Blue and White Society

Chapter 120

Chapter 120 – Yin Bully Wax Figure

Chapter 120 Yin Ba Wax Figure

Li Qing’s task, he himself is unable to complete.

The superior originally asked him to protect himself and wait for the new team to rescue him and take over the task of delivering feed for him.

But there was no manpower available for a while, and if the second batch of reinforcements arrived before sending people, there would definitely be more wax figures, and the situation here would be even worse.

Li Qing originally thought this was the only way to go, but he didn’t expect to meet a group of idlers when he was on the verge of death.

At first he thought it was reinforcements arriving, but was quickly disappointed because he didn’t expect the D-class personnel to deal with these wax figures at all.

D-level personnel and restrictors often have some derivative effects, but so what?

Unless the usage is diversified, many features will only come in handy at certain times, and the rest of the time, they are unstable combat power.

Like Blonde, he seems to be able to shoot himself to enter the ten-second fatal injury immunity period when facing a crisis.

But that is a fatal injury. It is useless against wax figures. After being made into Li Qing’s current appearance, he is just lingering on his last breath. He will not even be able to eat food, and he will still die.

If it really comes in handy at this moment, these D-level personnel are not as good as a dying official member of him, or a few peripheral security guards.

But Mo Poor gave him a surprise. He quickly shot and killed more than 20 wax figures. This marksmanship is good, and it is not known how much better than the general peripheral security guards.

At least for the moment, it can be used to suppress the ever-proliferating wax figures.

Li Qing thought so, although he also mentioned the task of transporting feed, but the main thing is to let Mo Poor suppress the wax figure.

However, Mo Poor asked: “How do I send the feed up? Carl said that the gluttonous food intake is very large. How can I transport the amount of meat from ten warehouses? How much?”

Li Qing was taken aback for a moment, but he didn’t expect Mo Poor to be more concerned about how to transport feed.

To complete the task of delivering feed, you must at least solve the problem of the wax figure first. It is impossible to safely transport feed without suppressing the number of wax figures to single digits.

Transporting feed, even the best route along the way will pass through several dangerous areas, not to mention being hunted down by wax figures?

Most of the wax figures are crowded at the door of the warehouse, and they can’t even get feed without cleaning them up.

“Before you are sure, don’t try to deliver feed. The number of wax figures is about 500 now. In five minutes, no, it will break through 1000 in about two minutes. What you should think about is to suppress the number of wax figures as soon as possible. The fewer the number, the less the multiplication will be, and the safer you will be,” Li Qing said.

Mo Poor nodded and said: “I know, but this kind of containment that can be solved with a gun, as long as there are enough bullets, wouldn’t it be enough?”

Li Qing was astonished, these words were really light.

“For bullets, there is a small ammunition depot in the next room, and you can get replenished. But the key point is the aim, you must completely destroy the bow tie on the wax figure. The bullets of our guns are very powerful, as long as they hit the bow tie, they can absolutely It was completely shattered, but there are too many wax figures, and they are swarming from all directions, and it is impossible to think that every bullet hits the target.”

“And I see that although you have good aim, you don’t seem to be able to change magazines quickly. Do you want to carry a dozen guns with you? Look at you, you are not very familiar with this gun, right?”

Mo Poor nodded and said, “Yes, today is the first time I use this shot.”

He really doesn’t know how to change the magazine, so he took the gun from Xiao Feng’s hand to shoot when he ran out of bullets.

“The standard rifle of the Lanbai Society is specially made, pursuing power and lethality. The warhead is even prohibited by international conventions. It is only used to deal with supernatural events. It is normal that you are not familiar with it. What kind of gun did you practice before?” Li Qing asked.

He knew at a glance that Mo Poor had a foundation, otherwise he wouldn’t be so accurate.

Mo Poor said honestly: “The main trainer is bows and crossbows, and darts are also very accurate.”

“Hmm… bow and arrow, huh? Bow and arrow?” Li Qing was taken aback.

Mo Poor nodded and said: “Yeah, how could I have had a chance to touch a gun before? After picking up this gun, I mainly relied on groping, and I tried it against mushrooms before. It feels very good in the hand. Your design of this gun is very good.”

Li Qing stared blankly at Mo Poor. He thought that Mo Poor had trained with guns, so he entrusted him with important tasks.

But I didn’t expect this to be a crossbow player.

It has been less than fifty minutes since the containment breach. From crossbows to firearms, people who can get started so quickly and shoot with such accuracy are true shooting geniuses.

Such a shooting genius, he has seen less than a hundred in his life.

Twenty of them have successfully completed the training assessment, and are now top-notch snipers or gun masters in the Lanbai Society.

In other words, in terms of shooting talent, Mo Poor has already met the selection threshold for newcomers of the Blue and White Society.

“I didn’t expect your talent to be so good, but good talent doesn’t mean you can underestimate the proliferation of wax figures. It’s really easy to deal with them. As long as any official member cooperates with me, we can wipe out the wax figures.” Speaking of this, Li Qing’s expression changed. An: “Unfortunately, my partner died in the face of Taotie, and I can only temporarily bring three security guards.”

All security guards are peripheral personnel, equivalent to special forces, but nothing more.

When they all sacrificed, with no one to take care of their backs, it was difficult for Li Qing, who was alone, to face the wax figures rushing from all directions.

Li Qing said: “Don’t underestimate the wax figures. They are not stupid zombies. They are not the kind of things that rush forward one after another when they find a living thing. Did you see that after you quickly killed more than 20 people, The wax figures outside don’t come in.”

“They have basic judgment ability. In this small house, they can’t surround me, they can only squeeze in through the door, but that’s because I’m dying. But your strong support made them stop this behavior , because in the face of multiple guns, squeezing in through the door is just a target.”

Mo Poor was taken aback, and said in surprise, “They still have wisdom?”

“No, it’s basic thinking at best, and they don’t use any subtle strategies, but they can detour, sneak attack, and climb walls… As I expected, they are destroying the gap I desperately plugged, while waiting Proliferation. If we don’t go out, it will be beneficial to them. Once we go out, we will face their encirclement net.”

“If you are a little careless, if you get caught, at least a piece of meat will be missing. If your hand is injured, it will be even worse.”

Li Qing sighed, he just accidentally injured his hand, so that he retreated steadily, and the more he played, the more mistakes he made, and he ended up in this state, otherwise he would still have the confidence to retreat unscathed.

Mo Poor came to a sudden, no wonder Li Qing still had no confidence in him even after he showed the marksmanship that could hit the vitals with precision.

It turns out that these wax figures are not the kind of reckless men who would jump on the enemy when they find them, but like to hide in the dark and sneak attack, or surrounded by crowds of people.

Mo Poor thought that he was fighting head-on, and suddenly felt that someone had stolen his claws from behind. Looking back suddenly, there was a wax figure with a fake smile standing behind him…

If this happens, no matter how accurate his shot is, he will be finished.

Li Qing said solemnly: “Your current situation is so similar to mine, even worse, even I have failed, how can you succeed?”

“In this case, why did you tell me about this mission?” Mo Poor asked.

Li Qing was silent, yes, if possible, he certainly hoped that Mo Poor could do it.

Transporting feed is a very critical part. With feed, Taotie can be appeased for a long time, and then the other storage items are dealt with one by one, and the containment breach can be ended.

Mo Poor said again: “You think I can’t do it first, and you don’t tell me how to do it. Of course I can’t do it in the end… But what if there is a special opportunity? For example, the wax figure team left the production workshop and went to other places , so that I can take the opportunity to enter the warehouse.”

“If you do it, you may be able to seize the opportunity, but if you don’t do it, you will definitely not succeed.”

“This is a truth that all D-class personnel understand. If you don’t tell me how to deliver the feed, then if I really have the opportunity, I won’t be able to grasp it.”

After hearing this, Li Qing looked deeply at Mo Poor, and then smiled heartily.

He coughed while laughing, and took a few violent breaths before calming down.

“Listen, if there is such a chance, of course, the more feed the better, it is best to have more than two warehouses, that is, two hundred tons.”

Mo Poor said in amazement: “Two hundred tons? How do I get it?”

Li Qing gasped: “There will be a trash can in every warehouse. That trash can is a container. It seems to be only one meter high, but it can actually hold a hundred tons of material. When you push it It will weigh as much as a normal trash can. Remember…you must not get in by yourself.”

“Understood…” Mo Qiong said clearly.

“Ha… Do you think it’s enough to get the feed? It’s not that simple… To complete this task, I have to explain too many things. Let’s talk while doing it…” Li Qing said.

Mo Poor was taken aback, not understanding what it meant.

Seeing Li Qing reached out and grabbed him, he said, “Quick, help me up…I can still fight.”

“What?” Mo Poor was astonished.

Li Qing smiled and said: “Since you have that determination, how can I sit and wait to die… Before the effect of the medicine wears off, my gun is still very stable…”

“I hope you can really do it, if you can help me a little…”

(end of this chapter)

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