Blue and White Society

Chapter 1054

Chapter 1054 – Cangyueju

Chapter 1054 Cangyue Residence

Mo Qiong landed on Peacock Mountain, and at the same time, there was an extra door behind him.

Lord Gou, Adams and others walked out one by one, and when they passed the door, they gained some kind of sublimation.

The environment here is full of infinite energy, and it can’t hurt them at all.

“This is the blue and white world?”

Master Gou looked around with a cigarette in his mouth.

“The people in the blue and white world are all dead?” Adams was talking, and saw dozens of women flying out of the palace group.

They are all graceful and graceful, with a fairy style.

The woman headed by   , on the contrary, has the most ordinary appearance, dressed in white, with two small swords the size of thumbs hanging from her earlobes, and holding a pure black iron box in her hand.

The box was shot by Mo Poor.

“Master!” The leading woman had a calm demeanor at first, but after seeing Mo Poor, her small face revealed an expression of surprise.

Mo Poor thought about it for a second, and knew that the other party was calling Polo Song.

As a result, the appearance that originally belonged to Po Luoge changed in an instant, and changed back to Mo Qiong’s true appearance.

Seeing this, the woman looked lonely, as if realizing that she was delusional.

Mo Qiong smiled and said: “Your name is Luo Yan, and you are a disciple of Po Luoge?”

He saw through Luo Yan’s information at a glance, and even Gao Lanbaijie, the fourth generation president.

“Polo Song… is just an incarnation of my master, and my master has already stepped into the infinite transcendence. It is taboo for the venerable, the real name of the venerable master, so it is inconvenient to tell.” Luo Yan said proudly.

Mo Qiong smiled and said, “Then it’s called Poluo Song.”

Luo Yan stopped correcting him and asked, “Are you the president of Lanbai?”

Mo Poor nodded and said, “Exactly.”

Luo Yan threw the box out and asked, “Did you send this box?”

“That’s right.” Mo Poor took the box.

Luo Yan showed surprise in his eyes, and then smiled: “It seems that your troubles have been solved by yourself.”

Mo Poor left a lot of information in the box and advertised widely. His original intention was to spread the Queen’s situation to the blue and white world, and see if there would be any support.

In the end, Sanqing said that this group of people could not protect themselves and could not help him.

In the end, Mo Poor still relies on himself.

Luo Yan said: “Throughout the ages, there are only two people who can transcend the sky with a low-dimensional fate. Although you have not transcended before, it is also an unprecedented move to send this box up. I just didn’t expect that you Even the avatar left by my master can be taken away.”

Undoubtedly, the first two he mentioned were Mr. Lan Da and Po Luoge.

“I heard from Sanqing that you people in the blue and white world can’t protect yourself?” Mo Poor asked.

Luo’s face was embarrassed, but he still said calmly: “I am incompetent.”

“In Qingfeng’s era, the sisters could cross endless dimensions, assist many blue and white societies, and suppress those desperate containment objects created by the observers.”

“Later, the master has transcended against the sky and took over the supreme blue and white world. All the followers of the master and I, the members of the blue and white club, can also suppress the era of containment.”

“However… Master, I am gone, and I will succeed you as the fourth generation president.”

“I’m incompetent… The origin observers once again took over the interface, allowing the infinite dimension to breed containment everywhere, and we are imprisoned here, there is nothing we can do.”

Mo Qiong is clear, he can see that although Luo Yan is also in charge of everything, he has the highest authority in the blue and white world.

But this authority was obviously given to her by others.

One of the most obvious features is that she, the president, has the same information authority as the dozens of other women around her!

In other words, the dozens of women in front of me are all equally strong. Luo Yan took over the position of president only because he is a disciple of Po Luoge. In fact, the so-called fourth-generation president is anyone in the blue and white world. , can be.

Everyone here is an almighty ghost.

So they are not as good as the highest ghost. That is, the originating observer of the interface.

The one who can suppress the highest heavenly ghost is the one who can make continuous progress, even surpass himself, and have unlimited potential.

Throughout the ages, there are only two people who can be called the “Almighty and Detached Heavenly Ghost”, Mr. Lan Da and Po Luoge.

In the era of Qingfeng, Mr. Lan Da was still there, so he could suppress the highest ghost.

The same is true in the age of polo songs.

However, in this era, they have left this interface hand in hand.

Their pursuit is the endless unknown itself. From the moment they took the first step, they have no intention of stopping, and there is no ultimate goal.

The essence of having a goal means that when the goal is reached, the limit is reached. And without goals, there is no limit.

In other words, their pursuit is to infinitely surpass itself.

Its realm, its capacity, and its achievements are beyond the imagination of outsiders.

But when they left, they left a huge pressure on the latecomers. Luo Yan, the fourth generation, couldn’t hold back the situation at all.

The origin of the interface is the observer, who is the position of the containment object. He suppressed the supreme blue and white world and blocked it.

Make them unable to assist the infinite dimension, and I am imprisoned in this Peacock Mountain.

Now, it is the containment camp, the most powerful era, the endless dimension, most of the containment suppresses the situation of the blue and white society.

Behind this, it is all done by the highest heavenly ghost, as can be seen from what Mo Poor saw in a different dimension.

As the box holder, the World Destroyer has oppressed the Lanbai Society and all living beings in the entire dimension for 60 million years.

Even if the Lanbai Society, like Mo Poor’s, has not been completely suppressed, it is still precarious and may perish at any time.

According to Luo Yan, in the past, this was not the case at all.

The Lanbai Society suppressed the contained objects. In the past, it was simply a father who took care of his son.

Even though the containment will cause some disasters, it is always within the control of the Blue and White Club.

“At that time, Heaven was a member of the society, the gods were members of the society, and even the contained objects were members of the society. The Zerg you mentioned in the box was basically a vassal of the Lanbai Society in the past…” Luo Yan recalled.

“I see…”

Mo Qiong, Lord Gou and the others understood the embarrassing situation of the so-called supreme blue and white world.

The name is supreme, and it also has the power to control the world, but it is useless at all. After the two masters, Lan and Bai, left, there was a power vacuum in the forces of the Lanbai Club. In fact, it has existed in name only!

The observer of the origin of the interface is the source of all evils, taking advantage of the emptiness to enter, setting off the most rampant era of endless dimension containment.

“It’s the root of all evil!” Lord Gou said while biting his cigarette.

Mo Poor didn’t speak, he was silently looking for the Supreme Heavenly Ghost, but there is no information about him here.

“Where is he?” Mo Poor asked.

Luo Yan said bitterly: “He’s in Cangyue Residence, we can’t go there.”

“Cangyue Residence?” Mo Poor immediately thought of the name recorded in the Tianshu message, the demonic Cangyue.

Sure enough, he is the highest heavenly ghost, the so-called observer of the origin of the interface.

Luo Yan said: “Cangyue Residence has existed since ancient times, and it was once the apex of the interface.”

“Later, Mr. Lan Da opened up the highest blue and white world, and sat on an equal footing with Cangyueju, even slightly lower than Cangyueju. The former Mr. Landa lived in that Cangyueju. And his disciple, the second generation The president, Qingfeng, sits in the blue and white world.”

“The two apex residences are both controlled by the Blue and White Society. That is the most tame era of the containment forces.”

“But now, everything has changed. Cangyueju has already surpassed the blue and white world, and directly governs the endless dimension, but we have no power to influence the lower world.”

Mo Poor nodded, and the blue and white world was directly cut off in terms of authority.

Now it is Cangyueju, which dominates everything on the interface, including the blue and white world.

Let’s not talk about endless dimensions, even the blue and white world, these so-called omnipotent ghosts and information controllers, can’t observe or influence Cangyueju, let alone go there.

“The highest heavenly ghost, high above everything, has already surpassed everything. He can decide our life and death with a single thought.” Luo Yan said.

“Do you know what he looks like?” Mo Poor asked.

Luo Yan nodded and said, “I’ve seen him before.”

“Oh…” Mo Poor didn’t ask much, and saw right through what Luo Yan was thinking about at the moment.

Although there is no information about that person, Luo Yan has seen him, so there is still information on his appearance.

In one hand, Mo Poor showed a bow, and with the other hand, he drew an arrow out of thin air. The whole body was pure black, which was Best Metal.

He bent his bow and set an arrow, and Best Metal suddenly disappeared.

Beyond transcending the blue and white world, there is a bamboo forest. In front of the bamboo forest is a thatched hut. In front of the hut is a stone table with a teacup on the stone table.

A man in a sweater was holding a teacup with an embarrassed expression on his face.

I saw that he had been shot in the face by this arrow.


(end of this chapter)

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