

Be foolproof…even after repeating so much

Chapter 18 ~ Going Home (Part 1)

“Emperor sister, where are we going now?”

“Where? Of course I went home.” Bai Ji said naturally when she heard Yana’s words.

“Home?… But the emperor sister, the Blood Spirit Palace in Saplan has been submerged and corroded by the flood. Even if it is rescued, the building will probably be dead.”

“Well, that’s right, so you have to rely on your help.” Bai Ji mounted the dragon, and the members of the blood family camp also mounted Miluo’s back.

They are leaving. Update.

“Your Majesty’s trip is going to reshape the world, or do you want to drive the alien species that stay in this world out of Balland?” asked Gordon, who was on crutches.

“Why do you ask separately? We both have.” Bai Ji grinned indifferently.

“In that case, please take it with you.” Gordon asked for instructions.

“So, do you want to witness the reshaped world, or do you want to help us kill the alien species?”

“My answer is the same as you, all.” Gordon swears on crutches.

“OK? Do you care about the Wu clan? In fact, I am very puzzled about this. Like the elves, the Wu clan stays in the realm outside of Baland. Regarding this matter, you can completely stay out of the matter, right?”

“The Witch race is on another plane. Although it will not be affected, if the foreign species are unscrupulous, the wave of aggression will sooner or later hit the wizard’s spire.” Gao Deng said. “Please let me follow you. I want to witness the new world you have created.”

“Really.” Bai Ji turned her head. “Then you are coming up soon? Waiting for us to come and invite you personally?”

“It’s rude.” Hearing this, Gordon tidied up his robe and walked onto Milo’s back.

After that, the people who should go were all there, but Milo did not fly away.

Ji Yueyu stopped talking and was about to part ways, but she couldn’t say anything to keep her.

It was precisely because she had figured out her current relationship with her that she couldn’t say those words.

Just ask, how could the prince of Gulan say to the queen of the blood race, “Please take me, I also want to witness the world you reshape”?

The Yamao have been a subject country where the blood is not on the face of Mingling from before. It is reasonable to take the Yamao to go, but what about the Seven Qurans like them? Previously they were enemies, and it was impossible for them to be promoted to relatives and friends in Chinese in a single crisis.

Even if it is a temporary partnership, there is no need to continue to help them.

“Your Majesty, my people and I have nowhere to go, that…hey, please take it in.” The thigh is right in front of him, how could Xiaosha let it go, and she got permission after selling a cute. The Asian cats got on Milo’s back.

“You bring your people up here.”

When the stupid Huo Lei looked around, Bai Ji stopped him.

“Ah? I?” Huo Lei pointed to his nose.

“Who else can you be?” Bai Ji looked at him funny. “I haven’t invited you for a drink, we don’t want to owe someone else.”

“Wine? Ahhh, is there such a thing?” Horais thought about it, and almost wanted to break his huge head. He couldn’t remember that the blood queen owed herself a meal, confused. He was pushed onto the dragon’s back by the tribe.

Then, only the Gulan side remained at the scene and there was no movement. Don’t mention how embarrassing the scene was.

“Why, don’t those who stay here plan to leave?” After a while of silence, Bai Ji said.

“We, right?” Ji Yue raised her head slightly.

“If you want to continue to stay in this place where the birds don’t shit, we also call it, although it is really troublesome to bring more people.”

“Is this really okay?” Knowing what Bai Ji meant, Ji Yue seemed a little entangled and embarrassed. “You are the Queen of the Blood Race, aren’t you? It’s no good for you to rescue a group of Qur’ans.”

“It is not good for us to save a group of Qulan people, but it seems that there is no conflict between saving the Qulan people and the sister who saved us, right?”

“Sister, sister…” Ji Yue suddenly reacted and looked at Bai Ji in a daze. “You said, sister?”

“Although we shouldn’t say this, let’s talk about it for the first time. The situation in the mainland is very bad now. For safety reasons, it is better for you to follow us.” Bai Ji suggested.

“Sir Queen.” Gulan’s knights shifted their eyes to Ji Yue’s body, waiting for her decision.

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