Blooming America

Chapter 38: Father and daughter

"I'll go shopping first."

   Mars said, ready to go out.

   "But, Dad, shouldn't we go to the hospital?"

   Ida asked hurriedly.

   "The doctor just called and said that the time has been delayed. It seems to be an emergency."

   Ada shrugged.

   Most Europeans and Americans will make appointments for what they do. Now that they are temporarily cancelled like this, maybe something really went wrong.

   Of course, there is another reason-that is, Mars didn't want to go to the hospital, so he found a reason to be perfunctory.

   After all, the spirit of mental patients... is so abnormal.

   Mars left the house soon.

   "I'll call the doctor."

   After Mars left, Ada stood up.

"what's happenin?"

   Catherine is a little strange.

   "Our home doesn't have a phone installed at all-to be precise, it should be our home phone. Since it broke down a month ago, it has never been replaced. He just doesn't want to go to the hospital."


   It seems that this is the second situation, no doubt, Mars did lie to them.

   "Kate, Mr. Bittman will come over later. Originally, he wanted to go to the hospital with his father. Please explain this situation."

"I understand."

   There seems to be no public phone booth around, and it looks like Ada will have to run a long distance.

   Ada stood up and left the house, while Catherine stayed.

   Ada crossed the street and then came to a public telephone booth.

   But when she was about to call, she found that there seemed to be a person standing behind herself.


   Ada was taken aback.

   "Ada, come out. I know what you are going to do." Mars still looked calm.

   "But Dad—"

   "No, but listen, Ada. If you must ask me to see a doctor, maybe the next time you see me, you will be in a mental hospital."

   "It's just an anterior lobe resection... Dad..."

   Ada looked at each other.

   Leukotomy is a neurosurgical procedure and the world’s first psychiatric surgery. Including schizophrenia, clinical depression, and other anxiety disorders. It also includes some people who are thought to be insane, such as: moody, young and frivolous.

   This operation will be abolished in the future because of the side effects that are too large and almost no effect, but it is now a very popular operation. Americans are all superstitious that this operation can solve all mental problems.

   If the white matter or cortex of the front lobes of the brain is removed, the person will calm down. However, the reason why the patient with white matter removed became docile, not because his mental illness was cured, but because the advanced mental function in charge of the front lobe of the brain was removed. In other words, the patient becomes a waste person and an idiot.

   The famous novel and movie "Flying over the Cuckoo's Asylum" depicts such a morbid American society.

   "No, but Ada." Mars suddenly turned red under his eyes, and then roughly pulled Ada out of the phone booth.

   "No but, do you understand?!"

   Ada stopped talking, and her eye circles started to flush, but this was completely different from what Mars meant.

   In the 1950s and 1960s, American mentally ill patients suffering from severe violent tendencies will be forced to perform "prefrontal lobe resection".

   This scene on the street is only seen as a contradiction between the girl and the father.

   At Ada’s home, Catherine also welcomed a guest.

   "Oh, beautiful Miss Catherine, I didn't expect us to meet here." Bittman smiled at Catherine.

   "Ada went to call, Mr. Mars went to buy groceries, if you want to find them, wait."

   Catherine said to the other party.

   But after waiting for a long time, neither Ada nor Mars came back, which made Catherine a little strange.

   "Strange, what happened to them?"

   Catherine was a little worried, and then stood up.

   She opened the door and looked down the corridor, but still no figure was seen.

   Bittman rolled his eyes, then looked out the window, still no one seemed to be seen.

   He suddenly took out a bottle from his medicine chest, and then took out a towel.

   "Maybe Miss Ada met Mr. Mars, and then the two went to the supermarket together."

   Hearing Bittman’s words, Catherine began to think so too. Although New York is messy, the law and order in Philadelphia is slightly better. Catherine guessed that this is probably the case.

   "Miss Catherine, why don't we have another short hypnotherapy."

   "Short hypnosis?"

   "Yes, it will take about ten minutes."

   "Sounds pretty good. But Ada will be back soon. Thank you."

   Although it seems to be harmless to myself. After all, I did it once myself last time. But Catherine felt that it seemed that Jenny's technique was better.

   And Catherine was always wary of each other.

   Bittman seemed a little tangled.

   He looked out the window again.

   There is still no one.

   Then, Bittman's face suddenly became distorted...

   At the corner of the street, Mars violently pulled Ada's collar.

   "No! I won't go back!"

   Ada yelled.

   "Shut up! You are my daughter, so go back with me now!"

   Mars became extremely angry.

   He seemed to burst out, but he seemed to be trying his best to suppress his emotions.

   "Listen, Ada. I must never go to that kind of place. How is your Uncle Bill now, don't you understand?"

   Uncle Bill, whom Mars said was his comrade-in-arms. Two years ago, he was forced to undergo an anterior lobectomy by his family due to mental problems.

   "He is much better already! At least better than you!"

   Mars seemed to calm down suddenly.

   Ada looked at him blankly.

"Yes, it's completely different from before. Sitting at home has become dementia. Listen, Ada, you are responsible to you. I love you just like a mother who loves you. Maybe you don’t understand, but you really look alike..."

   Tears flowed out like this.

"I know... You want to go to Hollywood, want to be an actor, but I object. I don't want you to be with those on the dark road. Ada...oh... are the only one I live The beacon..."

   He knelt down suddenly.

   "Ada... I really don't want to lose you."

   Ada opened her mouth, only to find tears flowing from her cheeks into her mouth.

   "But... that's just an operation that can cure you."

   "No! You don't understand!" He suddenly walked away again, and then pressed Ada's shoulders with both hands.

   "Okay, let's go home."

   Mars pulled Ada, but the other party would rather die than follow.

   "No! I will never go! Help! Help!"

   Perhaps because of the previous sentence, passers-by seemed to regard Ada as a bad girl who had left home, so they ignored it.

   Ada resisted desperately, but how could her power be comparable to Mars?

   But at this time, Mars suddenly put Ada down.


   Ada came back to her senses, but found that Mars had already rushed to the front. Then following Mars's direction, she saw a small car, and the Doctor Bittman who happened to be coming to her was carrying a girl who seemed to be asleep into the car.


   Ada was taken aback, and by this time, Mars had already rushed to the front.


  Is it so important? Being able to advance and retreat is a real magic weapon~

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