Blue and White Society

Chapter 1042

Chapter 1042 – Humans: There Is No Way Back

Chapter 1042 Human: There is no way to retreat

The universe has never been so dark.

Looking from the perspective of God at the South Gate, countless galaxies in the observable universe are dimmed in patches, turning into pitch-black abysses.

In that darkness, are trillions of entropic beasts.

Of course, apart from the Milky Way, there is no intelligent life elsewhere, so this war can be regarded as a duel between humans and entropic beasts.

“Qin Huali, you are in charge of resurrecting the dead.” Mo Poor said.

“Yes!” Qin Huali immediately began to operate the information.

Facing the plague of entropy beasts, there are three ways for creatures to die.

One is assimilated by entropy beasts, any matter can be turned into energy, and any energy can be turned into entropy beasts, so some human beings are directly transformed into entropy beasts by the energy control of entropy beasts, plus the unlimited reproduction characteristics.

It means that the information of these people has been transformed into an entropy beast, and the information of the entropy beast cannot be seen, so this kind of death has no solution.

The second type is sucked dry by the entropy beast and consumed. Such as transforming into various attacks such as high-energy entropy beast cannon, or flight power and exercise consumption.

This kind of consumption belongs to the annihilation of form and spirit, turning into a useless base state of entropy. It can be resurrected from the information level, but the energy used by the entropy beast is an absolute entropy increase and cannot be recovered. Directly reversing the state of death does not change its base state of entropy, which is equivalent to resurrecting the dead into a person with zero health.

Therefore, it is necessary to use ‘available energy’ to make up for it, so that the consumed person can be resurrected to a full state.

For the time being, there is still a lot of available energy in the universe, and the bird slippery directly diverts the energy of distant galaxies to resurrect human beings.

The third type is even simpler, being killed by a high-energy torrent.

Not every attack of the entropy beast accurately consumes or transforms humans. Some humans and animals are bombarded to death by the high-energy cannons sprayed by the entropy beast.

This is the simplest death, no different from being shot to death by a human being with a gun. With a single thought, Qin Huali can reverse their death state and resurrect easily.

However, the third way of death is a minority after all, and most people fall into the first and second ways.

Among them, the first type accounts for 50%, and the second type accounts for 40%.

The first type cannot be resurrected, and the second type of resurrection needs to use available energy.

The available energy of the universe is decreasing at an extremely fast rate at this moment!

When the stars are completely dimmed, and the material world is only left with a small corner of human resistance, the entropy of the universe is approaching its peak, and almost all active energy is only in the entropy beast and human body.

At that time, the second type of death cannot be resurrected.

Unless there is external energy to make up.

Mobilizing energy from other universes is a kind, and mobilizing energy from different dimensions is also a kind. Even direct information copying energy can be regarded as “external means of additional entropy reduction”.

But in any case, it is a temporary solution, not the root cause, because the number of entropy beasts is infinitely proliferating.

External energy makes up for it, and it will not reverse the situation of the battle. The entropy beast can still kill people and continue to proliferate.

The number of enemies continues to increase, and human beings can only use various means to delay the arrival of the final extinction.

“Receipt! These entropy beasts have been lowered by me. All the equipment in the future will only use entropy beasts as materials!”

While Qin Huali kept reviving people, Mo Poor frantically wiped out the entropy beasts.

With every arrow, Mo Poor can shoot away a piece of entropy beast.

The range of this ‘piece’ is calculated at the speed of light, that is, he can shoot away all entropy beasts within a diameter of one light second at the same time in one second.

He couldn’t see the information of the entropy beast, so he could only use the most basic physical shooting method, combined with ‘sight’ to shoot.

Fortunately, Mo Poor’s power at this moment is comparable to the entire observable universe, and the total energy value is comparable to half of the universe.

Super Galactic Mind Eye can scan the range of light cones!

Mo Poor took the lead in cleaning up the entropy beasts in the Sirius galaxy, freeing up a safe zone for humans.

I saw Mo Poor dressed in black, standing in space, using his own energy to recreate a sun!

In an instant, the light pierced the darkness and re-illuminated the space.

The cold planet ushered in warmth again, and a group of three-eyed people quickly approached Mo Poor.

They carry two more planets, one is the Sirius planet of the Blue and White Society, and the other is the Earth.

At the most critical moment, neither they nor a group of humans chose to give up the earth.

Sworn to guard until the return of Mo Qiong.

There are only 60,000 of the 100,000 three-eyed people, and the other 40,000 were besieged to death by entropy beasts. They didn’t even have time to copy the information, so they turned into the base state of entropy, which is the most inactive, leaving only “existence” a state of nothingness.

Fortunately, at this moment, the “Heidi Galaxy” and even the entropy beasts in the nearby area have been cleaned up by Mo Poor, which allows them to gather together and come to the only light source.

“Are you the president?” It was the enforcer Xia Heng who asked the question.

He is the man who sealed the Entropy Beast in the past. He is of the same generation as Kelong and Poronai. He has dedicated more than half of his life to the Blue and White Society, and has been sleeping with the Entropy Beast as a containment measure until now.

In the darkness that cannot speak, lonely, silent for decades.

Although there is no pain beyond the limit, nothing can be done, only the state of thinking is left, and it is not something ordinary people can bear.

The most important thing is that he can cancel it at any time.

He can suspend the state of tranquility and regain his freedom if he wants to, but he never does, because when he wakes up, the entropic beast wakes up.

What Xia Heng has to fight against is not only the silence and loneliness, not only the pain of tossing and turning memories gradually withering in nothingness, but also against himself.

Fight against your own selfishness, against your own luck, against your own ‘why the flood is overwhelming’, ‘Why me? ’, ‘Maybe the Blue and White Society has figured out a way when I wake up’ and many other distracting thoughts.

Every day, he has 10,000 reasons to convince himself to give up, but in the end, he persisted for nearly forty years.

“Nice meeting, senior.” Mo Poor’s sunset bow was never idle for a moment, but he could still answer Xia Heng calmly.

Walking with Xia Heng was Lilith.

Although Lilith does not have to endure the darkness and dead silence, she is still alone all her life, and she must force herself to enjoy that state of hypnosis. In the last conversation with Kelong, Mo Poor knew that the last hesitation of Kelong, who had been tortured for 700 million years and was about to perish anyway, was because of Lilith.

When deciding to kill the chess player, Kelong looked through all the Omega containment. He stood still in front of Lilith’s containment room for a long time.

Lilith is Kelong’s lover, they merged with “Happy Heaven” and became the object of passion and desire of all things. A fusion of “Pandora’s Box” to become the scapegoat of the universe.

After more than 30 years, I have never seen each other again.

In fact, Kelong’s memory has long been blurred. He was recalling, but he couldn’t remember Lilith’s appearance at all. It was just the last stubbornness in his heart that made him persist.

Of course, in the end, it was the 700 million years of tormenting memories that wiped out that vague stubbornness, and even persuaded himself to die by helping Lilith out, dispelling the last trace of hesitation.

Lilith and Xia Heng are both expounders of the previous era. Mo Poor has never seen them, but he always remembers their sacrifices.

In fact, after becoming the president, Mo Poor looked through countless files, and behind every name he saw was a gushing passion and love.

He saw a lot of secrets that he didn’t know before.

For example, the real Adams was actually dead long ago.

When he was twenty-one years old, the first Adams personality had already died in the mission. The current Adams is actually a personality that was actively split at that time, most of which are exactly the same personality. A No. 2 Adams.

This matter, the second Adams at the moment, doesn’t know it himself. The original Adams didn’t let the other himself inherit that memory, and the agency didn’t tell him.

Mo Poor still remembers that in the world of cultivating immortals, when Adams showed that he could actively split his personality, he said: I can split into member-type personalities one after another. If one of me dies, there will be another me. As long as the backup consciousness exists, the society will be forever There will always be an ‘Adams’. Now that I have the Primordial Spirit of Cultivation of Immortals, if it is not allowed in the society, in fact, I am an army alone!

At that time, Mo Poor was still feeling that Adams would not let him go even after his death. But Lord Gou sternly refuted Adams’ idea, and said that it did not conform to the rules of the society. Even if the so-called member-type personality was split, the society would not directly give him the status of a member, and he would have to pass the assessment again.

In fact, there are such rules in the society, precisely because Adams really did this… No. 2 Adams, that is, the current Adams, is actually the only one who became a member of the society without passing the assessment.

Because when the original Adams did that, there was no such rule. The club allowed this special case, and later revised the relevant rules.

In terms of dazzling, Mo Qiong is the undisputed strongest president, surpassing all previous achievements.

But when it comes to giving, in every era of the Blue and White Society, there are people who dedicate everything to the cause of containment.

Xia Heng, Polo, Kelong, Luo Yan, Lilith, Crossing the Tribulation… In every era, there are countless people who shed blood and gave everything they have.

Mo Poor didn’t feel that he had paid more than them.

The so-called giving does not depend on how much a person gives, but on how much he has.

“I am the president of Lanbai, Heidi, and Moqiong, the leader of order.”

“All of you rush to the following coordinates immediately. This is Earth, this is safe…”

“Those who cannot use the spaceship, don’t be afraid. You are locked by the enemy, but you can move by yourself. I have sent people to **** you. Their sign is… Forget it, they are human beings, and they will take you home.”

“Use the materials they brought, use scientific means to transform yourself, create an entropy beast engine in your body, and use yourself as a spaceship to make a leap…I will pay for all the energy needed! All of you have the right to mobilize the energy in my body energy!”

Mo Poor copied Xu Yin’s characteristics, and when he spoke, his voice reached the hearts of everyone in the universe.

For a time, his words resounded through the universe.

At the same time, he is also constantly transporting the entropy beasts to different dimensions, handing them over to non-combatants for processing into materials, and then handing over the materials to combatants.

At this moment, the Blue and White Society is fully mobilized, and countless veterans and recruits are sent to all parts of the galaxy by Mo Poor to protect those human beings who are locked by the queen and cannot be shot.

In fact, there are very few people scattered all over the galaxy, and all of them are mainly gathered in the Orion Arm.

The scattered ones are basically dead, and it is the kind of death that was transformed into an entropic beast.

So it won’t be long before the vast majority of human beings will jump back to the earth.

But, is it safe here?

In the end, all the entropic beasts in the entire universe, countless entropic beasts, will also flock here, from all directions, rolling like a tide, endlessly.

The star lit by Mo Poor at this moment is probably the last lighthouse of the universe.

“I already have a basic understanding of the situation. President, the number of entropy beasts is increasing. We kill one and split two. Every moment, we are using our energy to create new entropy beasts.”

“Every human being dies and resurrects, adding new energy to the universe, and also providing energy to the entropy beast.”

“President, with your words alone, the entropy beast can’t be killed at all, and as long as everyone is still alive, the entropy beast will continue to proliferate forever.”

“I heard that eight billion people have been locked in this world, and you can’t transfer them. If that’s the case, why bring back everyone who has already been transferred!”

“Could it be that if you fight against the entropy beast, everyone will be trapped here to death?”

Xia Heng quickly analyzed the situation based on the little information he had just heard, and questioned Mo Poor.

“You mean to take a step back, give up these eight billion people, and at least keep those who can be kept, right?” Mo Poor said.

Xia Heng opened his mouth, but couldn’t speak. He also realized something.

Mo Poor said calmly: “You have been in the dark for forty years, and one step back is a relief. Why don’t you go back?”

Xia Heng sighed: “Only I can seal the entropy beast, and there is no way I can retreat.”

Mo Poor said calmly: “Sometimes you can retreat, sometimes you can’t. Do you know how the little brothers died? They chose to keep their vitality when people needed the shelter most. They were the most rampant in the shelter. The era, take a step back.”

“At this point, the Fraticelli isn’t what it used to be.”

“And at the same time, the Blue and White Club took that step, either defeating the contained objects, or all of them died in the hands of the contained objects.”

“This is why the Global Council trusts us.”

“Eight billion people, this is almost all human beings. At this time, if we retreat, there will be nothing that cannot be sacrificed in the future. We will only retreat again and again.”

“When I was not a member, an old member of Mengdao told me that the members are the ones who have to carry the sky when it falls. They don’t know when they can’t carry it. It was the first time I knew that There are so many earth-shattering contained objects, and the containment is not stable, it may erupt at any time.”

“I asked him, isn’t it that human beings may perish at any time? He said: Yes, I don’t know when human beings will perish, maybe tomorrow. But before that, the blue and white members must have died.”

Xia Heng smiled and said, “Ah… so it has come to this kind of time.”

Eight billion people, if they can’t leave, the Blue and White Society can’t leave either. It’s that simple.

Mo Poor said with a smile: “I only have six days left to live. I can’t defeat the queen, and it’s useless to retreat. After I die, if the future queen goes to a different dimension, where will you retreat to?”

“In this decisive battle, there is no way to retreat. Either win or die.”

(end of this chapter)

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