Blooming America

Chapter 1152: Choose actors


Catherine covered her face, facing such acting skills, it was... ashamed.

She curled up the cold face Kane next to her, and then shook her head: "Laugh if you want to laugh..."

"...I haven't laughed for a long time, some forgot..."

Kane’s words directly plunged Catherine into a speechless state

Catherine didn’t know what Sheffield was going to do. At this time, Catherine was still happily choosing actors in Xianggang.

The reason why we say "joy" is related to the people of Hunan and Hong Kong.

In Xianggang, the auditions for the magic horse are often clouds

In Xianggang, if you want to shoot a film, the time may often be only ten and a half months. Even for a character like Liu Xhua, the filming time is very short.

If the filming cannot be completed within a month or two, it is already considered low-efficiency in Xianggang.

But in the United States, it’s not the same. For a film made by a rich woman like Catherine and a local tyrant, a shot can last for ten days and a half. It’s difficult for a film to come out in less than half a year. Just talk about post-production special effects. "Reaction" took more than a year for the film. With the combined time of the trilogy, hundreds of films can be shot in Xianggang.

It is for this reason that in Xianggang, there are very few auditions in this place. It is often the director who thinks that a certain star is suitable, and then he calls the other party and starts filming. Only for that kind of big show, will there be two occasional auditions.

But Catherine is different. Isn't she investing a lot of money to shoot a classic?

Catherine has made up his mind to make this movie "Journey to the West" kill the same type of film in the next 50 years. Of course, the selection of people must be strict.

Unlike the mainland, Xianggang has a wealth of actors and actresses. These people have excellent acting skills, which are rare in the mainland.

At the same time, Catherine also asked DreamWorks to go to Japan to recruit a group of actors. Sino-Japanese relations are being normalized, so Catherine thinks this should be used to "promote friendship". As for the other side of the strait... then hahaha...

Through Zou Wenhuai, Catherine released the idea that she was about to choose actors in Xianggang. This idea, once arrived in Xianggang, it exploded like a blockbuster in Xianggang.

The ratio between the US dollar and the Hong Kong dollar is about 1:7, which means that Catherine’s 100 million US dollars is at least 700 million in Xianggang.

In Xianggang, the cost of a "blockbuster" is only about 10 million Hong Kong dollars. This is still a very big blockbuster.

In other words, Catherine can shoot 70 Xianggang blockbusters with less money.

In other words, Catherine’s large investment directly shocked the entire Xianggang.

At this time, Xianggang’s attitude towards China is actually somewhat different.

Because at this time, it has not been before or after the return, so their mentality is a little different. Because of the events more than ten years ago, they are actually somewhat afraid of the mainland.

However, since last year, people in Hunan and Hong Kong suddenly discovered that the mainland seems to be a little different.

They were shocked, and after that, they eagerly wanted to understand this changed world

And just at this time, Catherine appeared

Go to the mainland to film?

And they also invested a hundred million dollars?

These people immediately became interested

——But they don’t know yet. Catherine is already preparing to continue to invest another 100 million yuan in. If you let them know, you must kneel down...

But because of this, Catherine also attracted many young actors who want to pan for gold.

These people were very interested when they learned that Catherine was choosing actors.

At this time, led by Zou Wenhuai, a group of star stars were invited to audition in Xianggang. This was a rush for the people of Xianggang.

In the 1970s, Xiang-Hong Kong Kung Fu movies changed from naive to mature. Bruce Lee, a martial artist, was the key promoter of this stage. He integrated practical skills into film shooting, which gradually freed Kung Fu movies from the influence of dramatic moves. Prior to Guan Dexing Dozens of Huang Feihong movies and Zhang Che and Wang Yu's martial arts movies starring masters are among them, the fighting action representing the flowing clouds and flowing water, which greatly improves the fluency and appreciation of kung fu movies, and Xianggang kung fu movies have come to the world from then on.

Although Bruce Lee only helped Zou Wenhuai to shoot a few films in Xianggang, these films are still very marketable in Xianggang, and gradually opened up such a kung fu film market.

The 1970s in Xianggang was a weird era. With poor public security, rampant corruption, coupled with the oil crisis and stock market disasters, the society was in a turbulent period.

But at the same time, Hong Kong’s economy began to take off, the fire developed, and so-called "local consciousness" films began to appear as art of collective projection of mass consciousness, which best reflected social phenomena. Therefore, at this time, a number of exposing social darkness appeared. Phenomenal film

Catherine once viciously complained about Xianggang. Although this trough is about Xianggang in the 21st century, but speaking of it, this is because of the "local consciousness" of Xianggang in the 1970s, which made them feel good about the mainland. There is no sense of belonging and make them think they are superior

Of course, because Xianggang in this era is still attached to the British Hong Kong government, and the economy of Xianggang is taking off, at this time, they don’t have too many extra ideas.


Catherine shook her head

The actor opposite shook his head regretfully, and then left

Don’t blame the other party, mainly because Catherine’s topic here is too strange

At the beginning, Catherine said, "You are free to play a segment, but you have to express the connotation and depth, and then talk about why you want to perform this segment."

In one sentence, many actors are dumbfounded

At this time in Xianggang, although there are many professional actors, many of them are "halfway renunciation", and Catherine here has a "playful" nature, which makes this audition difficult for Xianggang actors. too much

Later, Zou Wenhuai couldn't stand it anymore, so he told Catherine directly: There is a problem with your choice like this. At this moment, who can think of a perfect solution?

In fact, the answer Catherine wants to hear is very simple: "I am acting myself" or "I am an actor, I don't need connotation and depth, because I am the role, and I am not acting, because...I am him."

Good...too literary style...

But it is precisely because of this that Catherine restrained a bit, not so cheating.

"Um... you are here to perform a situation where the hero just defeated a group of masters there, and then stood proudly, when he was suddenly **** after being thrown over by someone turning his head..."

The next actor came over, and Catherine made another nonsense.

In fact, this is a story about being struck by thunder pretending to be 13...

However, the actor simply sat there, put his hands behind his back, put his handkerchief into his mouth, and started acting.


The other party seemed to wake up slowly from the dream, and then looked around like a torch, but he looked calm. Although he was tied up, he still seemed to be a hero.

But right after that, the other person’s eyes started to flicker, and then the mouth started to make a humming sound. Suddenly, people could see the contrast with the previous one.

Although there is no line, but the eyes and expressions are quite good

"Okay, that's it... Tell me why do you act like this?"

Catherine asked

This is the answer: "You just said that you want me to play a hero who just defeated a group of masters and stood upright proudly. I think this hero should be a man with high vanity. After being knocked down by others, this person will naturally have to maintain his vanity and identity as a hero at the beginning, but such a person is not necessarily firm in mind, so I think that this person will definitely become Afraid"

Hey, this person can think of this with a nonsense of his own words

"Um... Wu Mengda?"

So it's this guy?

"Hmm, you are qualified"

Catherine said that this is enough

This guy can be the leading role... but who is it? Pig Bajie?

It seems that Wu Mengda was valued this year by relying on the role of Hu Tiehua in "Chu Liuxiang"

Now, the other party does not seem to be a famous actor

But Catherine thought for a while, still felt that Zhu Bajie could not give this person

"Journey to the West" in 1986 is recognized as the most classic, most respected, and most acclaimed TV series "Journey to the West"

Although in Catherine’s view, the special effects of this Journey to the West are infinitely cheating, no one will question the outstanding performance of all the actors in this film.

Mr. Ma’s Zhu Ba Jie is the most classic and has both a similar appearance and a godlike Zhu Ba Jie. Although many people have re-interpreted the image of Zhu Ba Jie after, it is undeniable that no one can beat him in the film. Wearing a black monk's hat, wearing a black monk's clothes, carrying a big nail rake, shaking his big ears, and a big belly, he swayed behind Tang Seng’s little white horse. His character traits are completely based on the original work: timid, greedy, lazy, Lascivious, and a little stupid, but can also play a key role in certain times of crisis

Of all the Pig Bajies, Catherine didn’t think anyone could overstep this one.

Hmm... Just shoot another big story version...

Catherine thought so, it was so decided.


Catherine decided to shoot two "Journey to the West", one is the normal version, the other is the blackened version... Well, yes, even if it is the four masterpieces, we have to black it out.

Hmm... If you look at it this way, Master Xing is indispensable... But what is he doing now?


Today is six, the outbreak of the outbreak to be continued)

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