Blue and White Society

Chapter 126

Chapter 126 – ‘Fantasy’

Chapter 126 “Fantasy”

The most efficient way to kill a wax figure is actually best with fire.

If a fire can be created that spreads throughout the laboratory plus the production workshop, all wax figures will melt in a short time, leaving only a very small part.

This is also the case, so that the Blue and White Society has the confidence not to give priority to the wax figure, because for them, there must be more and more efficient ways to kill, and they have absolute confidence to contain it if they are left alone for more than an hour.

Mo Qiong wanted to break through, and it would be fine if he had only himself, but it would be troublesome to bring only one person.

Especially this person can’t see the road yet, which prevents Mo Poor from running too fast, let alone fly.

He can shoot the wax figure continuously, making it impossible for the wax figure to get close, but he can’t completely get rid of the wax figure, and will always be hunted down by such a large group of wax figures.

“There should be fuel…” Mo Poor recalled the fuel barrel that Xiao Feng and the others had seen just now, and casually kicked the residue on the ground to locate it.

Sure enough, there are still some in the laboratory.

He followed the debris, opened the way with double guns, and quickly found six barrels of fuel.

Originally, in each room equipped with important equipment, there will be a separate power generation room. When the main power supply system is damaged, the backup motor of the independent system will provide power.

If there is an accident, when the backup generator is also out of supply, the gasoline generators prepared in each laboratory can be used for temporary power supply.

This kind of preparation is to ensure that members can find generators from each room at any time when they need electricity during special periods.

The previous broadcast required part of the combatants to protect the main power supply system, which was issued at the same time as the order to suppress Taotie. It seems that electricity is a very important part of containment security. Perhaps some terrible containment measures require continuous power supply.

Anyway, besides the two barrels used and taken away by Xiao Feng and the others in the laboratory, there are still six barrels left.

“Very well, it will be much easier to set the fire if there is fuel.”

Mo Poor first shot at the fastest speed, killing a large wax figure in front of him, freeing up a large space.

Then he took the opportunity to kick the six barrels of oil out of the laboratory one by one. With one kick, one barrel of oil drew an arc like a football, crossed the “human wall” composed of wax figures, and flew out of the window precisely.

Repeatedly, he kicked six consecutive kicks, like six set kicks, and kicked all six barrels of oil out of the window.

If you want to set fire to the wax figures to the greatest extent, the key point is not to apply oil to each wax figure. Even if there is no open flame on its body, the wax figure will melt in a high temperature environment.

So the key point is to trap all the wax figures with fire so they have nowhere to escape.

As long as the door to the disinfection room is not opened, the only exit leading to the corridor is the gap in the workshop.

That is the place where Mo Poor must focus on killing, otherwise, when a fire breaks out, all the wax figures will run out, and instead spread all over the corridor, making it even more impossible for him to walk.

“Bang bang bang bang…” With a quick shot, Mo Poor rushed out of the laboratory with brown hair.

Outside the window, besides the six barrels of oil, there are many sundries thrown out by him when he smashed the wax figure.

Mo Poor took a glance and found a good table.

“This table top is made of composite material, it is light and strong, it can be used as a fan…”

Put the oil drum on the table and kick it out, and the table becomes a chariot, knocking over a dozen wax figures to clear the way.

Mo Poor ran behind, shot a few wax figures, then stepped on the table, condescending.

The brown hair hurriedly climbed up on hands and feet, staring at the oil painting all the time.

Mo Poor has no time to take care of him. If he can keep up with the rhythm, he will follow. If he can’t keep up, there is nothing he can do. Once 382 runs out, he will exile him at worst. Anyway, he will hang behind him.

Standing on the table, Mo Poor once again cleared the surrounding wax figures at the maximum rate of fire to make room, and quickly opened the lid of the oil drum, and poured oil out with one in hand.

It doesn’t take much effort, and when the oil comes out of the barrel, they become Mo Poor’s bullets.

The oil drum seems to have become a water gun, and the oil rolled out of it drips in mid-air, forming an oil column.

This column of oil accurately shot the wax figure in the distance, drenched it all over its head and face, and at the same time shifted the target, and shot the face of a wax figure next to it.

For a moment, the oil column was like a whip, constantly whipping, washing away a large wax figure in the distance.

It seems that multiple targets were attacked at the same time, but in fact it is not the case. There is still a sequence, but the oil column is continuous and looks like a whole, but the oil flowing out of the barrel at different times has different targets.

This situation didn’t last long. In just two seconds, the oil column split, and the more it split, the more it flew in different directions like a goddess scattering flowers.

“Swallow, swallow…” The oil drum made a strange sound, and the liquid surged out, and the oil flew everywhere, quickly soaking dozens of wax figures.

The point is not to get the wax stained, but to spread the gasoline as widely as possible.

After pouring a bucket, there are still enemies nearby to deal with, and Mo Poor has no time to operate more delicately.

Kicked the remaining oil barrels to different directions with five consecutive kicks.

Throw a bucket in the laboratory, throw a bucket by the window, throw a bucket on the ceiling, throw a bucket in the gap, and throw a bucket in the densest place near him.

Gasoline is volatile and emits highly flammable oil vapor at room temperature.

So it is almost enough to spread out one bucket evenly, and throw the others directly to let it flow and spread naturally.

Mo Poor doesn’t have to worry about having oil around him immediately, because no matter what he encounters, his arrows cannot be stopped. Even if the oil is eaten by someone, the oil will definitely reach its destination.

Never mind anything else, he just stares at the one flying towards the ceiling, the oil drum hits one of the wax figures and starts spinning and falling, the gasoline escaping in all directions.

Seeing the fall, Mo Poor shot instantly.

“Bang bang bang bang bang!”

Mo Poor fired five shots in a row, and these five shots precisely locked the five oil drums located in different directions.

“Boom boom boom boom boom!” The continuous big explosions occurred immediately, and the burst flames spread rapidly, forming impact flames in midair.

The combustible fuel gas that was already permeating everywhere, after five oil barrels exploded, immediately formed additional small explosion flames, releasing a large amount of heat.

In less than two seconds, the fire spread all over the laboratory and workshop, and the fire in the sky rained down like fire.

“Let’s open~!”

Mo Poor yelled, quickly jumped onto a machine beside him, then picked up the table just now and swung it up.

The brown hair couldn’t keep up with Mo Poor’s operation at all, and fell down directly.

He was stunned by the explosion, but his scalp was numb and he was still staring at the picture.

Mo Poor’s rhythm is too fast, if his eyes really can’t keep up, he will use the back of Xiao Feng’s head he holds in his hand to follow, which can be described as extremely conscientious.

When the brown hair climbed onto the machine, and his face was almost pressed against Mo Poor’s back, Mo Poor was also fulfilling his duty: they must not let the fire burn them.


Mo Qiong swung the table wildly and used it directly as a big fan. The wind blowing out would not roll around him, but would go straight to the distance, forming a shock airflow.

Continuous fanning is enough to shoot away the combustible gas that floats over, or directly or indirectly repel the surrounding high-temperature flames.

Under one fan, flames were even rolled out, making it rush out like a fiery snake towards the unburned wax figure in the distance.

The brown-haired stared at the painting, shrunk behind Mo Poor, but only felt a little air current.

Unbeknownst to them, at this moment, the workshop was surrounded by unusually turbulent storms and fire waves.

The wind helped the fire, and under Mo Poor’s precise airflow locking, the fire snakes danced wildly, and the burning oil and gas scorched the places where the fire had not yet spread.

That’s why he doesn’t need to spread the oil evenly on each wax figure, he doesn’t need each wax figure to be on fire, he wants this high temperature environment!

At this moment, the high-temperature gas flames baked from the place where the flames soared into the sky, all became his ammunition.

This also includes the rain of fire from the ceiling, which is more open fire ammunition.

The burning oil vapor was blown away by him before it fell, bombarding the nearby wax statues.

The wax figures themselves are flammable to a certain extent. When they are stained with oil flames, they will squeak and emit oil soon, and will melt after a while, and the surface will become blurred.

Once the bow tie is melted off, it becomes an ordinary wax figure, crookedly forming pieces of distorted human-shaped candles.

It’s a pity that the material of the wax figure is not the most flammable gaseous wax, otherwise such a big fire would not be needed.

“So… so hot!” the brown hair finally shouted.

As time went by, Mo Poor couldn’t blow away all the hot air, because the average temperature of the air in this environment was getting higher and higher, and in the end it was basically all scorching heat waves and thick smoke.

What Mo Poor holds is not a fire fan, but a table top that fans the wind.

Being able to let the wax figures be baked first, and finally bake him as a last resort, is already the ultimate operation.

He can’t fan out a vacuum. If part of the air is washed away, another part of the air must come in.

Using the ability, all you can do is to ensure that the heat that is fanned away will not turn back around you, but will definitely reach a distance. In the state of air flow, it can also make him absorb heat much less efficiently.

“I’m exhausted…” Mo Poor was sweating profusely, his arms were sore.

He fanned non-stop for a minute, and his hands were shaking at this moment. After all, although the table is not heavy, it is not really labor-saving.

If there is a large round fan, he can more easily roll the surrounding hot air and open flames, forming a high-temperature airflow impact.

p.s: Sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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