Blue and White Society

Chapter 1050

Chapter 1050 – Out-Of-The-Box Strategy

Chapter 1050 There is still a strategy beyond

Mo Qiong did everything he could, not for himself, but for everyone.

Obtaining the power of this endless dimension master is just a means, not an end.

If he is alone, if it is only for himself, what is unknown, what must die, he will fight it out, if he succeeds, the world will be invincible, and if he loses, the world will have no self.

However, he was not only willing to risk himself.

He bears the hopes of countless people, from the first generation to the second generation…from Polo to Kelong, from Kelong to Moqiong.

What is passed on from generation to generation is not only hope, but also responsibility.

Countless people were swallowed by the ultimate darkness. Under the pressure of death, Lord Gou was able to make a final fight with the Queen by erasing all his memories.

It is also this responsibility that in the end, the members of the commune competed to survive and persuaded Adams to die.

Because death is easy, life is not easy.

Yes, it is necessary to give everything.

Mo Poor’s strategy at the end is not only for the tiny third possibility.

He wanted to do everything possible to increase the fault tolerance rate, so much so that he personally erased his son’s consciousness.

The reincarnation of the fifth element is naturally not comparable to the absolute isolation of the corpse, nor is it comparable to the absolute defense and other characteristics that the successful ones will have.

But it doesn’t need to be compared with the corpse. When Mo Poor and the target of being taken away are both inside the corpse, the depth of the immortal soul only needs to be higher than that of the son.

The corpse is just a container, just like Mo Poor snatched his son in the universe, and there is no need to compare the depth of information with the universe.

This step, Mo Poor is for the second possibility.

That is, the three are forcibly fused, the souls are united, and the final Yan, Mo Qiong, and the Queen are all annihilated, and the information is reconstructed into an unknown personality that is neither Final Yan, nor the Queen, nor Mo Poor.

First of all, at that moment, because Mo Poor’s immortal soul was separated from his own body by Poluoge’s avatar.

If it is judged that he has lost his body, Mo Poor will reincarnate to cover his son’s soul, which is the final soul.

Of course, he covered the soul of Final Yan, and he didn’t have a body, because at that time, Final Yan hadn’t been recognized by Poluoge’s avatar, and that was also a bodiless spirit.

It is precisely because there is no such thing as the spiritual wall of the corpse and other characteristics, which will not protect the final consciousness.

Generally speaking, after Mo Poor covers his son, he still quietly lives in the immortal soul dimension, bearing eternal torment, that is, the state of eternal death.

However, what Mo Poor wants is not the result, but the process.

The process of reincarnation became Mo Poor’s last shot.

Back when Mo Poor was killed by the Heart Demon Zerg, he had been a nail householder, and used his soul to shoot himself. It was the first time in Mo Poor’s life that he shot himself.

In fact, not only the soul is out of the body, but any force can be used. The transmission of consciousness is also a kind of shooting. Mo Poor relies on the transmission of consciousness. When facing Jiujiu and the Destroyer, the main body and the clone, the consciousness is forced to be transmitted across dimensions.

So, what Mo Poor wants is not the result of reincarnation, but to be able to trigger the ‘two-stage shot’ immediately and without interruption after he reaches the landing point and enters the interior of the corpse!

“After Lianzhujian, because my son and I are in a closed structure, the immortal soul cannot determine the existence of the physical body, so the reincarnation will be seamlessly initiated.”

“No matter how short the time is, the reincarnation of the immortal soul is an initial force of movement. In that process, because it is the basic existence of information, I must not exist.”

“The fusion mechanism of the corpse must wait for me to complete this process before I can be annihilated.”

Polo could understand Mo Poor’s intentions.

It is nothing more than using ‘shoot yourself’ to get stuck in the mechanism of the fusion of the three major consciousnesses.

Let the queen be obliterated by the fusion mechanism first, then the final consciousness is covered by Mo Poor, and then Mo Poor is obliterated.

But in this way, when merging, there will be a situation where two of the three parties no longer exist, and one of them remains.

At this point, Mo Poor probably won’t be erased, and there won’t be any tripartite obliteration and reorganization, and there will be nothing unknown. He, Mo Poor, is the last one left.

Polo suddenly said: “No, you have already hit the final will at that time, how can you do a double shot?”

”You are already in the information of final consciousness, even if you shoot from one information position to another, the time is still zero.”

Mo Poor smiled and said, “Who said that the landing point of my two-stage shot is the final will? In the plan, my landing point is the queen’s consciousness.”

Polo was taken aback, then smiled wryly.

That’s right, as long as Mo Qiong wants this trend, as for where it will fall, and where it will go, it’s entirely up to Mo Qiong to go wherever he wants.

The goal of reincarnation is the final consciousness, but you can take a detour to the queen’s consciousness first.

This is like the reflection of the Holy Shield, which should have been reflected to the Apocalypse, but Mo Poor’s landing point is not the Apocalypse, so the attack has to be honestly “fly for a while”, and then hit after Mo Poor’s landing task is completed. Apocalypse.

The same is true for the flag of the concubine of Moqiong’s host country, line up for the Lord!

Until now, as long as the absolute hit is shot, the landing point must be the place designated by Mo Poor, and then it can be other.

Know all the characteristics, and face absolute hits, you have to queue up!

Polo said in horror: “The first shot must be the final will, only in this way can you follow into the corpse.”

“The second shot, in order to trigger an absolute hit, it must be a third party…”

This third party must also be inside the corpse, otherwise Mo Poor would shoot himself out again.

The one who entered the corpse, besides the final consciousness, was Mo Qiong himself. How could there be a third party? As for the special environment inside the corpse altar, it cannot be relied upon at all, because it is too late.

Reincarnation is triggered when entering the corpse, so the idea of where to fall must be thought of before Mo Poor enters.

The whole plan requires a third party to go in with Mo Poor!

“Hahaha! Haili…we didn’t lose at all. It’s not wrong! Hahaha!” Polo laughed carefreely.

Lianzhu arrows are seamlessly connected to two-stage shooting, and the queen’s flash is connected to skills, forming a perfect closed loop.

Polo laughed and said, “Mo Poor, outside the corpse, you and the final will run back and forth. In order to ensure a close connection, you need to shoot seamlessly. However, the time for the final will to fly to the corpse does not have to be so fast. This The process is enough for you to notice that Haili’s consciousness is already in your soul during the flight, that is, at that time, you remember Haili’s consciousness as the landing point of the next ejaculation.”

“Hailey, you are too careless, if you shield yourself from being observed at that time, or change your ideology…”

Mo Poor said: “It’s useless. The landing point is actually not important.”

“I took into account the fact that I couldn’t observe the Queen’s ray of consciousness at all, and I also thought about an alternate landing point. For example, the landing point of the second-stage reincarnation shot can also be a certain depth axis.”

”When I shot the ball, I predicted that the queen had arrived, so when deciding on the landing point, I decided to reduce her depth.”

“I don’t know the state of the queen at that time, but I know the state of the depth after the hit, because it was created by myself.”

Polo looked at Mo Poor in astonishment, he could understand what kind of operation this was.

Lianzhu shot at Zhong Yan, Mo Qiong, and the Queen.

The final destination is the corpse, and the final destination is Mo Poor and the Queen. At the same time, Mo Poor also decided the depth of his relationship with the Queen.

That is to say, Mo Poor doesn’t need to know what the queen looks like, he only needs to know what the queen will look like when she is stained with the ‘brand’ after she hits the spot in the future.

And that brand was decided by Mo Poor when he was shooting, so he naturally knew it.

This is similar to Mo Poor’s prediction that he will shoot a stranger on the seal. He doesn’t know what the stranger looks like, but he knows that it must be in the body and must have the brand on it, and then shoots in two stages , directly took “a ray of consciousness whose soul-killing characteristic is at the depth of such-and-such information” as the landing point, and then hit, at that time, he believed that the queen’s consciousness must be in the closed corpse.

When Mo Poor was conceiving this landing point, the queen’s consciousness was still on the way, and had not fallen to the specified depth.

Ultimate confidence.

Confident that the queen will definitely hitch a ride, and directly regard the queen’s behavior as part of the plan, making the second possibility of death also become a must win!

What Mo Poor wants is not the empress’ sliver of consciousness, he only wants a third party! A third party who entered with him, was shot down to the designated depth by himself, and was in the closed structure of the corpse!

Although Mo Poor is sure that the Queen will do this, his plan cannot be taken by chance!

He doesn’t care if the Queen will shield him, he doesn’t care if the Queen hides the information form, if you need to know this to shoot, it’s a fluke.

So in his plan, it doesn’t matter who this third party is or what it looks like!

No matter who it is, no matter what it looks like, it doesn’t matter whether the person who comes is hiding himself or not, it doesn’t matter!

Even if the queen’s brain is pumped and Polo’s consciousness is used to seize her, so what?

As long as there is one… as long as the third party exists!

Mo Qiong said quietly: “Actually…even if the queen doesn’t come, it’s okay.”

“Huh?” Polo was already in a daze, how come you can do anything!

Mo Poor said: “It’s just that there is no third party, and the fault tolerance rate is lower.”

“The key to the problem lies in the landing point of the second-stage reincarnation shot. It is enough to change the depth axis of the information.”

“No matter what, the arrow has to reach the landing point. Even if this time is infinitely short, it can even be said to be zero…”

Polo nodded, if there is no third party, reincarnation shot, the completion time is zero.

He was really confused because of this, how did Mo Poor get stuck in the fusion, can he get stuck even if the time is zero?

Mo Poor said: “The landing point of the second-stage reincarnation shot is an information depth. If the empress is not there, this is also a shot for me. It’s just a movement on the depth axis.”

“Even if the time is zero, there is a sequence in the causal record of the information. The shooting must be completed, and then the rest…”

“Then in the information judgment record, Haili’s consciousness is still the first to be wiped out by the corpse, the second is the final consciousness, and the third is me.”

“Even if the time interval between each other’s deaths is zero, there is still a difference of ‘before, middle, and back’ at the information level. This is a defined value, and it is the causal order that must be guaranteed by the absolute hit characteristic.”

There is no third party, and the time is zero, but in the judgment of information, there is a causal order of defined values.

In order to ensure that the arrow reaches the landing point, there must be no arrow that is erased at the same time.

Time is zero, so people who live in time will think it is meaningless. But the self-execution of information can do infinite things even in zero time, and it has its own set of causal sequences of what is executed first and what is executed next.

So in the judgment of the information, there is still a process and state of ‘both are dead, and Mo Poor is left’.

Mo Poor said with a smile: “But it’s a fluke. I don’t know how the fusion will be judged. Maybe it doesn’t matter at all, and it still kills me. After all, if measured by time, it is indeed ‘simultaneous time’.”

“It depends on luck, so I still hope to have a third party, which is the most stable.”

The real key lies in using one’s own son as a tool to trigger the second stage of reincarnation.

With this last shot, Mo Poor decided on the landing point, and he held it firmly in his hand, so he had a lot of room to maneuver.

Without the queen, Mo Qiong might win, but with the queen, Mo Qiong would win if he merged.

In this way, Mo Qiong’s winning is not just the lowest possibility.

Three major mechanisms for seizing houses, no matter if the three are spelled out by themselves, or if they all die, a new one will be fused together.

Mo Qiong is a sure winner.

The third situation must win, and the second situation must also win.

“Then what about the first case? It is also the biggest one, that is, the consciousness that enters first, successfully captures the sabragaka and obtains its full power.”

“Could it be that you also responded to this?”

Polo asked, now he only felt that Mo Poor seemed impossible, he was too good at turning the situation around, and in the face of adversity and despair, he managed to survive.

Mo Qiong smiled and said: “That’s unsolvable. Once the consciousness enters, I will immediately succeed in seizing the body and gain all the power. All my calculations are meaningless.”

“If it was possible, I would have done it a long time ago. Why wait until the last moment to give it a go?”

If he could even turn over the first possibility, and even seize the consciousness that inherited the polo song’s prestige, he would have done it long ago.

After successfully capturing the house, you will be invincible, and those who enter later will have no chance.

Just kidding, how could the awareness of the protection of Poluoge’s many characteristics be taken away by outsiders? Only that body has a chance.

Even though Mo Poor used everyone as a tool to plan so far, it only slightly increased the error tolerance rate, and the death rate was still as high as 90%.

Killing one’s own child, what he did was to change the vitality from 0.1% to 10%.

Although it is still very low, there is no luck. Mo Poor has tried his best and given everything.

Even if it fails, there is no regret.

(end of this chapter)

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