Blue and White Society

Chapter 118

Chapter 118 – Phantom Mushroom

Chapter 118 Phantom Mushroom

Everyone entered the elevator and went to the negative tenth floor together.

It is very bright here, and the lights on the top illuminate everything in the field of vision.

The corridors are intersected by various crosses, separated by gates. When you get out of the elevator, you can go straight ahead, left, or right.

“Which way?” Mo Poor asked.

Xiao Feng pointed to the gate directly ahead and said: “They passed through here, let’s catch up quickly.”

Mo Poor followed, and at the same time threw a hair to determine the direction.

Since Xiao Feng said that David was among them, there is no need to search randomly at all, just use ability to determine David’s position.

Mao also floated straight ahead, and Mo Poor hurriedly opened the door.

Soon they saw a group of heavily armed fighters lined up on both sides of a valve not far away.

This team seemed to be waiting for something. When Mo Poor and the others opened the gate behind them, a dozen guns were pointed at them immediately.

“D-80083 report!” Xiao Feng immediately raised his hands and leaned sideways against the wall next to him to show that he was safe.

The same is true for Jinfa and others, but they also put the painting on the wall, indicating that they still have to look at the painting.

“Restrictors and D-class personnel.” A member said.

Leaded by another member, said: “Put down the gun and come here with your hands up.”

Xiao Feng and others hastily dropped their guns and obediently obeyed.

“Huh?” Mo Poor moved two steps forward, and suddenly saw Mao, who was used to argue his position, passed David, who was in sight, and went straight forward, even flying past the closed gate.

Mo Poor was startled, and suddenly raised his gun.

The other side immediately yelled, “Put the gun down!”

Mo Poor frowned, but still shot resolutely.

“Bang bang bang bang!”

Bullets flew, piercing the armor on their heads, and the so-called stress guards in front of them were instantly headshot.

Even David was shot through the head by a bullet, and fell to the ground dead with a plop.

What you can see, you can’t shoot wrong.

In just a few seconds, more than 20 combatants fell down, and there was no one standing.

“You’re crazy!” the brown hair exclaimed in horror.

Mo Poor actually shot and killed all the members of the Lanbai Club in front of him in an instant. This sudden change made them dumbfounded.

But Xiao Feng reacted quickly, immediately put down his hands, picked up the gun hanging on his body and said: “No, he is right, this is fake.”

Although the strength of the stress garrison is unknown, Xiao Feng knows that they are official members, and they are the elite among the elite.

Even if he is shot, it is impossible to return fire with one shot.

“Get out of here!”

Without saying a word, Mo Poor opened the door behind him, wanting to evacuate.

However, the access control was disabled at this time. No matter how the ID card was mapped, the door did not respond at all.

“Too bad…” Xiao Feng’s face turned pale.

But immediately after, Mo Poor took a big stride and stepped directly over the gate. His body passed through the gate and passed through to the other end of the gate.

Everyone hastily followed suit, and indeed passed through the seemingly closed gate.

“Hiss…” They stepped over and immediately gasped.

I saw that the way we came here was no longer clean, there were blood and pieces of meat everywhere, and the clothes of D-class personnel. The ground and walls were covered with fungi, growing out of the flesh and blood in pieces.

The smell of blood and mold came to the face, and there were still tiny mold spots floating in the air, like dandelions, and some of them were also contaminated, and they were itchy all over.

Turning back again, I saw that the closed gate was gone, or everything had changed.

The gate seems to have been opened, and the electronic lock next to it is red, and it seems that it has been forbidden to close. Through the door opening, you can see the place where the members should be, but there are no members.

There’s only one huge mushroom there, and before they walked a few more steps, they would have encountered that mushroom.

At this moment, on the mushroom, each bullet hole is equivalent to pressing the skin with a finger, and it is falling off with a clang at this moment.

“What is this?” Mo Poor shouted.

Xiao Feng said: “I don’t know!”

The bullet was obviously useless, and everyone didn’t think they could deal with it, so they immediately wanted to evacuate first.

The mushrooms crawled towards them slowly, at a very slow speed, it was impossible to catch up with them.

Everyone ran back to the elevator door, only to find that the elevator had gone up at some point, and it stopped at the negative eighth floor.

Mo Qiong pressed the elevator frantically, but the elevator stopped on the negative eighth floor for about ten seconds, but continued to go up. It seemed that the elevator would not be able to get down for a while.

“Someone is using the elevator.” Mo Poor immediately realized this.

After this delay, when they looked back, everyone found that the previous scene was gone, replaced by a clean corridor and an undamaged gate.

The smell of blood and mildew are gone, and the itching feeling on my body has also disappeared, and everything seems to be calm again.

“Damn, here we go again.” Xiao Feng shouted.

Fools can also see that the seemingly calm in front of them is an illusion. What they see, smell, and touch are all false.

At this moment, they couldn’t see the mushroom at all, but they knew that the mushroom must be not far away, slowly creeping towards here.

Looking back on the flesh and blood that ‘bloomed’ before, one can imagine what the consequences of encountering that huge mushroom would be.

“Da da da!” Even though he knew that shooting was useless, Mo Poor still shot forward.

Even if he can’t see it, Mo Poor can definitely hit the target, because he already remembers the appearance of the huge mushroom.

Bullets are useless, but they can interrupt the hallucinations and allow them to briefly see the real environment.

When everything became stinky again, the mushroom was only four meters away from them, and Mo Poor said decisively: “Don’t wait for the elevator, go to the right!”

The mushrooms are so big that they will block the middle of the intersection if they go any further. Once they wait any longer, they will not be able to go any other way.

Since that’s the case, I didn’t go back to the elevator at all, and immediately chose a side road to distance myself first.

This containment is very slow. Once it realizes that it likes to deceive people with illusions, it is easy to handle, and it is easier to evade than a cactus.

At this moment, everyone followed Mo Poor and ran to the right. There was no need to open the gate, they just hit the door and passed.

All the access gates on the negative tenth floor seem to have been opened, except for the rooms on both sides of the corridor, there is no need for access control at all.

Mo Poor didn’t choose this direction randomly. He saw the direction that the hair was flying in, which was to the right.

Running at this moment, he threw some insignificant things to locate him, and after confirming David’s direction, he led the crowd around and approached David step by step.

After about two or three intersections away from the mushrooms, the hallucinations completely disappeared. The best evidence is the itching on the body.

“Damn…won’t you get something again?” Mo Poor rubbed off the mildew spots on his body while running.

Xiao Feng smiled wryly and said: “It’s good if it’s not fatal. Only the members of the commune know what the consequences will be, but where can we find the members of the commune?”

“It’s okay, I’ll definitely find it.” Mo Poor was confident.

“By the way, how did you see it before? I also thought something was wrong, but you are too bold to shoot directly…” Xiao Feng asked.

Xiao Feng also felt a little strange before, doubting the authenticity of that group of people, such as why are they all gathered here? After discussing for a long time, there was no action, as if they were not in a hurry.

But he was not sure, let alone shoot directly like Mo Poor. In case this group of people is really the Blue and White Club, then it’s okay?

But Mo Poor shot directly, full of courage.

Facts have also proved that their doubts are correct, it is just an illusion that lures them to the past, they want to find a large team of members, and want to follow the members until the failure is resolved, and the illusion is really that.

“Everyone says they are weird. It must be due to the characteristics of the contained objects. Since this is the case, if we follow suit, won’t we be sent to death? Anyway, if it is death, it is better to fight. I don’t believe that all the contained objects are running around. This group of people is still holding meetings here…” Mo Poor said.

He can be completely sure only through his own ability. The hair of positioning has passed David in front of him and continues to go away, which is already very illustrative.

The David in front of them is not the real David, but the phantom they saw.

This phantom is different from the illusion, it is just an illusion projected in their eyes, so it has not been broken like a broken dream.

“382 turned around…” the brown hair suddenly shouted.

Everyone hurriedly looked at the painting. The figure in the painting had turned around a bit. Originally, his back was facing everyone, but now he turned slightly sideways.

“I was chased by a mushroom just now, and I made two mistakes in coordination… It must not come out, we can’t make any more mistakes.” Blonde said.

Mo Poor said: “Xiao Feng, can you make your four eyes not blink at the same time?”

“This… I can’t do it. These two eyes allow me to see, but I can’t control them. As long as I blink, they will blink too. If I close one eye, they will all close.” Xiao Feng Said.

“It’s okay, give him your eyes.”

Mo Poor let the brown hair hold the back of Xiao Feng’s eyes, and told him to wait for Xiao Feng’s eyes to blink before he could blink himself.

In this way, as long as Xiao Feng doesn’t blink continuously, or simply closes his eyes, the brown-haired person can deal with this painting by himself.

Now he has been locating David, and guiding the blond head to lead the way.

It seems that he is giving directions blindly, but in fact he must be approaching David.

(end of this chapter)

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