Blue and White Society

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 – Big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 10 Daluo Jinxian

Without too much entanglement, Mo Poor quit the game consciously after trying the effect, leaving the fun of the game to others.

Mo Poor doesn’t know if he will be able to report in the final summary interface if he kills someone else.

Seeing that Han Dang’s computer was still hung up with the game, he tried to double-open it and dragged Han Dang into the team.

After the double row was turned on, he found a gun and shot Han Dang directly in the head.

He killed the friendly army by mistake on the spot.

Logically speaking, Han Dang’s account can report him, but when he looked at Han Dang’s computer, he found that there was no report button at all.

“Interesting, the kill information showed that I killed him before, but now it doesn’t?”

“Summary interface… Well, could it be that the backstage actually conducted a data check at this time and found that he was not killed by anyone at all?”

When Mo Poor checked the phone before, he found that there was no problem. Then because of his checking behavior, the file that was forcibly uploaded to the phone desktop before was damaged. It seems that the thing that can be clicked to view the content like a computer interface before is just an illusion.

This kind of thing, which is a bit like a phenomenon of macroscopic quantum collapse, seems to be constantly happening during the game.

The bullet forcibly locks the head, this is undoubtedly abnormal data, and as an anti-cheat game server, it will definitely check constantly.

But according to the characteristics of Mo Poor’s ability, there will be no problem when checking.

At the same time, the abnormal data of Moqiong’s lock turned into garbage data, which was then cleaned up by the system itself.

In this case, the death of the player is of course judged as a non-player kill, and then it is impossible to find out who killed it.

“Well… that is to say, the server’s cheat detection system will, in this kind of screening, remove the traces of abnormalities caused by my ability?”

I don’t know, when Mo Poor killed other characters, it was indeed an abnormal cheating operation.

But once checked, it was no longer abnormal in an instant, but instead helped him turn the kill into suicide.

“Under forced adaptation, the function of one system will display the function of another system beyond its ability. But once you check how it is displayed, this adaptation will be destroyed in an instant, and it will return to natural and normal data, just like the abnormal phenomenon before. It didn’t happen.”

By comparing with the situation of the previous mobile phone, Mo Poor can quickly figure out this kind of thing.

It is nothing more than an abnormal adaptation phenomenon, and the details of how to adapt cannot be known. He can lock and kill players in the game, but the more he checks this kind of ‘cheat’, the more his traces will collapse, until the data seems to have never happened at all.

His account blew someone’s head off, and he didn’t blew someone’s head off at all, these are two uncertain events in a superposition state, at least in the background data.

When checking the data, it instantly collapsed to a normal result: that is, an account without a plug-in did not perform a forced lock and kill operation.

“Strange, even if this kind of thing only happens in the virtual world, it is because data can be expressed in any way in the virtual world.”

“But why can my ability be triggered even by the virtual character I control?”

After Mo Poor found out that the game characters can also be absolutely hit, he felt strange, as if he had gone into the game himself.

Could it be that the game characters he controls are part of him? Is the virtual world actually a real world?

In order to solve his own doubts, Mo Poor had a flash of inspiration and wanted to do a game-changing experiment.

He clicked on another game: Overwatch.

This is also a shooting game, but different heroes have different weapons and skills.

The game was basically dead, and he hadn’t played it for a long time. At this moment, he opened a single-player training session and chose Junkrat.

He was thinking about it when he was experimenting on the rooftop. That is whether a sufficiently complex mechanism can eject itself to trigger the ability.

For example, a concussion mine, which blows itself up like a spring. The landmine is connected to him as a crossbow. The button is like a trigger. After pressing, he is fired like a cannonball. In theory, his body should be used as an arrow to trigger the ability and fly to where he wants to go. It’s like a crossbow that doesn’t release arrows, but he himself lies on it.

But according to the previous test on the rooftop, this is not acceptable.

If the game character is regarded as himself, then the passive will not be triggered. It just so happens that Junkrat in the game has such equipment, and it’s worth a try.

I saw Mo Poor put a mine under his feet, controlled the character to stand up, and activated his skills.


The camera switched quickly, and Mo Qiong’s scalp felt numb.

Because on the screen, the character Junkrat is sitting on the top of the U-shaped building at the airport.

“… actually sent the character of Overwatch to PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds…”

“And, forced to adapt…”

He thought about bouncing Junkrat to the airport in the PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds that he played just now, and he actually shot it, and the character ID is the ID of the Overwatch account.

This shows that the game character still belongs to the arrow he shoots, but the arrow itself can shoot other objects that are absolutely hit, which is contrary to the test on the roof: he should not let the arrow shoot other things indirectly.

Mo Poor scanned the screen, the interface was still the Overwatch interface, he couldn’t see the number of survivors that PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds should see, and there was no such thing as a breath-holding bar.

Health volume and so on are still the Overwatch type.

Junkrat has… two hundred health!

The control character jumped directly from the roof of the building without dropping a drop of blood, because in the Overwatch game, there is no fall damage, and some are just obliterating terrain that will kill you if you fall.

On this map…Junkrat seems to be able to throw whatever he wants.

Mo Poor soon saw a PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds player walking with his back bent against a corner, as if he didn’t notice him.

After thinking about it, Mo Poor casually threw a trap, and sure enough, he was still able to use Junkrat’s skills.

The clip crossed the throwing distance that the skill should have, and fell directly at the player’s feet.


The man was imprisoned on the clip, and the players in front of the computer were stunned.

“What the hell? What did I step on?”


“I can’t move! When did this game update this equipment?”

The player’s first reaction was that this game released control weapons, and he didn’t pay attention to the update information.

But then, I heard two bombs rolling on my face, and then…

“Bang bang!”

He found himself headshot with a grenade launcher.

“What? A grenade launcher?”

The player stared blankly at the box behind his death, and a strange voice sounded in the headset: Aha, go back to the garbage dump!

“Did the player who killed me say it? Why does this sound sound familiar?”

He didn’t see who killed him until he died, but he just felt that there was a new weapon in this game.

Hurriedly went to the official website to check, but there was no relevant information.

He came to a game group and typed: “Just now, I was ambushed by someone when I was eating chicken, and was killed by a grenade launcher after being imprisoned. These two new weapons are awesome, and they are super suitable for Lao Yinbi.”

However, the friends in the group said inexplicably: “Are you sure you are playing chicken? Where did you get the trap? Are you still imprisoned? Are you stuck with a bug?”

“It’s the imprisonment, and the sound effect of the clip, it’s definitely an official update.”

However, the other party has already ignored him, thinking that he is mentally retarded, and he is grandstanding here.

This was very popular, and he told people everywhere, but no one believed it. After careful investigation, he was also dumbfounded.

Because there is really no official update in this regard.

At this time, a friend said: “Have you encountered cheating?”

“Cheat? Are cheats so good these days?”

“What are you? I saw a post just now, and someone met a new breed of god: Undead God of War! Those who can still kill after death sweep the field, and the last player who is about to be killed will eat chicken. Tsk tsk, this Chicken food is like a gift from the gods…”

“Fuck, is she so handsome?”

Mo Poor forcibly sent a character from one game to another game.

Using characters, skills, and weapons that no one else has in this game is truly shocking.

This experimental fact made Mo Poor certain of one thing. The game character he controlled would also have absolute hit ability, just like himself, but it was different from reality in that it could shoot itself.

“Why is this? Is the game world not as simple as a bunch of electronic signals? I have a special connection with the manipulated virtual character?”

He clicked to exit the game, and found that even exiting the game was the Overwatch interface.

Back to training, he thought about it, and changed another role: Pharah.

This hero also has a skill that can eject himself. I saw that he controls the character to launch a rocket concussion impact against the wall.

Although the moment of launching was thinking of the airport of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, Mo Poor’s experiment was different from that of Junkrat.

Because the Pharah’s vibration is an indirect ejection, only the rockets should leave, and the character will not be ejected directly.



Mo Poor looked at the Pharah in horror, and stood above the radar building.

He sent the character to PUBG again.

“No, it stands to reason that the rocket hits the wall, and the force of the shock bounces off the character, so I won’t be able to trigger a must-hit. This is indirect…”

Thinking, Mo Poor suddenly slapped his forehead, and suddenly thought of why there is such a big difference in judgment between the real world and the virtual world.

Because the rules of the virtual world have nothing to do with the natural rules of reality, they are just designed.

Who said the Elder Eagle’s skill is a mechanical reaction? The virtual world has the basic force of a hammer, and he shouldn’t use the mechanics logic in reality to think about game skills at all.

The character was ejected because the skill hit the wall, the character was too close, and was forced to eject.

It’s that simple, it’s just such a reason, so there is no such thing as the force being transmitted to the wall and then to the person!

“Understood, this is the interference force beyond the fundamental force, the rule.”

“I didn’t use rockets to shoot out the character, but I used the rules of skills to shoot out the character. In this case, there is nothing direct and indirect. I can shoot whatever I want. The reason why I can’t shoot many things in reality is that It is because the shooting method is not strong enough. It is because of the transmission of force, which itself still has a transmission process.”

As long as there is a corresponding shooting method, there is really nothing that cannot be shot.

As a mortal, he can only use the most superficial force in the real world, so he can’t touch the ability if he shoots something at the wall and then bounces back and knocks himself into the air.

As a player, for the game world, the virtual world, or the low-dimensional world, he naturally has interference power beyond physics, a very special shooting method.

This shooting method looks like an indirect shot, but it is not, it is just a misleading appearance.

For the virtual world, some functions on the software are also equivalent to crossbows on the hardware.

At this moment, Mo Poor controlled the character and flew directly over the airport.

When he appeared like this, the remaining players at the airport fell into madness.

“What the **** is someone flying!”


In the PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds game, everyone is the same, and there are no skills.

Even if some people move super fast, some lock on the head to shoot, and some can change the terrain, it is all caused by cheating.

But I have seen cheating, but I have never seen such cheating. In a realistic game, a hero from another game is implanted.

Holding a rocket launcher, jet aircraft behind the back, wearing gorgeous raptor combat armor, the whole character’s painting style is different from others…

This hang is so fresh and refined, it is not the same game as others.

“Fly like an Egyptian!” The hero character soars through the air and pops out a line.

The lines are something that is not available in the PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds game. The Pharah’s heroic and clear words make all the nearby players with broken coppers look up at the heroic figure in the sky.

“What kind of fairy is this?”

“This is Da Luo Jinxian!”

p.s: Please support, please collect.

(end of this chapter)

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