Blooming America

Chapter 1145: Reagan playing High

While Catherine was carrying out the vicious "pre-digging" operation, President Reagan was also considering the future of the United States. (Baidu search: net, the fastest update to read novels)

According to the opinion of the supply economics school, tax cuts and welfare expenditures were implemented, which made enterprises and individuals willing to engage in production and technological innovation activities. In addition, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Volcker adopted a tight monetary policy. Policies have initially curbed the upward momentum of commodity prices. In addition, the Reagan administration used large-scale arms expenditures as a means of fiscal stimulus to stimulate the economy. These new economic policies implemented by the Reagan administration made When the U.S. economy as a whole in 1978, it slightly got rid of the trouble of stagflation, and the U.S. economy began to grow moderately.

Although the New Economic Policy of the Reagan administration did not bring high growth to the U.S. economy like the Reagan who played gh in Chapter 1145 as expected, Reagan believed that his own policy provided a good momentum for the future development of the U.S. Lay a solid foundation.

Paul Volcker was appointed to the post by Reagan at the beginning of this year. The chairman of the Federal Reserve has played his talents. For Reagan, this is definitely a good effect.

But... not enough!

Yes, not enough!

Compared with the Soviet Union, the development of our own side is too slow!

Moreover, Reagan knew that this kind of policy cannot last long, and only through other channels can the United States continue to develop!

The Soviet Union has witnessed the rapid development of their national power in the past two years. Andropov has just reached a conversation with China worth 50 billion yuan, which has directly thrown off the United States and Japan plus more deals!

The normalization of Soviet-Chinese relations has brought the two closer together. Although there were irreconcilable differences between the two sides, the Soviet Union realized that only an industrialized China that tends to itself can help them.

When China received a large number of machine tools from the Soviet Union, all kinds of Chinese food and groceries also flowed into the Soviet market.

At the same time Reagan played gh in Chapter 1145, the Soviets also seemed to want to bring the Internet to China. Fortunately, Mr. Wu said that he had to think about it, so this thing didn't happen either.

The Internet was stolen by the shameless Soviet spies!

Well, even though it is such a sentence, it is said from the Chinese side that it should be "discretionary" attitude. They also don't seem to want to offend the United States too much.

But with the help of China, the United States, which originally occupied two-thirds of the world's manpower and resources, suddenly lost its advantage.

The New Economic Policy of the Reagan Administration, he believed to be in line with the development of the times, it freed the country from the quagmire of intervening in economic activities, and thus exerted the huge power of the market, an invisible hand, to the U.S. economy. Come out of the shadow of long-term stagflation.

At the same time, Reagan believes that because of his own large-scale tax cuts, it also makes it possible for individual entrepreneurs, which can increase vitality.

But still not enough!

Need more violent! A policy that is more able to compete with the Soviet Union!

The main goal of the Reagan administration in dealing with international political affairs was to win the Cold War against the former Soviet Union, so it increased military expenditures significantly, hoping to maintain an absolute superiority in the military deterrence of the Soviet Union. The increase in military expenditure has led to the expansion of fiscal expenditure.

In order to solve the rapidly increasing fiscal deficit, the Reagan administration issued a large number of medium and long-term treasury bonds to raise capital. But the key question is who are these government bonds sold to? According to the savings level of U.S. residents at that time. Investors in the United States do not have so much money to buy the huge treasury bonds issued by the government. So the only way left is to attract international capital.

Reagan set his sights on Europe and then at Japan.

The U.S. Treasury bonds are the most cheating thing in the world—now that only Catherine has this knowledge.

But for this world. U.S. Treasury bonds are blue-chip stocks.

Including Reagan himself.

Reagan first set his sights on Europe.

Europe experienced a period of rapid economic growth from the 1960s to the 1970s. This period is called the "European Economic Miracle".

In Europe, the richest is the former Federal Republic of Germany.

In the early 1970s, when the U.S. dollar fell sharply, Nixon issued "Nixon bonds" priced and settled in Deutsche Mark.

The culprit of this debt can be traced back to Catherine.

If it weren't for Catherine, Nixon would step down, and if Nixon stepped down, there would be no such "Nixon bond".

Because of the depreciation of the U.S. dollar. Refers to the US Nixon administration in the mid-1970s in response to the turbulence of the US dollar exchange rate and issued Treasury bonds denominated in foreign currencies such as Deutsche Mark to raise funds to support the US dollar.

Although the Federal Republic of Germany purchased US treasury bonds at that time, the Federal Republic of Germany was mainly concerned not with the U.S. dollar, but the European Monetary System (EMS) that Europe was also clamoring for the establishment of the EMS in the past two years. The Federal Republic of Germany is an active advocate and promoter of EMS. The purpose of the system is to coordinate the exchange rate policies of European countries. Establish a relatively stable exchange rate mechanism within Europe.

As the large-scale oscillation of the US dollar will harm the stability of EMS, the Federal Republic of Germany agreed to provide limited funds to the United States to maintain the stability of the US dollar. But the Federal Republic of Germany does not support the U.S. government's policy of reviving the U.S. dollar and is unwilling to provide the U.S. with large amounts of funds.

During the short period of the Ford administration, the other party had to make the Fed finally have to reduce the money supply and implement a tightening monetary policy.

The Reagan administration knew that Europeans were busy building their own monetary system at a critical moment when the US dollar’s ​​position was volatile, so it was impossible for the Reagan administration to ask Europeans to pay for their huge fiscal deficits.

Then Reagan set his target on Asia.

He first looked at the largest country in East Asia, and then shook his head—that country doesn’t have much foreign exchange, and now it doesn’t even have a market, and its attitude towards the Soviet Union is so ambiguous that it is naturally not an option.

But Reagan had another good choice-Japan.

Yes, the Reagan administration can only rely on attracting funds from Japan to buy US medium and long-term Treasury bonds.

"Now, only Japan can help us tide over the difficulties."

Reagan knew that his new economic policy was a policy that could not be sustained, and that this strategy would inevitably lead to a series of changes in the long run.

Military expenditures have been rising year by year, and it is not known whether the tax reduction strategy will make the big capitalists cheaper in the end. The cut in welfare policy has already caused Reagan to be scolded by many people.

But even so, the development momentum of the Soviet Union has surpassed Reagan and others.

At this time, Reagan had no more methods.

What Reagan was able to do was to get rid of this predicament by passing on his own risks at this time.

Hmm...commonly known as cutting wool.

Japan is a sheep raised in the United States. Compared to Europe with its own will, Japan, the "son country", is the most pro-American, the "daddy country."

"It's up to you, Japan!"

In order to attract international capital, especially Japanese investment funds, since January 1, 1979, the Reagan administration has implemented a "high interest rate" and "strong dollar" policy. The high interest rate policy uses high interest as a bait to attract a large number of Japanese institutions and individuals to invest capital. A strong US dollar policy is sufficient to stabilize Japanese investors’ confidence in the US dollar.

The Reagan administration's series of policies aimed at attracting international capital as its main goal have indeed achieved very good results.

However, this policy has met with strong domestic criticism and opposition.

In this context, many major manufacturing companies in the United States, members of Congress and other related interest groups strongly urge the Reagan administration to intervene in the foreign exchange market and depreciate the U.S. dollar in order to save the increasingly depressed American manufacturing industry. Many economists have also asked the government to change the policy of a strong dollar on the grounds that the hollowing out of the industry will endanger the long-term development of the United States.

But the Reagan administration ignored these calls and demands. Because the Reagan administration knew that it is the most in line with the economic and political interests of the United States to attract international capital to the maximum, especially the inflow of Japanese capital into the United States.

As long as a large amount of Japanese capital continues to flow into the United States, it will be able to make up for the United States’ increasing deficit in trade and services, and the United States’ balance of payments can still be balanced. Isn’t that good? Not only that, the United States still has surplus funds for foreign investment and maintains the United States’ globalization strategy. This is even more a good way.

But Reagan's approach has broken the hearts of domestic companies.

At this moment, another news appeared.

Catherine Edson and China jointly announced on January 28 that the Ark Group will invest US$5 billion to build a series of industrial bases in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta regions of China.

This day happens to be the Chinese New Year, which is also deliberately done by the Chinese side.

At this time, American companies seem to have seen the light!

In fact, many people already want to go to China, but they are often blocked by China because of policies.

But at this time, China and the Ark Group made such a cooperation plan, which surprised these people!

They wanted to go to China in enthusiasm, and Reagan's policy became a whip to drive them away!

—Who will let everyone in the world share it?

And they didn’t know that the Chinese side of UU Reading had a good impression of Catherine. Catherine’s telegram in 1976 saved the people of a city in the earthquake, less to say, it also saved 200,000 people. It's different from this average American company...

On the other side, Reagan seemed to be playing gh.

Is it enough to go to Japan to shear the wool?

No, this is just the beginning.

"This is the most important bill for financial institutions in 50 years. It provides a long-term and effective solution for troubled savings institutions." Ronald Reagan signed the "Deregulation of Depository Institutions and Currency Control" in 1979. Declared after the Act.

At this time, Reagan didn't know what he did...

The second one today!

There are four more! (To be continued) RQ! !

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