Blue and White Society

Chapter 1002

Chapter 1002 – We Are Orderers

Chapter 1002 We are Orderers

The newly established special organization of Lanbai Society: the Three-eyed Family, has begun to take shape.

First of all, there are a lot of applicants. After all, the human body is too weak… When fighting against the servant race of the Apocalypse, the members of the club can’t be regarded as confrontation at all, but have been running for their lives.

Now, although armed with various technologies such as force field cubes, the three-eyed family is powerful with almost no side effects, and can still grow!

Almost all members hope to be as strong as possible before the future disaster.

David made a careful selection. First of all, he must be tenacious and have an outstanding heart. Secondly, he must have a strong sense of combat and obey the command.

Third, it is best to have descendants. After all, if you become a three-eyed family, you will no longer be able to experience the functions of human flesh and blood, let alone leave your own human descendants.

Of course, the third is not a mandatory requirement, if it is voluntary, there is no need.

But even so, the number of three-eyed people has reached more than 100,000.

This is really no taboo, and there are three thousand members among them!

There are also 50,000 peripheral personnel and 50,000 descendants of the emperor.

In fact, there can be more, but David has controlled the number of people, soldiers are expensive and elites are not expensive, and the three-eyed clan needs to absorb a huge amount of energy to be strong.

Without huge energy, the combat power is not as good as armed with unified force field technology.

The only one who can ignore distance at will is Mo Poor.

As for the three-eyed people, once they are too far away from the phone booth, they will not be able to restrain their urge to return, and will try their best to fly back.

So they can only absorb the energy of the nearby Sirius galaxy, which is obviously not enough, not to mention that they live here themselves, so how can they absorb it casually.

So I have to bother Mo Poor to shoot the distant galaxies so that the children can eat…

At this moment, Mo Poor has begun to absorb the energy in the vast galaxy of the universe, and it is getting stronger every moment.

Of course, the stars in the Milky Way, he stopped after absorbing more than 10,000 stars he stared at.

He is just a small test, to practice his current ability.

These still have to be left to human beings. Human beings are going to develop now and squeeze out all the surrounding star systems. Wouldn’t the earth become an isolated island?

Next, he began to serve other members.

First, share the view of God from the south gate, and then move the view to the unmanned early universe to which Adams belongs, a strange and distant galaxy cluster.

Then, all the three-eyed people have gathered in space, waiting for Mo Poor to deliver.

Still a sunset bow!

There is no weapon more suitable for Mo Poor than this. The effect is shot, but the arrow is still on the string. Such a small feature brings Mo Poor not only no consumption.

There is also air shooting.

With his powerful three-eyed body at the moment, it is easy to shake the stars with one arrow.

Touch and then release, and instantly reflect the object hit by the arrow as an arrow.

Of course, he shot a

In an instant, the stars descended out of thin air in the space outside the earth.


On the earth, there was an uproar. The sudden appearance of a huge and bright star in the starry sky is naturally shocking.

Although people on earth have entered the interstellar era, this method of moving the galaxy is still unimaginable.

The star that suddenly appeared, not far from the earth, but not close either.

Intense radiation should have swept across the earth, killing countless people.

But in space, these radiations were intercepted by a group of hungry three-eyed people…

A little leaked, reached the earth, and was also absorbed by the planetary defense system of the earth, which has already developed rapidly in science and technology.

This makes it possible for people to raise their heads and see the strange stars occupying half of the sky, without feeling glare or being hurt by energy.

“Is it coming? Attack of the Apocalypse?”


“Why so fast! It’s over!”

Many people mistakenly believe that the invasion of the Apocalypse is coming again.

Society suddenly became chaotic again.

But the order soon stabilized again, because the human race is no longer what it used to be, and the heroes of the Zerg War awakened, making people less vulnerable.

In the past, countless people would go crazy and hysterical on the streets.

Mo Poor looked at the panicked and terrified crowd, and began to intensify the teleportation again.

The explosive technological leap of human beings will make their minds unable to keep up with the times.

If you can’t even look directly at this scene, how will you face the vast galaxy and how to fight against the entropy beast?

People must have a big heart, just treat it as training.

Soon, all kinds of white dwarfs, red dwarfs, and yellow dwarfs are hanging out of the sky.

Mo Poor sent a large number of stars, did not touch the earth, but almost surrounded the entire sky area of the earth.

At this moment, the earth only has daylight.

People looked up into space and watched in horror as these stars popped out of nowhere, growing in number.

This is obvious, someone did it on purpose!

It seems that a pair of invisible big hands threw the unknown star here.

For a time, a hundred days volleyed.

Intense radiation makes the earth’s double magnetic field irresistible, and the picometer-level planetary defense system is also overwhelmed.

But everything is under Mo Poor’s control.

It’s very simple. At the beginning, Mo Poor was still a mortal, and his own gravitational waves were not strong, so it was necessary to strengthen the distortion of time and space through deep extrusion to create a high-intensity gravitational field.

But now, the energy in his body is terrifying. The gravitational wave arrow shot out has a huge range of influence, sweeping across a sky area, just like the death light when the Apocalypse attacked the solar system, it can be erased with one blow.

Being able to shoot one inch is equivalent to shooting infinitely, and now Mo Poor can shoot even waves.

Whether it is sound waves, electromagnetic waves, or gravitational waves, in the past, they could only be converged into arrows.

All things are wave-particle duality, particles are waves, waves are fields, and fields are particles.

Absolute hit, so that the arrow must reach the landing point, so that all hits are expressed as particles.

And now, with the arrival of volatility, it’s okay.

With all nine senses, Mo Poor can choose to let the arrow not converge to one point, but retain the wave-particle duality of all things, so that it can be transmitted in waves, and the result is as if every point has reached the target.

The specific performance is that Mo Poor’s arrow can specify a range at the same time as the landing point. rather than being limited to one point.

In this way, the area that Fan Moqiong can feel can be hit by the absolute hit type range coverage at the same time.

The chaos on the earth only lasted for a moment, and then gradually stabilized. On the one hand, the society is more mature, and the law enforcement officers are extremely efficient in law enforcement.

On the other hand, those 99-year-old fighters restrained young people.

“Idiot, there is no alarm, why are you panicking!”

“This is what the orderers did!”

“Moving the stars, this kind of blow, I am afraid that the Apocalypse will also, can we really catch up with the development of technology?”

Although the chaos has subsided, the emotions of despair, frustration, and fear have not disappeared.

Countless people stood on the street, their attention completely focused on the sky.

If it’s not the Apocalypse, it’s the Orderer.

In fact, there is no orderer civilization. The orderer promoted by the Global Council does not exist, and human beings can only rely on themselves.

In other words, the so-called Orderers are actually the Lanbai Society, which has never been made public.

So if you really want to say that this is the work of the orderly, you are right.

“Look! There seems to be someone on the star!”

Many stars with distorted surfaces that seem to be being torn and kneaded.

Some people can take photos of the surface of stars through civilian picometer-level astronomical telescopes.

There are people, a group of brilliant creatures, they are huge, and they are devouring the energy of the stars.

This is naturally a three-eyed family, but how can the public recognize it? In their opinion, this is probably the real body of the legendary Orderer.

Three-eyed people can expand their body shape, of course, they can also keep it unchanged. A compressed body is stronger, but the absorption range is much smaller.

In order to intensify the absorption of the stars shot by Mo Poor, the Lanbai Society’s 100,000, 3-eyed clan, surrounded by stars, are frantically dividing up the energy.

Stars, like swollen air masses, are torn apart and turned into white light.

It can be seen from the earth that the red, yellow, and blue stars all turned white in the end.

They are gradually grotesque, twisted and deformed, and are slowly melting, shrinking like snowballs.

“Wait a moment!”

“There is a spaceship, it is our spaceship!”

People soon saw that there were interstellar class spacecraft, approaching these popping stars.

The earth has entered the interstellar era, and with the development of science and technology, spaceships are already used by civilians.

At this moment, some of the spaceships approaching the three-eyed family are patrolling guards already in space, while some are soldiers who resolutely chose to take off just now.

Not only that, many brave civilian spacecraft took off directly and intercepted them outside the earth.

“This is the territory of earth civilization, immediately disclose your identities! And explain your purpose!”

In space, there are similar gravitational wave communication broadcasts everywhere.

This made Mo Poor quite gratified. The Blue and White Society’s troops did not move when such a big incident happened, and the Global Council was not notified.

In this regard, the response of the Global Council is quite timely.

“It’s just right, let’s formally contact the people with this appearance.”

“Tell them, you are orderers.” Mo Poor said to the three-eyed people.

The people have always thought that there is an orderly shelter behind human beings, but this does not actually exist, and it is not a long-term solution.

The Blue and White Club must go to the front of the stage, but the idea of containment cannot be made public.

According to the judgment of the ultimate containment measures, the containment idea is actually the biggest factor in judging the ‘Blue and White Society’, and the rest of the elements are just additions.

The reason why the Blue and White Club emerged after so many twists and turns is mainly because there is a stone that was considered a member of the Blue and White Club 60 million years ago. Modern, was officially established.

In the meantime, the earth has experienced various immature hosts such as ancient gods, rebels, Mohists, and Little Brothers, before arriving here at the Blue and White Society and completely evolving into what it is now.

They may be guilty, ignorant, or depraved, but in the final analysis, all the previous inmates can be regarded as the predecessors of the Blue and White Society.

However, under the judgment of the ultimate containment measures, the idea of containment must never be universalized. What comes to the front must be in a packaged form.

Order is civilized, perhaps it is a good rhetoric.

p.s: Sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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