Blue and White Society

Chapter 1039

Chapter 1039 – Whetstone

Chapter 1039 Whetstone

Mo Qiong smiled casually and said, “What’s the point of thinking about this?”

“I can’t even shoot the body information of Po Luoge’s avatar now, I don’t know where his information is at all…”

Qin Huali said: “Maybe the box is enough to deal with the queen, giant, you are too cautious…”

Mo Poor smiled and said: “Really? The characteristics I created with the box can remove the price of an immortal soul. But it can’t remove… the countdown to death.”

Qin Huali was taken aback, which meant that Mo Poor’s characteristics made with a box were lower than those made with the Queen’s absolute adaptability.

“But this does not prove that the characteristics of the box itself are not as good as the queen. Maybe after bringing the box to our dimension and including all the dimensional information, the box can edit the queen.”

Mo Poor nodded and said: “In short, we all have to go back. I still have the last card, but it is extremely dangerous and I can’t afford to lose.”

“Can’t afford to lose?” Qin Huali was taken aback, he didn’t know why Mo Poor was so afraid of the Queen.

Mo Poor smiled and said: “It’s okay, I can’t afford to lose, so I have to do it.”

I saw Mo Poor, first sent back the creatures that Ao En and others had rescued before.

After that, many members who were sealed by the remnant soul of the World Destroyer were resurrected.

He lifted the shackles of the times, and lifted the blow of wisdom.

“Hei Emperor!” Aoun said respectfully.

He understood everything, Qin Huali told them everything that happened, and Aoun immediately introduced Mo Poor to the president of Lanbai who had been ‘dead for many years’.

“Thank you for your support, Hei Di, I am Chen Tang, the president of Lanbai in this dimension.” A man with red hair and dragon horns, full of evil spirit, holding a giant sword transformed from his own spine, looks like a demon king Said.

Mo Qiong smiled, this is the former saint president of the Lanbai Club in this dimension, he was not tortured like this by the Destroyer, but he was like this.

Although the World Destroyer tortured him, he fell into 60 million years of torment, and even made him collapse.

But the state of collapse has been removed by Mo Poor, making it return to the sanity it had 60 million years ago.

The image of Destroyer is like a sword fairy, but President Lanbai looks like a demon king. It can only be said that the image is not important, no matter how evil the power obtained, the real strong will not shake their nature because of it.

“I have given you the power of heavenly ghosts, and your world will be handed over to you. I still have a decisive battle that I must win.” Mo Poor said.

Chen Tang exuded scarlet arrogance all over his body, and the giant sword in his hand seemed to be alive, shaking his spine.

He said seriously: “Please take me with you, Hei Di, you saved our world, but how can I stand by and watch your troubles?”

Mo Poor shook his head and said, “No need.”

Chen Tang said firmly: “No, I know that I may not be able to help much, but even if it is a small effort, I must do it. If it is not possible, I will die in your dimension!”

Seeing this, Mo Qiong didn’t refuse anymore, he knew that this was Chen Tang’s principle.

The decline of the Lanbai Society in this dimension can be described as a desperate situation. Without the Black Emperor, they may never turn around.

In any case, Chen Tang has to repay him, even if he contributes a little bit, it is good. If Mo Poor is defeated, he will die here.

Mo Poor understands the stubbornness of the club members, this is the intention of the Lanbai Club in this dimension, if Chen Tang is not brought into this battle, it is like Mo Poor does not bring Lord Gou to this battle, Lord Gou must suffer and die.

At this point, Mo Qiong, Qin Huali, and Chen Tang returned to Mo Qiong’s dimension.

In an instant, the box contained the entire dimension as Mo Poor wished!

At this moment, there are two dimensions in the box!

Mo Poor said: “This is actually a growth-type container! All the dimensions that contain it will be contained by it. In theory, as long as the World Destroyer tries to exile himself and the box ‘outside the box’, no matter what is thrown into it Whichever new dimension will be controlled by the box.”

“Relying on this kind of growth, the Destroyer doesn’t have to be in a corner at all, but can keep collecting more dimensions and become the master of more dimensions.”

Qin Huali was shocked.

As long as you are in a different dimension, the box can directly store all the information of the dimension.

“I think it is limited to the dimension, otherwise it should be included in the highest blue and white world at the same time… But there is no doubt that it does not have such a strong depth. It can only control the dimension at the highest, and the contained objects can do One time, he can do it ten thousand times, so he can control two, three, countless more…” Mo Poor said.

“This is also very strong!” Qin Huali said.

Theoretically, endless dimensions can be traversed.

Such a powerful function, but the Destroyer is completely unaware of it.

“I’m speechless, I want to ask him what he thinks.” Qin Huali immediately asked the World Destroyer who was trapped in an endless dream.

Soon Qin Huali will die of laughter. For 60 million years, the Destroyer never dared to try to explore the unknown ‘outside the box’, because he was unknown, so he never did it.

All the functions of the box, the holder will not know, only try to know.

The World Destroyer thinks that he is in control of the whole dimension and is already at ease, so he is unwilling to give up these and go to the unknown.

Isn’t that a gamble for life? What if there is endless nothingness outside, and the box disappears with him? Ten thousand steps back, there really are other dimensions, and he is afraid that the box will not be able to control them.

He is already holding a big watermelon, maybe there are countless watermelons outside the window, but maybe there is nothing. He is unwilling to risk the watermelon in his hand to explore the unknown.

Even the Destroyer has missed this function for 60 million years!

“You don’t have to laugh at him, people are different. Different pursuits lead to different paths. Compared with Mr. Lan Da, who pursues the endless exploration of the unknown itself, we are just ordinary people.” Mo Qiong laughed.

“Teaching, giant, quickly see if there is a queen in the box!” Qin Huali said.

Mo Poor shook his head, he had watched it a long time ago, and…he has done a lot.

Kelong and Wu Yunmo have all been resurrected by him, and the abnormal price has been removed.

He can save Qin Huali, so he can save Kelong. If he can restore Chen Tang, he will naturally be able to restore Wu Yunmo.

Even, he can revive Luo Yan, Luo Yi, Qi Mu, the robber and other people who died, and rescue all the people who could not be rescued in the past.

The law enforcer Xia Heng, who had been sealed together with the Entropy Beast for decades, had also awakened at this moment. Mo Poor forcibly stripped the price of ‘tranquility’ from him.

The charmer, Lilith, has lived alone for decades, and now she can freely control her own charm, turning this passive ability into an active feature.

All those who were distorted, tampered, influenced or even killed because of the contained objects were all rescued by Mo Poor one by one.

Even Lan Baiji was relieved of her death threat and spiritual shackles by Mo Poor, and became a free girl.

There are also Mujia people of the Mohist school…and the dead who are caught in the shadow of the white cloth…and those who are devoured by gluttony.

Their information exists objectively in the dimension, unlike those who were previously deleted by the information of the World Destroyer, all of them can be saved by Mo Poor.

At this moment, Mo Poor is also the almighty ghost of his own dimension!

Kelong stared blankly at Mo Poor, then said in relief, “You did it…”

Lord Gou, David, Adams and others also rushed over, terrified and inexplicable.

They have discovered that the vast majority of containment items have disappeared, or have been reduced to alpha threat.

“This is the real heavenly ghost! My son, the realm you have dreamed of!” Qin Huali said excitedly.

This is the power that the Mohist School, the Little Brotherhood, and the Blue and White Society are all pursuing.

The strongest sky ghost, that is, the strongest bearer.

Even, even the ancient gods are pursuing it.

The Mohists failed to touch this power until their demise.

The Little Brothers will even go against their original intention for it, why? Because what is destroyed can be rebuilt, what is dead can be resurrected, and all regrets can be saved as long as you control the information.

Today, Mo Poor finally reached this point.

However, his mind was even heavier.

Because he knows that the Mohist School and the Little Brotherhood have limited knowledge, and their vision is limited to the world and the universe, at most one dimension.

Functionally, the person in charge of the box is already an almighty ghost.

But what about boundaries? Boundaries are not enough…

Out of ten Omega, Mo Poor easily suppressed nine.

However, what about the Queen?

Before Mo Poor could answer Qin Huali, two figures suddenly appeared beside Mo Poor.

It was Polo and the queen Haili in his arms.

“You are indeed the biggest threat.” Polo said with a complicated expression.

Hailey smirked, and looked curiously at the box in Mo Poor’s hand.

In fact, when Mo Poor just came back, he could still see Queen Haili’s information, her information observation, her information blocking, her absolute defense, her information transfer, her information tampering…

All of these things can be seen, even Mo Poor can see the countdown to death in his body!

This is the ontology editing ability of the box, not the lower-level features created by it.

However, the box has seen through almost everything about the queen, but it has not absolutely adapted.

Not only that, the moment when Mo Poor’s box contained the queen, and assigned its ownership to the box, allowing the editorial power to override the queen.

The queen has changed… Her information has been turned upside down, becoming elusive and unobservable.

She evolved…

The queen’s absolute adaptation allowed her to adapt to the information editing of the box, and allowed her to evolve all the characteristics of the queen except for the absolute adaptation to the depth above the box.

“Go on! Use me as a material to create information! I don’t know how to do this yet!” Hailey laughed.

In an instant, Qin Huali, Kelong, David and others seemed to be frozen.

Staring at the Zerg Queen who looked like a little girl, she was speechless.

The Mohists and the Little Brothers think that becoming a ghost can destroy all the contained objects, which is wrong.

In other words, no matter how perfect the function of the celestial ghost, it is not the one that can finally suppress all contained objects.

Heavenly ghosts have many boundaries.

The heavenly ghosts of the universe, the heavenly ghosts of the dimension, the heavenly ghosts of the infinite dimension…

Why Sanqing said that the most powerful heavenly ghost belongs to the sixth type, that is, the omnipotent detachment type heavenly ghost, and it is here.

Throughout the ages, there are only two such heavenly ghosts. Not even the so-called highest heavenly ghost.

At this moment, Mo Poor’s function has become perfect, but in terms of boundaries, it is not enough. Even, lower than the queen.

After discovering the queen’s absolute adaptability and adapting all the boxes, Mo Poor determined that the queen is a pan-endless dimensional storage object, and her “absolute adaptability” feature is at least in the endless dimension collection itself, such as Polo Song avatars are common and objectively exist in all dimensions.

Sanqing said that there are Zerg races in many dimensions, but now that I think about it, some dimensions don’t, maybe it’s just that the time has not come. Just like the avatar of the Polo song, it was only triggered when the Nuwa tribe created the moon 12,000 years ago, giving birth to an appearance.

Of course, the absolute adaptation is not as strong as the Polo song clone, and it is a little lower than the pan-endless dimension Polo song clone, but it is higher than a single dimension, and it is in between.

This is why Mo Poor has always been obsessed with the clone of Bo Luoge, and taking that clone is a known surefire way.

Mo Poor stared at Hai Li and smiled helplessly.

Hayley’s absolute adaptation, unfathomable! The reason why she has been unable to do many things is because there is nothing for her to adapt to.

That is, in terms of functionality, it is insufficient.

And at the moment, there is nothing more functional than a box, an all-round editor! The depth is also high. This is simply the perfect whetstone for the queen!

Zerg, the more they fight, the stronger they become. Anything they do to her is to make her stronger.

Mo Poor is in charge of the box, if he can’t kill the queen directly, it will only make the queen more incomprehensible.

In an instant, the hearts of everyone present who were extremely excited just now felt cold to the bone.

There is no one more desperate than Qin Huali. He knows how much Mo Poor has to carry to get the box. Have countless creatures in one dimension died in vain? The box that I tried my best to get is just the Queen’s whetstone?

He finally understood why Mo Poor was still so heavy after getting the box.

“I’m sorry Juzi, I shouldn’t have urged you to come back.” Qin Huali said bitterly.

Mo Poor said: “No, they are all the same. Whether the box can beat the queen, I have to try to know…”

Hailey urged: “Edit me quickly, I can’t wait, if you don’t do it, I will use it myself!”

Mo Poor said: “There are still more than four years left, do you mean what you say?”

Hailee tilted her head, and Polo said directly, “I don’t care, as long as you are happy.”

“Of course it counts. I won’t make a move before the time is up.” Haili grinned: “Your food was pretty good before.”

“But with information creation, I can make it myself, lend me the box to play with, don’t be stingy, I will return it to you soon.”

Mo Poor smiled and said, “The box is here, come and get it.”

After finishing speaking, he turned the box over and let go of his hand.

Hayley was about to pick it up, but the box disappeared instantly.

Mo Poor shot it at Peacock Mountain!

p.s: Sorry. In the final persecution, your opponent is me, and I know you will definitely win.

(end of this chapter)

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