Blue and White Society

Chapter 122

Chapter 122 – Crazy Plan

Chapter 122 Crazy Plan

Mo Poor was too slow to change magazines, so he carried four big guns with him, and could shoot 160 rounds of bullets without changing magazines by cutting the guns.

In addition, he has a lot of magazines on his body.

Even so, even if each bullet kills one wax figure, it still cannot kill the nearly 500 wax figures.

What’s more, this wax figure is about to proliferate to a thousand.

He definitely can’t hold a thousand rounds of ammunition. He really has so many, and he can’t even run with four guns.

It’s okay if you can’t run, Mo Poor is confident to deal with the wax figure, because he knows that he doesn’t have to worry about Li Qing.

Among them, his biggest advantage is that he can move and shoot, which he has not shown before, and he deliberately stops to aim every time he shoots.

Moving and shooting is quite difficult. The reason why Li Qing fell down alone was that he was not accurate enough to shoot while running.

Stationary Shooting Every member of the club is a sharpshooter, with a hundred steps to penetrate Yang, and hitting with a gun is just a basic operation.

But when there are many enemies, they will outflank and cannot fight with them in close combat, so they can only shoot while keeping a distance.

Sometimes you not only have to turn your head, turn around, and shoot left and right, but also avoid attacks from above your head.

The arms will keep swinging, the body will keep turning, and even the feet will keep moving.

In this way, the aim will be greatly reduced, and the shooting speed will become slower and slower, so that the encirclement net will become smaller and smaller.

This kind of shortcoming is inevitable, and it is absolutely unavoidable for any normal person to minimize the error.

Even if a person shoots accurately, under the bumps, when both himself and the target are moving, he can’t say that he can hit a hundred shots.

Especially random turbulence, such as on a helicopter, the plane goes up and down, stops and goes in and out, no matter how powerful a sniper is, he cannot guarantee that he will hit the enemy.

Only by grasping the feeling of that moment can it be possible to hit, but this feeling cannot be achieved with every shot, let alone continuously and quickly.

He didn’t know if there was anyone in the world who could swing a gun casually and hit it with a single shot.

Anyway, Mo Poor only knows one thing, and that is himself.

“Bang bang bang bang…”

Mo Poor fired steadily, just like a roll call, and he accurately hit the bow ties of all the wax figures in his vision.

One shot after another, two minutes later, he perfectly wiped out all the wax figures in the laboratory, about a hundred or so.

“You are a good marksman!”

“We can’t help at all.”

The two people behind looked dumbfounded. Following Mo Poor, they also wanted to fight, but they couldn’t intervene at all.

While they were still trying to target the wax figure, the wax figure was already killed…

Wherever they wanted to hit, it was already dealt with, and they followed behind, completely just making up the knife to prevent Mo Qiong from missing anything.

But are there really omissions? Every time you hear a gunshot, you can see a wax figure bursting in front of its throat. Even if there is an omission, it can’t cover up this amazing and steady shooting.

However, Mo Poor frowned and said, “It’s too slow, they proliferate…”

Now the wax figures in the laboratory have been cleaned up, and the dead wax figures are just ordinary wax figures, which cannot be multiplied.

But when they leaned in front of the laboratory window, they could see countless wax figures appearing out of thin air in the production workshop. Next to each wax figure, a wax figure would suddenly appear. There was no process of splitting, they were directly multiplied.

It’s too late to count. Through the windows of the laboratory to the production workshop, the field of vision cannot cover all the wax figures, and there are always some that cannot be seen.

It can only be roughly estimated that the total number of wax figures should be close to 800.

“This is not slow anymore!”

“You actually killed more than a hundred people in these two minutes, which is already very good!” Xiao Feng said.

“What’s the matter!” Mo Poor said, “Now it’s 800. According to this efficiency, I can kill 300 every five minutes. After that, it will be 1,000 after 5 minutes, 1,400 after 10 minutes, and 300 after 20 minutes.” Qianba! After half an hour, there will be 13,400! It’s not like killing more and more!”

Xiao Feng grinned and said: “You can’t do that, you’ve done your best, think about what will happen if you don’t kill me!”

“Without you, there would be one thousand now, four thousand in ten minutes, sixteen thousand in twenty minutes, and sixty-four thousand in half an hour!”

“This is suppression. With your efforts, it will only be 20% of the original amount after half an hour.”

They are easily satisfied, because this is already a good result beyond their expectations.

Reinforcements will definitely arrive within half an hour. At that time, they will face two concepts: 13,000 wax figures and 64,000 wax figures.

The former can also maintain the battlefield in the research institute, but the latter is directly a large-scale war, which may spread all over Meng Island.

You must know that the melee ability of the wax figure is very terrifying. No matter how hard the armor is, it is regarded as clothes and waxed.

In terms of close combat, ordinary people can’t touch it. What’s more, there is basic judgment, each other is like the same person, and what one wax figure discovers, other wax figures will know.

Sixty-four thousand wax figures are equivalent to an army, can it be solved in five minutes? In the end, weapons of mass destruction are likely to be used.

“Think about what would happen if one… even just one ran into the sea.” Blonde suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

Mo Poor frowned. If a wax figure were to run into the sea and not be found for a long time, the consequences would be disastrous.

“I’m afraid it will cost tens of billions in a day? And if there are too many of them, they are in the sea. Even if we deal with them later, it will be very difficult to make sure that there are no omissions in the sea, and there will be endless troubles.” Mo Poor said.

The blond shook his head and said, “It doesn’t take a day.”

He randomly found a computer in the laboratory and calculated: “It only takes three hours, and one wax figure will become 68.7 billion, which is not counting the next nearly 20 million fractions.”

“Hiss… Isn’t the time of that day all over… all over…” Mo Poor said in horror, finding that he couldn’t describe it.

He immediately calculated how much the wax figure would proliferate in a day, and finally found out weakly that it was a terrifying number that could not be imagined.

2.4 multiplied by 10 to the 86th power, which already exceeds the total number of atoms in the observable universe.

What is this concept?

The atomic scale of a human being is about 10 to the 28th power, and there are so many in one wax figure. How about the number of wax figures themselves exceeding the total number of atoms in the observable universe?


Yes, it will definitely be destroyed for various reasons, resulting in a large number of wax figures that cannot be counted in the proliferation base, and then the proliferation will not reach that level. But this has no meaning at all in terms of human survival, and there is no right to imagine what happened at that time.

In any case, humans must have been extinct long before that.

Mo Poor’s hair trembled. He knew that exploding exponents would be terrifying, but when he first heard Li Qing say it, maybe it was because Li Qing said it too calmly. so much?

When I was brain-filling, it was nothing more than brain-filling a lot of wax figures.

However, the reality is even more unimaginable than this, and it is super magnificent beyond his actual brain power.

He did not expect that any item contained in the Lanbai Club could destroy human beings in a day.

No, no, no, it doesn’t need a day, half a day, or even a shorter time is more than enough.

And this, during the expiration period, is not a priority for the Blue and White Society to deal with.

Because its harm is after a period of time, the initial stage of proliferation is actually not very dangerous.

The more kills in the front, the less there will be in the back. If you start with one, even if you don’t care about it for more than an hour, the Blue and White Society will have absolute certainty to contain it.

Of course, in the face of this exponential explosion, the sooner it is suppressed, the better.

Just like the containment measures of the Blue and White Society, it is to keep it in an infinite loop on the “One Life Two”.

In this way, the horror of the exponential explosion is suppressed into “adding one every five minutes”, which is not a hazard, but a renewable resource.

So in comparison, at least during this period of time, wax figures are not the priority of Lanbai Club, and the contained objects are more dangerous at this moment.

“You’ve done a good enough job. Let’s suppress its number as much as possible, so that when the reinforcements arrive, it will be easier to deal with them.” They all felt that it would be great if Mo Poor could suppress it, even if it was a great achievement .

“I’m sorry, Mo Poor, we can’t help you. If we fight correctly, the three of us can still wipe out these hundreds of people together.” Xiao Feng said.

Mo Poor shook his head, not only was he unable to help, but even made him scrupled.

The reason why it took two minutes was because he was afraid of accidentally hurting everyone, so he only shot one person every second.

After all, only when the field of view is locked can he guarantee not to accidentally injure them, otherwise if there is a wax figure behind Xiao Feng and the others, it is very likely to injure them by accident.

But it is wrong to say that Xiao Feng and the others are useless.

At least Xiao Feng can still use it if his hand is injured, because he can’t feel pain. Unless the tendon is so damaged that he can’t move it at all, he can be forced to move in an almost self-harming manner.

Mo Poor, who fought alone, is actually the strongest…

“I must use full firepower. This efficiency is not my limit. If I fight alone, I will kill as many as I have…” Mo Poor thought.

I saw him pointing from the window to the warehouse door on the edge of the production workshop and said: “Of course you can’t help by shooting, but it doesn’t mean you are useless.”

“I’ll go out first in a while and attract all the wax figures.”

“Xiao Feng, you and Jinfa are responsible for opening the warehouse door, packing the meat, and leaving first with the trash can.”

“Remember, you carry guns for self-defense, but don’t shoot. Because with their basic judgment, they will give priority to besieging and killing me who is constantly attacking them, and at the same time deliberately trapped in a tight siege.”

“In addition, I will try my best to go to the high place and lead them there. On the high platform of the crane, I can see the whole situation clearly. If some of them still attack you, I will give priority to helping you kill them and cover them. You escape safely.”

“Although you send the feed away first, I will break out and catch up with you.”

Mo Poor quickly stated his thoughts, and everyone was stunned.

“You are crazy!” Xiao Feng couldn’t believe it.

(end of this chapter)

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