Blossoming Path

Chapter 13: Showtime

Chapter 13: Showtime

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the trees, I stood in the village square, my heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nerves. My meticulously prepared potions and elixirs were neatly arranged on a large table before me, their vibrant colors shimmering in the morning light. I had spent the entire night refining my presentation, ensuring that every detail was perfect. I even delved into my memory palace when I was brainstorming, going through my memory trees to make sure I left no stone unturned. But despite my thorough preparation, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling of anxiety that gripped my chest.

Tianyi sensed my unease and fluttered onto my shoulder, her soft wings brushing against my cheek in a comforting gesture. As her delicate form settled, I felt a gentle surge of qi flow into my body, soothing my nerves and filling me with a sense of calm. I looked at her in surprise, marveling at the potency of her newfound abilities.

Name: Tianyi

Race: Mystical Butterfly

Affinity: Wood

Cultivation Rank: Qi Initiation Stage - Rank 2

Special Abilities:

Qi Haven: Transforms frequented areas into concentrated qi zones, boosting recovery and cultivation efficiency for those within its boundaries.

Moonlight Empowerment: Gains increased power and vitality under the moonlight.

Qi Siphon: Can absorb small amounts of qi from its surroundings to sustain itself.

Qi Transfer: Can imbue living beings with energy by transferring its qi, providing a small boost to those who receive it.

Bond Level: 3 (Close Companion) - Tianyi has formed a deep bond with you, displaying loyalty and commitment to your shared journey. Her abilities may strengthen in response to your connection, and she will be more attuned to your emotions and needs. Additional abilities or enhancements may become available as your bond continues to grow.

"Your abilities seem different, Tianyi," I whispered in awe. "Is this the influence of the Moonlit Grace Lily? It's incredible!"

Something akin to positivity reverberated through our connection. I couldn't help but smile, my worries momentarily forgotten as I basked in her comforting presence. I had brought her along with me, she would give me the aura of mystique I needed to make my presentation that much better. I wonder if Lan-Yin and Wang Jun would come? I was half-expecting them, but I forgot to tell them to come in my rush to create the presentation. Some support would be nice!

My anxiety eased slightly, accepting things as they are. Whatever happened, I would take it in stride.

If Xiao Yun didn't see the worth in my products, that doesn't mean it was for naught. It simply meant that the Azure Silk Trading Company failed to see my value! Me! Kai Liu, the finest cultivator in the Tranquil Breeze Coast. I am giving them the opportunity to ride my coattails before I ascend.

The village square was bustling with activity, people haggling over prices and admiring the exotic wares on display at Huan's trading outpost. I was seated in the center of it all at the merchant's behest, and I sat there with all my products on the table covered by a fine, silk cloth. He said that they'd be here any moment and was waiting by the road. The scent of freshly baked bread and grilled meat wafted through the air, mingling with the earthy fragrance of herbs and the sweet aroma of flowers. The cacophony of voices, laughter, and the clatter of hooves on cobblestones filled the air, creating a lively and vibrant atmosphere.

Most of the villagers heard of my products and clamored for them, although I told them I couldn't sell any until my presentation was done. I had to negotiate the prices, and I had a full understanding of how much it cost to produce my elixirs. Five silver per potion was the goal! I'd get the value I deserve!

My hard work and knowledge would finally pay off here. I glanced at my interface, glancing over my stats as of now.



Interface Manipulator - Allows manipulation of the Heavenly Interface and access to special features.

Race: Human

Vitality: Sufficient


Affinity - Wood

Cultivation Rank: Mortal Realm - Rank 2

QI: Qi Initiation Stage - Rank 1

MIND: Mortal Realm - Rank 1

BODY: Mortal Realm


Spiritual Herbalism - 1 (...)

Gardening - 10 (...)

Cultivation Techniques: N/A

I reached the tenth level in Gardening, but it didn't evolve yet.

Gardening (Level 10): A skill that imparts knowledge and expertise in cultivating, nurturing, and managing various plants and gardens. Gardening allows the user to optimize the growth of plants, increasing their quality and yield.

Next Stage: Nature's Attunement


Qi Initiation Stage - Rank 1

Gardening Proficiency - Level 10

Acquire the Wood Affinity.

Successfully grow a plant with Qi.

The only requirement I'm not confident I reached was the last one. Grow a plant with Qi? I've been infusing my qi into the plants I've been growing since I learned the skill. I did it at the same frequency I watered my garden, but it seems I haven't fulfilled it. Perhaps it meant I needed to wait until the plant infused with qi is fully mature? I thought back to my garden and remembered there were a few that would be ready for harvest by next week. I'll infuse those and wait until then.

If this deal goes through, I'll be able to build the greenhouse of my dreams! I'll be able to expand my garden and house more plants! Maybe I can even use it to secure some more Qi plants for myself!

Calm down, Kai. The merchants hadn't even arrived yet! I can't get ahead of myself. Focus on the prize.

"She's here!" I heard Huan cry out, alerting me out of my stupor.

I felt a surge of anticipation ripple through the air. Everyone's voices became muted as the rhythmic sound of hoofbeats approached, and I turned to see a magnificent horse-drawn carriage with blue undertones making its way toward us. The craftsmanship was exquisite, with intricate designs etched into the gleaming wood, and the azure silk curtains billowed gently in the breeze.

The carriage came to a halt, and the door opened to reveal four individuals. I could see Xiao Yun, the daughter of the head of the Azure Silk Trading Company, sitting elegantly within the carriage. Her long, flowing hair cascaded down her back like a silken waterfall, and her eyes sparkled with intelligence and curiosity. She was beautiful! If Lan-Yin was pretty, she was drop-dead gorgeous. My cheeks would've flushed upon seeing her, but I was too focused on my presentation to care.

Before she could step out, Huan, seemingly harried, approached the carriage with enthusiasm. He bowed before addressing her. "Lady Xiao Yun, welcome to the Gentle Wind Village. I am Huan, the merchant in charge of this trading outpost. It is an honor to have you grace us with your presence."

Xiao Yun stepped out of the carriage, her movements as graceful as a swan. Behind her, two attendants followed, each carrying various scrolls and implements. They were clearly well-trained and skilled, their movements fluid and coordinated as they assisted Xiao Yun.

The fourth individual, a mysterious escort wearing a bamboo hat that obscured his face, stepped out of the carriage last. His posture was relaxed, yet there was an unmistakable air of power and authority that emanated from him, sending a shiver down my spine. I couldn't help but wonder about his identity and the purpose of his presence here.

As the group approached, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. Huan was talking animatedly and gestured towards me, drawing the woman's attention to me. The hours of preparation and hard work had led to this moment, and I was determined to make the most of this opportunity. I greeted Xiao Yun with a confident smile, my eyes meeting hers without hesitation.

It was time.

"Lady Xiao Yun, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Kai, a humble herbalist. I have prepared a selection of my finest potions and elixirs, and I humbly request an audience to showcase my work to you."

Xiao Yun studied me for a moment before nodding, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Very well, Kai. I am intrigued by your request and curious to see what you have to offer."

With her permission, I began my presentation. I picked up the first potion, a modest but effective energy-boosting tonic. "This, Lady Xiao Yun, is the Invigorating Dawn Tonic. It is formulated from the essence of the Morning Dew Herb and ginger, which I have personally collected from the surrounding forest. A single sip can reinvigorate the body and mind, providing a much-needed burst of energy for those who toil long hours. It relieves fatigue immediately, and..."

As I continued, I showcased various other creations, such as the Tranquil Night Elixir, a sleep aid derived from the essence of the Dreamweaver Vine, and the Vigor's Reprieve, a hangover potion crafted from the Rejuvenating Marrow Root. Every single one I had given a grandiose name, befitting of their effects! I was certain anything short of cultivator medicine fell short of what I made.

Throughout my presentation, I emphasized my knowledge of the local herbs and plants, explaining how I had unlocked their true potential by extracting their essences to create more potent effects. The gathered crowd listened with rapt attention, their eyes widening in surprise and admiration as I revealed the secrets of my craft.

While I presented my potions, Tianyi, my butterfly companion, fluttered gracefully around the table, her vibrant wings shimmering in the sunlight. Xiao Yun's eyes followed her movements, and she remarked, "What a beautiful creature. I've never seen an Azure Moonlight Flutter before. It's truly mesmerizing."

I smiled, feeling a surge of pride for my companion. "Thank you, Lady Xiao Yun. Tianyi is a treasured companion."

As my presentation drew to a close, I could see the curiosity and admiration in Xiao Yun's eyes. "Your creations, while seemingly mundane, are truly remarkable, Kai. May I see that one? The Invigorating Dawn Tonic?"

I handed it to her with both hands, and she examined it with a critiquing eye.

As I watched her carefully handle the Invigorating Dawn Tonic, the captivating hues of golden yellow and soft orange swirling within the elegant glass vial. She gently swirled the semi-transparent liquid, allowing the fine particles of Morning Dew Herb and ginger to dance in the light. The container seemed to capture the essence of a sunrise. She deftly uncorked the vial, and as the aroma of the potent ingredients filled the air, I could almost feel the rejuvenating energy that awaited her with just a single sip.

It was the most potent version of my energy-boosting tonics, while also being the most impressive looking one! I was glad she picked it out of all the ones I brought.

Xiao Yun turned to the man wearing a bamboo hat behind her and offered the concoction. Without a word, he drank the thing in one gulp, and I anxiously awaited his reaction.

"...It's given me a boost of energy. Any fatigue I had just left my body, as minor as it was." He said in an impressed tone. I couldn't see his features still, except his mouth. Who was this guy? Some sort of escort?

Xiao Yun seemed to take his words into account, crossing her arms and looking at the rest of my wares while humming quietly.

Huan, who had been standing nearby, chimed in. "I can personally attest to the efficacy of Kai's potions. I used them yesterday and found them to be quite potent. Kai holds great potential in alchemy, and I believe his work will only continue to improve."

My heart swelled with gratitude for Huan's endorsement. I had not expected him to speak on my behalf, but his words carried weight in this negotiation.

Xiao Yun finally turned to me, her eyes sparkling with interest. "Your work is indeed impressive, Kai. I must admit, I didn't expect to find such talent in a small village like this. Your dedication to your craft is evident, and your creations have potential. The Azure Silk Trading Company would be interested in discussing a possible partnership with you."

A wave of relief washed over me, and I could hardly contain my excitement. This was the moment I had been waiting for, the opportunity to make a name for myself and secure a better future. I bowed deeply, my voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Lady Xiao Yun. I am honored by your words and would be delighted to work with the Azure Silk Trading Company."

She nodded and gestured to one of her attendants, who handed her a scroll. "Very well, Kai. We will draft a contract detailing the terms of our partnership. Once the terms are agreed upon, we can proceed with establishing a working relationship. I believe your potions and elixirs could prove popular in the markets we serve. Let's work on this tomorrow. I'll need to discuss this further with my advisors, as well as Huan, for referring you to us."

I couldn't believe it. My hard work and persistence had finally paid off. As I watched Xiao Yun and her entourage depart, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment swelling within me. The support of my friends, my cultivation journey, and my bond with Tianyi all led me to this pivotal moment. The villagers showered me with praise, and I felt like I was on top of the world. I bowed to Xiao Yun and the group before they headed off, and noticed the man in the bamboo hat facing me, his gaze fixated on me for a brief moment. But before I could question it, he turned away.


As I turned to begin packing up my wares, I noticed Lan-Yin and Wang Jun among the crowd, their faces beaming with pride and happiness. The blacksmith looked like he was just pulled away from the forge, still covered in soot and ash. I smiled at them, knowing that their support had helped me reach this point. My cheeks were beginning to hurt from how much I was smiling. I had done it! I wanted to shout and make a fool of myself, but the merchants hadn't left the vicinity yet.

There was much work to be done. With the Azure Silk Trading Company's backing, I would be able to create my dream greenhouse, expand my garden, and explore new cultivation techniques. The path to greatness awaited, and I was ready to embrace it with open arms.

But first, I was going to celebrate!


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