Blossoming Path

Chapter 94: Pyrite's Promise

I won?

First place?

It felt like the entire arena had their gaze on me. Heart hammering in my ribcage, I did my best to look confident and reassured. I couldn't lose face in front of all these people.

It didn't work.


I pumped my fist, raising it in the air.

The crowd's cheers amplified, and I felt a rush of exhilaration. The anxiety that had gripped me moments before melted away, replaced by an intoxicating sense of triumph. The weight on my shoulders lifted, leaving me feeling almost weightless. This feeling, this rush—it was addictive.

I caught sight of Duan Jian, his face twisted in disbelief and anger. His fists were clenched, and his eyes burned with frustration. Before I could even think of what to say, he stormed towards the judges.

"On what basis was I eliminated?" he demanded, his voice tight with barely restrained fury. "I demand that the results be checked by an unbiased party!"

The crowd became dead silent, and I felt goosebumps creeping down my skin as his words echoed through the Marble Jade arena. All of the judges glared at him, including Ma Hualong. Elder Mingmei stepped forward, her gaze icy. Despite being a head shorter, her presence commanded respect. "Are you insinuating that we were biased in our judgment, Duan Jian?"

He faltered for a moment, but he seemed to make his mind up and double down. However, the sheer pressure of everyone's gaze on him served to temper his rage. "I am merely stating that my Qi Replenishment Pill was of high quality. It deserves to be reconsidered."

Elder Mingmei's expression hardened further. "All ten of the chosen contestants boasted high-quality alchemical products that adhered to the Gauntlet's restrictions. Your Qi Replenishment Pill, however, barely utilized pyrite. It was an afterthought, not a core component."

Elder Wei Lian stepped forward, his voice cold and precise. "Furthermore, your pill was not up to par with those among the top ten. It lacked the innovative use of pyrite that we sought in this challenge."

Duan Jian's face reddened, but he refused to back down. "This doesn't mean I am less of an alchemist than they are. Pyrite is a useless ingredient—one that only lowly blacksmiths," he pointed a derisive finger at Tao Ren, "would use in their career."

Was he angered about being eliminated? Or because he got eliminated in the same round as Tao Ren?

A few sounds of agreement came from the stands, the tension palpable. Even among the eliminated contestants, some nodded their heads, although didn't verbalize their agreement. The judges looked among each other, and all collectively sighed.

Elder Wei Lian picked up a chunk of unused pyrite from Duan Jian's station and held it up. "Pyrite is only useless in the eyes of useless alchemists," he stated coldly.

With a speed belying his age, he traced symbols onto the surface of the table, two distinct circles, glowing with rich qi. Alchemical arrays, just like Jingyu Lian's...but they were far more complex.

As the symbols glowed brighter, the chunk of pyrite in Elder Wei Lian's hand began to change. Before our eyes, it started to crystallize, the transformation almost mesmerizing.

I could feel my heart pounding, my breath caught in my throat. The level of skill and control he demonstrated was beyond anything I had ever seen. This was the pinnacle of alchemical mastery.

Elder Wei Lian continued without touching the pyrite, his arrays doing all the work. When the transformation was complete, he held up a perfectly crystallized piece of pyrite, its facets catching the light in a dazzling display.

"Observe," he said, his voice calm but carrying the weight of authority. "On top of its properties shown so far, pyrite also boasts protective properties, ones that can be drawn out in several ways. The way I showed you is just one of them."

He then crushed the crystal in his hand, and it disintegrated into a fine powder. With a smooth motion, he let the powder fall onto his skin, where it seemed to dissolve and form a thin, shimmering layer. The layer moved and swirled like oil on water, a mesmerizing sight.

"This powder, when applied to the skin, creates a protective barrier," Elder Wei Lian explained. "It can deflect attacks from cultivators." To demonstrate, he struck his arm with a qi-infused finger. The shimmering layer glowed and absorbed the impact, dispersing the energy harmlessly.

"The perceived uselessness of an ingredient lies not in the material itself, but in the eyes of the alchemist who uses it," he said, his gaze sweeping across the area and finally resting on Duan Jian. "An alchemist's true power is in their ability to see potential where others see none."

Duan Jian's face drained of color. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Thoroughly cowed, he lowered his head, unable to meet anyone's eyes.

As I watched Elder Wei Lian's demonstration, a realization dawned on me. Despite my victory, there was still so much to learn about alchemy. To them, we must've looked like bumbling, clumsy fools. I had only begun to scratch the surface.

"That's right!"

A faint voice from the stands shouted out. I looked over to see someone shoving their way out of the stands and into the arena. The height from the stands and where we competed was not insignificant, as an older gentleman fell out and landed on the floor. Landing on one knee, the old man grunted in pain.

"Damn it all, my body doesn't work like it used to..." He muttered, dusting his robes off nonchalantly, as though he hadn't trespassed onto the premises.

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Ma Hualong's stern voice cut through the murmurs of the crowd. "Sir, this area is restricted. You are trespassing—"

But as he took a closer look at the intruder, his eyes widened in recognition. "Master Ren?"

The name didn't ring a bell for many in the audience, including me, but the judges reacted instantly. They hurried forward, their previously stern faces now filled with respect. Even Elder Mingmei and Elder Wei Lian, venerable elders themselves, seemed to hold this man in high regard.

"Master Ren, it's an honor," Elder Mingmei said, bowing slightly.

"Indeed, welcome," Elder Wei Lian added. "We weren't expecting your presence, we would've had an open place for you on the panels otherwise."

Master Ren greeted them all with grace, a warm smile spreading across his weathered face. "Thank you, esteemed judges. I was merely here as an observer."

Who was he? Master Ren? If they called him that, then it meant he was on the same level as Master Li Tao, who boasted the Essence Extraction skill. Was that old man truly famous? How come I never heard of him?

I glanced over at the others. Many of them had the same reaction I did. Tao Ren, however, shifted uncomfortably, rubbing his eyes in disbelief. There was something about this old man that unsettled him far more than the rest of us.

Master Ren turned to the audience, building upon Elder Wei Lian's point. "Transforming ingredients is a fundamental skill in alchemy. It's about seeing potential where others see only limitations."

"But, there's a limit," He narrowed his eyes, turning on his heel and walking in a beeline. Straight towards a certain blacksmith.

"Dad?" he squeaked, his voice barely a whisper compared to his usual bellow.

The revelation hit me like a bolt of lightning. Master Ren was Tao Ren's father. The whispers in the crowd grew louder as the realization spread. Even the judges seemed baffled by the reveal.

Master Ren's eyes narrowed. "Don't you 'dad' me, you overgrown lump of charcoal!" he roared, his voice echoing through the arena. "I send you here to prove your worth as an alchemist, not to turn this prestigious competition into a... a blacksmithing demonstration!"

"But dad," he countered, "who says a great alchemist can't be a great blacksmith? The principles are practically the same – harnessing the essence of materials, transforming them with skill and intent! It's just a different kind of furnace!"

Master Ren's left eye twitched. "Oh, is it now?" He said, standing chest to chest with his son. It was comical, considering how different their physiques were. "The only reason you even know how to extract iron from pyrite is because you were too lazy to gather the proper ores for your failed attempts at making swords. And the tempering technique? My flame tempering technique, no less! Used to forge a blade? If I were dead, I'd be rolling in my grave right now! All the knowledge I taught you, put to waste!"

"But... Dad," Tao Ren pressed on, undeterred, "it worked! It's a testament to my ingenuity, my ability to adapt! And besides," he added, his voice growing louder as he warmed to his argument, "this is the perfect opportunity to spread the word about the Jade Flame Foundry! We're not just your dusty old alchemy shop anymore, you know? We're the future of..." He paused, clearly searching for the right words. "...of alchemically-enhanced blacksmithing!"

Master Ren sagged his shoulders and sighed. With a beaming smile to the judges, he spoke. "I apologize for the interruption. I'll just be taking this fool with me for a much needed conversation."

He gripped the blacksmith's ear, pulling him down with not so considerable strength. it was comical; a short, frail-looking elder pulling along a blacksmith with a robust physique as though he were a petulant child. Master Ren's dramatic exit with Tao Ren in tow left the audience buzzing with murmurs and speculations. Ma Hualong quickly stepped forward, taking control of the situation with his authoritative presence.

"This round is officially over," he proclaimed. "Contestants, the next round will commence in two days. During this time, you will have the opportunity to gather another item from the vault."

I nodded. This was perfect. I'd have to think more about what reward I'd like to receive.

Ma Hualong continued, dropping a tantalizing hint about the next round. "The next round will be straightforward. It is a test of your ability to understand the history of alchemy. We have tested your theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and innovative approaches. Now, we will see how well you understand the roots of our craft."

As we dispersed, I found myself walking alongside Bai Hua and Zhi Ruo towards the lounge. We congratulated each other, feeling a mixture of pride and relief. However, our thoughts soon turned to Tao Ren.

"I feel bad for Tao Ren," Bai Hua said, shaking his head. "He really gave it his all."

"Yeah," Zhi Ruo agreed, his expression thoughtful. "But he has a lot to learn about focus and context. Crafting a knife in an alchemy competition... well, it shows his creativity, if nothing else."

We shared a quiet laugh at his situation. To think the 'old geezer' he kept talking about was a renowned alchemist...One that even the elders treated with respect. As we talked, I noticed Jingyu Lian making a swift exit from the arena. She didn't even glance at Elder Wei Lian, her movements stiff and deliberate.

My smile faded. I knew that between our products, hers could've just as easily been first place. And I was sure Elder Wei Lian had something to do with it. The man in question was talking animatedly with the other judges. A powerful, senior alchemist from the Lian clan, boasting ties with the strongest sect in the region along with the Alchemy Association. He clearly seemed interested in my Essence extraction skill, but...

"Kai? you there? Hello~?" Bai Hua said in a sing-song voice, waving his hand by my face. "We're going to eat. Are you coming?"

"Ah," I scratched my head. "I'm...feeling a bit tired after today. Maybe another time."

"Suit yourself. Come on, Zhi Ruo. Let's go!"

The two quickly made their way out of the arena, and I stood quietly there in the empty lounge. I didn't know what was going on in the background, and I had no real desire to find out. Her business was hers, after all.

"Eyes on the prize, Kai," I muttered to myself like a mantra. "Eyes on the prize."

Regardless the idea, that I won solely due to Elder Wei Lian's machinations left a bitter taste in my mouth. I wanted to win against Jingyu Lian at her best, to face her fairly, at her best.

If I didn't win on my own terms, could I really call it a victory?

As I stepped out of the arena, lost in thought, a familiar voice called out to me. "Kai! Congratulations on your victory!"

It was Feng Wu, his face beaming with pride. He clapped me on the shoulder, his grip firm and reassuring. "I knew you had it in you. First place! That's no small feat. From Kowtow Kai to this... It's really been a marvel to see you grow."

I managed a smile, but it felt strained. I couldn't even point out his use of my demeaning nickname. "Thanks, Feng Wu. It's just... I can't help but feel like something's off."

Feng Wu's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

I hesitated, unsure if I should voice my concerns. But Feng Wu was my friend and mentor. If anyone could offer insight, it was him. "It's about Elder Wei Lian and Jingyu Lian. Did you see how harsh he was on her? It seemed... personal."

He nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I noticed that too. It's unusual for a judge to be so critical, especially towards someone from their own clan."

"Exactly," I said, my words tumbling out in a rush. "And then there's the fact that he seemed so interested in my Essence Extraction skill. What if... what if he deliberately pushed Jingyu Lian down to ensure my victory? What agenda does he have?"

Feng Wu was silent for a moment, considering my words. "It's a possibility," he admitted. "But Kai, even if that were the case, it doesn't diminish your achievement. Your elixir was exceptional. You earned your place."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I know. But it doesn't feel right. I want to win on my own merits, not because someone else was unfairly judged."

Feng Wu smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "And that's what makes you a true alchemist, Kai. Your integrity. But listen, even if Elder Wei Lian had ulterior motives, he's just one judge. The others recognized your skill too. Don't let this overshadow your success."

His words were a balm to my troubled thoughts. He was right. I couldn't let suspicions and what-ifs distract me from what lay ahead. The Gauntlet was far from over, and I needed to stay focused.

"You're right," I said, my resolve strengthening. "I can't change what happened. All I can do is keep pushing forward, keep improving."

Feng Wu nodded, his smile widening. "That's the spirit. Now, about that reward from the vault. Any ideas?"

I felt a grin tugging at my lips. "A few. But I need to think it over."

"Well, you have two days," Feng Wu said. "Use them wisely. And remember, I'm here if you need any advice or just want to talk."

I nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude for his support. "Thanks, Feng Wu. I will."

As we walked away from the arena, my mind was already racing with possibilities. The vault was a treasure trove of alchemical resources. With the right choice, I could solidify my position, far after the competition is over. Maybe it was time for me to collect some pills that'll raise my cultivation.

But more than that, I was determined to prove myself, to show that my victory was earned through skill and knowledge, not favoritism or politics. The next round, with its focus on alchemical history, was the perfect opportunity.

I would dive into the archives, study the ancient texts and scrolls, and uncover the secrets of our craft's past. I would show the judges, the audience, and most importantly, myself, that I was a true alchemist, worthy of the title.

The Gauntlet had challenged me in ways I never expected, pushing me to my limits and beyond. But with each obstacle, each trial, I felt myself growing, evolving. And I knew, deep in my bones, that this was just the beginning.

The Interface sparked to life with two distinct notifications.

Your understanding of the dao has deepened.

Your Mind has reached Mortal Realm - Rank 5

Quest: Mind Refinement (Breakthrough)

- Revise one-hundred alchemical recipes and improve upon the processes within your Memory Palace. (0/100)

The world of alchemy was about to see what I was truly made of.

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